Bnei Akiva Schools Newsletter
November 25, 2016 - MarCheshvan 24, 5777
Parshat Chayei Sarah - Candle Lighting: 4:26 - Havdallah: 5:33
The Torah devoted one verse to Avraham and Sarah's courtship and marriage. The seven years of Yaakov's evolving relationship with Yaakov and Leah receives just 18 verses. But when Yitzchak weds Rivkah, the Torah gives us 67 verses. Why does the marriage of Yitzchak and Rivkah deserve such outsized coverage?
And a second question: Eliezer's meeting with Rivkah occurs, "at the time of evening, at the time when the water-drawers emerge. (Bereishit 24:11)" Clearly, "the time when the water-drawers emerge" is relevant for the story itself. But what is the import of "the time of evening"? In the entire Chumash, these words - l'eit erev, "at the time of evening" - are only found here, and when Noach's dove returns to the Ark, an olive branch in its beak. The link between these two events may explain the import of these words, and the extended report on Rivkah's marriage to Yitzchak.
Rabbi Avraham Ibn Ezra (Bereishit 1:5) writes that erev is a time of blurriness; as the sky darkens, we have trouble discerning forms, and our world becomes vague. Certainly, the dove returned at a time of erev; G-d had decided to destroy life with the Flood, and who knew whether life would be re-created? And the marriage of Rivkah and Yitzchak also came at an uncertain time: if Yitzchak would marry someone unfit to fill Sarah's shoes, the chain of tradition would break. Yitzchak needed someone who could re-create Sarah's tent. Indeed, consider Rivkah's career: without her, Esav receives the blessings, or Esav kills Yaakov for taking the blessings! Jewish history was very blurry at that moment. Then Eliezer encountered Rikvah, like Noach encountering the dove, and everything became certain again. This was a story worth telling, regardless of how many verses it required.
The uncertainty of Erev was built into each day of biblical Creation; perhaps this teaches that periods of ambiguity are good for us, compelling us to exercise our powers and take charge of our destiny. We may not enjoy erev, but when we pass these tests, we will see the fulfillment of Zecharyah 14:7 - "And it will be, at the time of erev, there will be light." 

Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner
Rosh Beit Midrash, YU Torah Mitzion Zichron Dov Beit Midrash
Recent Events
UO Shabbaton

The Ulpana shabbaton was an amazing, memorable experience. The girls loves spending shabbat together with each other, as well as the many staff who joined them. Fern Resort was the perfect location, beautiful and scenic. A special highlight this year was having members of the Maccabeats attend, leading spiritual davening and an energetic maleva malka. Roller skating, delicious food, singing and lots of dancing - too many memories to recount here! Thank you to Mrs G and Mrs J for organizing the shabbaton, Mrs Weinberg and Ms Bessin for going up early with the 12s, and to student council and the entire grade 12 for all their hard work ensuring this would be the best shabbaton ever!

Habitat for Humanity

A group of Ulpana girls participated in a Habitat for Humanity project. It was a long, but very rewarding day. Girls learned basic building and construction skills, while considering the plight of those less fortunate. Thank you to all those who participated!
Upcoming Events
UO Father-Daughter Learning

UO fathers: save the date! December 6 at 5:30pm. More details to come!
UO Matilda Trip

On Wednesday, December 7, the Ulpana students will travel to the Ed Mirvish Theatre to see the 1:30pm showing of "Matilda." The show will end after 4pm and we will return to school in time for dismissal at 5:15.  There is no additional cost for this trip. However, we need exact numbers for ticket purposes. Therefore, you must RSVP to Mrs. Yael Gelernter by today, November 25th in order to secure a ticket for your daughter. If your daughter does not plan on joining us, please let Mrs. Gelernter know that as well.
YOC Lost and Found

The Lost and Found is emptied every month! Students are encouraged to check for their missing belongings.
The Weeks Ahead
  • Sunday, Nov 27 - No school, YOC 
  • Monday, Nov 28 - PD Day, no school. 
  • Thursday, Dec 1 - YOC Mishmar (snack first; regular sessions) 
  • Friday, Dec 2 - UO Grad photos 
  • Sunday, Dec 4 - YOC School 
  • Tuesday, Dec 6 - UO Father-Daughter learning, 5:30pm 
  • Wednesday, Dec 7 - UO to Matilda! 
  • Thursday, Dec 8 - YOC no mishmar (Film club in MPR at 5:30)
In Pictures
Grade 9 worked on study skills with Mrs. Belzberg and Mrs. Thompson this week.
Yesterday, YOC grade 12s arrived at Fern Resort for this weekend's shabbaton. After paintballing in the afternoon, they enjoyed dinner, a learning session and activities at the resort.
UO Knights

UO Knights finished their season this week. We are so proud of our girls for their strong play this season!
Stay tuned for details on volleyball tryouts!
YOC Knights

YOC seniors defeated Charbonnel in exhibition game.
Monday, Nov 28 -  Both YOC teams play @ Charbonnel 3:30pm
Mazal Tov
Leora Mayer ('13) and Ian Mark 
Community Events & Announcements

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