Weekly Postings
Weekly Postings November 18 - November 27, 2016
In This Issue

Flower Guild

SUN 9:30 AM
Daughters of the King

MON 5:30 PM

From the Rector
Adult Formation for Advent
Beginning next Sunday, November 27 th all adults and the youth of Saint Paul's are invited to enter into a discussion of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Welby's, book Being Disciples.  The book has been called "accessible and thought-provoking...An excellent spiritual guide for individual or small group us... A book of enormous substance."
This is a wonderful opportunity during the season of Advent, the season of expectation, to delve more deeply into our own discipleship and the essentials of the Christian life.  The book is available in the parish office and will be available this coming Sunday in the narthex.
We look forward to sharing this journey together.  

Last Sunday

The Russian ensemble ChoRuss singing the prelude last Sunday at Saint Paul's

 "We receive you  
into the household of God."
This Weekend
Behind the Scenes at Manna Pantry Prep

Manna Pantry
Saturday, November 19, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
We need additional helpers to unload the truck Friday Evening & pack and move boxes Saturday morning at our next Manna Pantry November 18 & 19. Manna Pantry at Saint Paul's Church provides a box of food six times a year to those in our community who need this supplemental assistance. Food is ordered from Golden Harvest Food Bank and is delivered to Saint Paul's on Friday evening. Manna Pantry volunteers unload the truck, organize the food, and assemble boxes for recipients Friday evening from 4-5:30 PM. Recipients are registered and served on Saturday morning from 9:30 AM - 12 noon. Volunteers also help carry boxes to the cars. Families with children and youth are welcome to join parishioners of all ages serving this ministry. For more information or to volunteer, contact Anita Tanner.
This Sunday November 20
  Our Schedule This Sunday      
8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite I
8:45  AM - 9:30 AM
Continental Breakfast -
Tyler Hall
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Christian Formation for All Ages
See schedule below
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Coffee and Conversation
Tyler Hall
11:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite II with 
the Saint Paul's Choir
Following the 11:00
AM Service 
Lemonade on the Lawn
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
5:30 PM
Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion
with Prayers for Healing  
Christian Formation for All Ages  
Sundays 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM 
The Forum - - The Chapel 
Living in Community - The Berlin Room
High School -  Living in Community 
Youth Room, Upper Level, Parish House

Middle School -  Journey to Adulthood
EYC Christian Formation Room, Upper Level, Parish House 
Grades 3- 5 -  Spark Activate Faith 
Spark Room, (Room 1), Children's Ministries Center 
Grades PK - 2  (ages 4-7) -  Godly Play  
Godly Play Room, (Room 2), Children's Ministries Center  

The lessons for Sunday  are Jeremiah 23:1-6; Psalm 46; Colossians 1:11-20; and Luke 23:33-43.
Angel Tree 2
Angel Tree Christmas Program 
Angel Tree is in full swing. Angels will be available on the portico before and after the 11 am service Sunday. Please stop by and pick up an Angel, make a donation, or find out how you can volunteer! We have a team of volunteers who will gather for the "Angel Tree Shopping Adventure" on Thursday, December 8th at 10 AM. Also, mark your calendar and plan to join us for the annual Angel Tree Christmas Breakfast and Party on Saturday, December 10th at 9:30 AM.   For more information on how you can get involved, please  contact Kim Butler  at or (706) 833-8541.

EYC Thanksgiving  
Sunday, 5:00 - 6:30 PM, Meet at Saint Paul's
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community, grades 6-12) Let's give thanks together with a meal out on the town! Saint Paul's youth will hit up our favorite downtown Augusta joint Nacho Mama's from 5-6:30 PM for good food and table discussion on Thankfulness and the symbolism in our Eucharistic meal. Bring $10 and inquisitive minds! If you have questions, please email Ranie .
Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion
with Prayers for Healing
Every Sunday, 5:30 PM
This Sunday's Guest Musician is  Rob Foster.

Next Week November 21 - November 27

Craig-Houghton Tutors Needed

Craig-Houghton has asked us to participate in an Innovative Initiative to improve test scores on the Georgia Milestone tests with our students. We  NEED one or two more 4th grade tutors and one 3rd grade tutor. (for a
very sweet 3rd grade girl) Please consider joining our tutoring team on Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. Call or email Kathy Enicks at or 484-433-4007. Thank you.

1000 Books  by Kindergarten

Join the Craig-Houghton Pre-K Readers 
Do you love to read children's books? The pre-Kindergarten classes need to read 1000 books. Come help our kids at Craig-Houghton meet that goal!! We are going to read every day at 10 AM. Please contact Kathy Enicks  o r 484-433-4007 to find out more or to get on the schedule. 
Tuesday's Music Live 
Tuesday, November 22, 12:00 noon, 
The Nave and River Room

Tuesday's Music Live, America's largest luncheon concert series, continues its 29th season at 12:00 Noon on Tuesday, November 22, with a free concert by Martin Soderberg, Pianist. The full schedule and lunch menus are available at Advance lunch reservations, $12 per person, required. Private tables are available for parties of 4 or more, and large groups can be accommodated. More than 150,000 music-lovers have attended the series since it began. The concerts are often standing-room-only with 200 staying for the elegant catered lunch in the River and Berlin Rooms.

Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist
Wednesday, November 23, 7 PM

Bring your family and friends to the Thanksgiving Eve Eucharist, Wednesday, November 25 at 7:00 pm. The Saint Paul's & Canterbury Choirs will sing all your favorite Thanksgiving hymns; and loaves of blessed bread, to share at the Thanksgiving meal the next day, will be given to everyone in attendance. The Thanksgiving Eve offering will be given to the DCCM (Downtown Cooperative Church Ministries) Food Bank. Join us in giving thanks for our many blessings on this national and religious holiday. The nursery will be staffed for this service.

Parish Office Closed
Thursday & Friday, November 24 -25
The Parish Office will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 24 & 25, in observance of Thanksgiving.
Looking Ahead 
ADVENT Formation Class for Youth & Adults: Being Disciples
Sundays, 9:30 & Wednesdays, noon - 1:00  
Leader: Rev. John Jenkins

"Discipleship," says Rowan Williams, is a state of being. Discipleship is about how we live; not just the decisions we make, not just the things we believe, but a state of being."

What is discipleship? How are we to follow the way of Jesus and continue growing in faith? Join me throughout Advent to ponder these questions. Rowan Williams's delightful little book, Being Disciples will inform us and guide our discussions. You have two opportunities to gather each week, at Sunday's 9:30 formation hour or at noon Wednesdays (bring your own lunch).

Please call 706-724-2485 ext. 205 or email Fr. Jenkins by Thanksgiving if you intend to participate so he may appropriately prepare. A limited number of Williams's books are offered in the parish office for $6.50; or order at or

Make an Advent Wreath for your Family 
Sunday, November 27, 9:00 - 10:50 AM

Advent begins Sunday, November 27. Join us in Tyler Hall from 9 - 10:50 AM to make an Advent Wreath for your home. All supplies will be provided, including wreathes, live greens, and candles. $10 donation. 

YES, we will have Christian Formation Classes on the 27th as well. We've designed this drop-in time to allow time for both activities.  
Christmas Pageant
Sunday, December 18, 11:00 AM service
We invite all children and youth to be part of the cast for the Christmas Pageant. In order to ensure we have plenty of costumes, please let us know by Sunday, November 27, if your child is planning to be in the pageant.  E-mail Fr. Jenkins .
Welcome to Saint Paul's For Newcomers
Sunday, December 4, Drop-In 9:30 - 10:50 AM

New to the Saint Paul's community? We'd like to get to know you better. Get your questions answered and meet some of our staff and parish leaders in an informal drop-in in the parlor from 9:30 until 10:50 AM on Sunday, December 4. RSVP to Elisabeth Price in the Parish Office.
SAVE THE DATE For Christmas Caroling
Sunday, December 4, 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Put December 4th on your calendar, 6:30-8:30 PM for caroling. We will board the Augusta Trolley to be taken to various places to bring some Christmas cheer (singing!) to folks around town.  Details to follow. 

Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner
Wednesday, December 14, 6-7 PM, Tyler Hall
Come join us for our monthly Fellowship Dinner. Enjoy a delicious Christmas Feast, featuring:  Ham,  Baked Sweet, Potatoes, New Potatoes, Butter Beans, Rolls, Dessert, Tea
Lemonade, Red and White Wine. Hosted by the Children, Youth, and Family Committee & Catered by Sleeping Bear Kitchen. Families will be able to decorate various ornaments to take home and hang on their family Christmas trees. Also, wear your TACKIEST, WACKIEST Christmas sweater. Prizes will be awarded. $5.00 per person donation; $15.00 per family.  RSVP to Todd Shafer .


Fall Quarter (October - December)

  The new Quarterly Outreach Opportunities is available here.  Mark your calendar with these October - December 2016 service opportunities.  We invite you to join us as often as you are able. 

Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field  
News from our Neighboring Parishes  
An Advent Day of Preparation for the Augusta Episcopal Convocation
Church of Our Savior, 4227 Columbia Road, Martinez, GA 30907
Saturday, December 3, 2016, 12:30 PM - 5:00 PM

The Christmas Story in Art presented by Dr. Andrew Laurie Stangel, Art Historian. The Gospel story illustrated by the world's greatest artists: Leonardo Da Vinci, Rembrandt, Michelangelo and many more photographed by Dr. Stangel. Tickets are free, but space is limited. Pre-register: 706 863-1718.  Agenda for the day available here.
Festival of Lessons and Carols
Tuesday, December 6, 7:30 PM Sacred Heart Cultural Center
The annual Festival of Lessons and Carols will be held at the Sacred Heart Cultural Center at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, December 6, and is under the direction of Keith Shafer. This year's program will be sung by the choir of St. John United Methodist Church, and Creative Impressions. There will also be a brass quintet and percussion. Saint Paul's parishioners Natalie Heckathorn and Erick Montgomery are two of this year's readers. Tickets are available online at or by calling 706-826-4700.
October 2016
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our Second Sunday Birthday Celebration 
will be November 13.  Please Join us. 


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