McDonogh 35 Alumni Association Newsletter
Roneagle Alumni News                                            October 2016
Please note the information below in preparation for our  next Alumni General Membership Meeting:
General Membership Meeting
Our next Alumni General Membership meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 6, 2016, 6pm-7:30pm, in the McDonogh 35 Library, 4000 Cadillac Street, located on the first floor. Click here to see the agenda for the meeting. As always, please contact fellow Roneagles and either bring them with you or encourage them to attend and become an official paid member of the McDonogh 35 Alumni Association. 
McDonogh 35 Alumni Association Officers & 
Board Members 2016-18
The McDonogh 35 Alumni Association Board of Directors (BOD) selected in the Summer met to elect its 2016-18 officers. The elected officers are s follows:

Darryl C. Kilbert '74' President
Gertrude A. Ivory '67' Vice President
Brenda B. Hardy '74' Recording Secretary
Allyson M. McKinney '90' Treasurer
Troy T. Meloncon '88' Financial Secretary
Yvette M. Alexis '85' Board Member
Jacquelyn F. McMillan '60'  Board Member
Dr. Raymond J. Strong '88' Board Member

Congratulations to the Alumni 2016-18 BOD!
Alumni Working Committees
To be a successful organization, the Alumni Association must have working committees. Our current committees are as follows:
Membership/ Marketing
Development/ Fundraising
Publicity/Social Media
Scholarship/School Relations
Centennial Celebration Committee
Please consider joining one of these committees. Any active member may join at any time. S ign up sheets will be available at the General Membership Meeting. We can only be successful as our membership participates in activities that promote our organization goal of "Giving Back and Paying Forward".
McDonogh 35 License Plate

The McDonogh 35 License Plate is just few steps away from becoming a reality. Click here to see the information in the attached document.  Thanks to Senator Wesley Bishop '85' for making this a reality.

College and Career Day

McDonogh 35 Alumni Association's Membership/Marketing Committee sponsored College and Career Day on September 21.  Over 60 Roneagle Alumni Member participated in the event. A general session was held in the gymnasium where Sonya Johnson '88' was the guest speaker. Roneagle Alumni Members visited multiple junior and senior classes to discuss career paths and what it takes to be successful in a chosen career. Special thanks to those Alumni members who traveled from other states (Gregory Lacey '85' of Illinois; Michael Williams '85 and Keith Rodney '85' of Texas; Schanta Jones '88 of Maryland; and Dereyck Moore '90' and Kevin Edwards '88' of Georgia) to inspire our young Roneagles. Thanks to all that participated!
Homecoming 2016 Alumni T-shirts

Alumni Homecoming t-shirts are now available for sale!! The image that will be featured on the shirts is below. All alumni may purchase white shirts. The Alumni Auxiliary Units are being asked to purchase the heather gray shirt with the unit's name on back if they plan to perform during the homecoming game.   Click  here  to visit the Alumni Association's webpage to purchase your shirt.

The deadline to purchase the t-shirts is Saturday, October 8, 2016.
The t-shirts will be available for pick up at the school on Monday, October 17, 2016 from   
5:00 PM- 8:00PM. For more information, please email All proceeds will benefit McDonogh 35's Centennial events and activities.
Fundraisers at Work

Your 2015-16 dues allowed us to provide support to our Fair 35 in a variety of ways!  The Alumni Association  is and will be supporting the following activities, programs and events with over $15000.00 in funding thus far:
Band Booster Club
STEM Field Trip
Microscopes for the Science Classes
New Roneagle Mascot Costume
Athletic Non-revenue Generating Sports
Voter Registration
Textbooks for Dual Enrolled Students
School Educational Supplies and Materials
Our ability to fund these programs as well as future activities is made possible by y our active members paying dues and donations and supporting events of the Fundraising/Development Committee. Let us continue to support our future Roneagles.
Official Centennial Logo

The McDonogh 35 Alumni Association's Centennial Committee is proud to release its official Centennial logo.  This piece is a digital manipulation by John Williams (Class of 1986) of JWill Designs.  Williams combined  the prize-winning art pieces submitted by McDonogh 35 students at our Branding Art Contest.  Johneisha Smith (Class of 2018) won 1st place and Kerry Brown (Class of 2017) placed second.

The McDonogh 35 Alumni Association's Centennial Committee has exclusive use rights for the image.  We grant permission to McDonogh 35 High School and the Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) use of the official Centennial logo for marketing purposes only.  If the image is reproduced for profit, all proceeds shall be given to the Centennial Committee.

It is our goal to host memorable events and activities for the upcoming school year that will be an inclusive representation of McDonogh 35's students, faculty, staff, and alumni; as well as OPSB and the City of New Orleans. We hope we can collaborate in fund raising efforts to honor McDonogh 35's Century of Soaring.
he McDonogh 35 Alumni Association's Centennial Committee is proud to release its official Centennial logo.  This piece is a digital manipulation by John Williams (Class of 1986) of JWill Designs.  Williams combined  the prize-winning art pieces submitted by McDonogh 35 students at our Branding Art Contest.  Johneisha Smith (Class of 2018) won 1st place and Kerry Brown (Class of 2017) placed second.
Centennial Celebration

The centennial celebration committee is continuously planning activities for McDonogh 35 100th year celebration.  Fund raisers and other activities are ongoing.  For more information or to participate on this committee please email . Tentative event are listed below:

August 2017 - Ecumenical Service and Back to School Rally
September 2017 - Membership Drive and Class Roundup Tailgate
October 2017:  Homecoming Week Celebration
November 2017:  Gospel Concert with the Singing Roneagles
December 2017:   Centennial Winter Mixer
January 2018:  Community Service Month
February 2018:  Mardi Gras Tailgate
March 2018:  Centennial Scholarship Walk
April 2018:  Family Fun Event
May 26, 2018:  Centennial Scholarship Maroon & Gold Gala 

The Alumni Association looks forward to seeing all alumni participate in this festive sequence of events. Please keep track of these events by visiting and following us on Like us on Facebook and school media outlets
Request from Historian Subcommittee for the Centennial

Homecoming is one of the most exciting and pride-full times in the high-school calendar.  The football game, the pep rally-the naming of the Homecoming Court, especially the queen.  It is a ritual that instills a strong sense of nostalgia to "come home one more time" and cheer on our proud alma mater.
We are seeking out those alumni who have reigned as Miss McDonogh 35 and Mr. McDonogh 35.  Those alumni who served as queen or king in the courts-or those alumni with knowledge of those students' names-may submit them to the McDonogh 35 Alumni Association's email at  Please submit the name and the year the student was elected Miss or Mister McDonogh 35.
Louisiana Black Caucus Donates to Alumni Association

The Alumni Association relieved a $500.00 check from the Louisiana Black Caucus sponsored by State Senator Wesley Bishop '85'.  Funds will be used to support student scholarships.
Voter Registration Drive

On September 27th, as part of National Voter Registration Day activities, members of McDonogh 35 Alumni Association and the New Orleans Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. volunteered to register McDonogh 35 High School students to vote. Over 70 seniors registered during the event. The Alumni Association donated funds to the school to purchase buttons for students who registered and to cover transportation costs for a field trip to an early voting site for the registered students. Special thanks to Ms. Sylvia Crier, Dr. Louvinia Wallace and Ms. Samantha Pichon for their assistance with the drive.
Roneagle in the News

Dr. Raymond Strong '88' has been appointed Louisiana Board of Pharmacy Member, District 2. The Board consists of seventeen members appointed by the governor, including two pharmacists from each of the eight pharmacy districts and one representative of the consumers from the state at large. The Louisiana Board of Pharmacy was created by the Louisiana Legislature in 1888 and Dr. Strong is only the fourth African American appointed to the Board.

Raymond J. Strong, PharmD, MBA, FASCP, is the Director of Pharmacy at New Orleans East Hospital (NOEH). He received a Doctorate of Pharmacy degree from Xavier University of Louisiana, and a Master's of Business Administration degree from the University of New Orleans.  He initially trained at East Jefferson Hospital, and then went on to complete a PGY-1 Residency Program in Clinical Pharmacy Practice at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center of Little Rock, Arkansas.  He has received Fellowship recognition by the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists.
He joined NOEH in January of 2014, and has been instrumental in the development of a state-of-the-art hospital.  Just prior to his current position, he was a Cardiovascular Regional Medical Liaison (specializing in:  atrial fibrillation, hyperlipidemia, venous thromboembolism, and acute coronary syndromes) with Sanofi Pharmaceuticals of Bridgewater, New Jersey-having responsibility for the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas.  He was a Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy (XUCOP)-where he provided didactic instruction in Gastroenterology, and developed a clinical experiential practice site in Internal Medicine at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center (LSUHSC).  He founded the XUCOP/LSUHSC PGY-1 Pharmacy Practice Residency Program.
Dr. Strong is currently serving his second term as a McDonogh 35 Alumni Association board member and is a consultant to numerous organizations across the Greater New Orleans area.


The Association's Fiscal Year is from October 1- September 30. You may now pay your 2016-17 Alumni Dues via PayPal. Yearly Membership dues are $35 and Lifetime Membership dues are $350. Lifetime Membership dues may also be paid in five $70 installment payments. Also when you pay please put your graduating year in the comment section   (and, if you are paying with your business account, your first & last name as well).  Please pay by clicking on the appropriate PayPal button below.

Your 2015-16 dues payment allowed us to provide support to our Fair 35 in a variety of ways!  This past school year, your investment has afforded us the opportunity to award $3,000 to seniors who applied and were interviewed for the Alumni Association's Scholarships.  Also, additional funds of over $2.000.00 were provided for school and student support, to include the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Academy and awards for students at the inaugural honors breakfast through our Soaring to Excellence initiative. Our ability to fund these programs was made possible by our active members.
Annual Dues - $35.00 undefined 
Lifetime Membership - $350.00 undefined 
Lifetime Installment Payments- Five $70.00 payments undefined 
Membership/ Dues Renewal Applications  can also be submitted via email by 
clicking here to complete the online application  and sending your check or money order to
McDonogh 35 Alumni Association
P.O. Box 50306
New Orleans, LA 70150-0306
Getting Involved

As always, we look forward to seeing you at our meeting on Thursday, October 6, 2016. Remember that the work we do allows those that come after us to receive what those that went before us did on our behalf!

See you at the meeting!
The Alumni Association