The UUCW Weekend Reminder
December 2, 2016

In This Edition



Church Calendar Link 



Congregational Mission Statement


"The members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester covenant to be a congregation of love, hope and justice inspiring people to take on the challenges of a changing world."



Welcoming Church 

Mission Statement 

The LGBTQI and Allies of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester strives to further the affirmation and celebration of LGBTQI individuals in all aspects of the church community. We also seek to increase the visibility of UUCW as a Welcoming Congregation within the greater community.


 UUCW Covenant


In consonance with the principles and purposes of the Unitarian Universalist Association, we the members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester covenant to sustain and support a courageous and caring community by:


* Bringing our best selves to form a welcoming, loving, and inclusive community of faith;


* Creating an atmosphere of celebration and worship in a safe environment;


* Providing opportunities where diverse people and points of view are respected and where open-hearted and open-minded discussion of our differences is encouraged;


* Treating each other with kindness and respect;


* Approaching conflicts with a spirit of humility and with the respectful intent for peaceful resolution;


* Engaging in and encouraging spiritual and intellectual growth across the lifespan;


* Fostering social justice and positive transformation in our community and in the world at large;


* Growing and maintaining the resources necessary to support the missions and ministries of this congregation;


* Fostering fellowship and enjoying each other and the unique gifts that each person brings to our community.





Donations Gratefully Accepted!





WorshipSunday Morning Worship

Click HERE for a larger version of this image
Click HERE for a copy of this week's Order of Service

Looking For Help Greeting Newcomers GreetNew
As you know, we sit at a table in the lobby and greet newcomers each Sunday.  The process is basically that - you welcome them, ask them to fill out a nametag if they would like, and ask them to sign the clipboard when it comes around.  If they have children with them, there are RE materials for you to give them.  As I can't promise to be at church every Sunday I'm looking for a few people to staff the table on Sunday mornings.  If you are interested please  let   me know and I will get back to you with more specifics.  We are looking to grow our membership this year and a warm greeting for first timers goes a long way.  Thank you!

RE News for November 20, 2016 RENews

HosT Coffee Hour News  HosT
The HosT coffee hour team thank all the many church teams, groups, and committees who have signed up to HosT coffee hour this year!   
At coffee hour we extend the hospitality we proclaim! Many people judge a congregation by its coffee hour hospitality - especially newcomers .  Please make it a point to speak to someone you don't know!
Group on deck for hosting
Hospitality Team Contact
December 4 
HosT and
Soup with Kristen Payson 
Nancy Hancock 
December 11 COA Robin Mitzcavitch 
December 18 (10 am)  Members & Friends of UUCW  To Be Announced 

Fellowship Hour with Soup!

This Sunday, December 2, soup returns to coffee hour. Join us in Fellowship Hall after service for soup and social time. Soup offerings are Turkey Soup and a vegetarian offering. Cost is $4 for soup. For more information, contact Kristen Payson.

From Your New Collector Collector
I have taken on the responsibility of being the collector for the church.  Basically what that means is that I pick up all the various monies that come into the church, categorize them, do a report so the money goes into the right accounts and then deposit the money in the bank.  It would be very helpful to me if you write a check to the church to put on the memo line exactly what the funds are for - i.e. pledge, RE, Minister's Discretionary, Food Pantry, etc.  That way I can ensure that you get credit for contributing to your intended account.  Thanks so much.

As the Holiday Season approaches, we are mindful that we have a history of offering a variety of ways to give and to gift here at UUCW. In an effort to invite participation in these efforts, without overwhelming each other, we are offering this list to you in hopes that you will participate in any of the ways that feel best to you and assist you in celebrating the holidays in ways that are most meaningful.  This list will grow over the next two weeks so watch for your favorite ways to give and gift!
Holiday Shoe Boxes Project
Last year, our UU church participated in preparing holiday shoe boxes for the ACE (African Community Education) children of Worcester.  They are mostly refugee children who attend an after-school program at the old Fanning Building in order to catch up with their grade level.  Upon arrival, some had never gone to school.  Robin and her youth group will be participating, and there will possibly be other churches, through Robin's colleagues, who will join in.  I will make an announcement in church this Sunday and will have specific information for you in Fellowship Hall after the service. The deadline for handing in the filled boxes will be Dec. 11. Thank you so much for helping these kids get to know and to enjoy this holiday celebration. Pauline Courchesne
   Rev. Aaron Payson
Sign Up To Be Part of a Sunday Morning Worship TeamSMWT   CLICK HERE
We belong to a faith that has long held up the democratic process as a central tenet of its beliefs. It allowed women, and lay women at that, to preach from the altar when it was taboo in most religious institutions of those times. Rev. Olympia Brown, a Universalist, was one of the first ordained women ministers in this country (1863). Lay men were also often barred from speaking in church in most religious denominations.

You might ask, what does this have to do with us? Plenty!! Despite weekly appeals to have congregants sign up to assist Aaron and Beau on Sunday mornings, few people do. I realize that not everyone is comfortable reading in front of a large group, but this might be a good time to defy your stage fright! Eleanor Roosevelt said, "You must do the thing that you fear you cannot do." Or you could take on the role of the Worship Assistant who handles the preparation of the altar and electronics for the service. Or have you or you and your family light the chalice. There are many ways to serve.

So we need YOU (yes YOU!!) to sign up to be a reader or an assistant so that there are many faces speaking to us on Sunday morning. It is a great way for newer congregants to get people to know their names. And it ensures that we continue to practice religious democracy in action!

HERE is the link to sign up . Find it, click on it and have yours be another face and voice for democracy! 

Contact Information




[email protected]





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