Sunday Worship
December 4th at 10:30 am
The Many Faces of God
Rev. Peggy Clarke

December Theme: God

Following this Sunday's service is FUSW's Annual Holiday Party and a  Coming of Age  Chili Lunch fundraiser for their Boston heritage trip. 
This Sunday is also the last chance to order fair trade gifts, which is also a COA fundraiser. 

(Cash and checks accepted for both fundraisers.)
  Healing the Heart of Democracy

As a reminder, the first meeting of our multi-congregational group to talk about reengaging and healing our democratic process is tomorrow Wednesday, Nov 30th.  
Reverends Peggy Clarke and Meredith Garmon will be facilitating an exploration of healing our democracy and Parker Palmers book, Healing the Heart of Democracy: The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit . Join them at one of these two times/locations:
11:00am at First Unitarian Society of Westchester, Hastings
7:30pm at Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains
Religious Education Corner
  • This weekend, FUSW is hosting a youth racial justice conference, which will be attended by 65 youth and adults from around the Central East Region. The whole building will be occupied the afternoon of Friday, December 2nd through the morning of Sunday, December 4th.  We are grateful to the Social Justice Ministry Team for coordinating meals for the conference. **We need volunteers to bake potatoes and make spaghetti at home, to serve meals for Friday dinner, Saturday lunch and Saturday dinner.**  If you can volunteer, contact Tracy Breneman, Betty Gilmore or Sue McAnanama. Thank you for supporting this important weekend of learning.
  • Join us this Sunday for the Coming of Age chili and soup lunch, a fundraiser for their Boston heritage trip. Please bring cash. Suggested donation $5/bowl.
  • LAST CALL: Coming of Age RE class Fair Trade Sale - Great Gifts for the Holidays!  The 8th and 9th grade Coming of Age class will be running a sale of fair trade items from Equal Exchange: coffees, teas, hot cocoa mixes, chocolates, etc.  Place your orders after the service this Sunday.  Profits will go toward helping pay for the class to go on their Boston Heritage Trip in Spring 2017.
  • The youth group is leading a Midnight Run December 9th. Please leave donations in the box near the front door. Needed: gently used men's jackets, coats and pants; new (in the package) men's underwear and socks; gently used blankets and bags; new travel size toiletries. Contact Irene Jong for information. 

The Auction is On!

The 2017 Services Auction debuted on November 20 with 61 great donations listed (thank you, generous Donors), and bidding is now open! It's one of our biggest fundraisers, so we're inviting (asking) everyone to check out the goods and bid generously. There's something for everyone, at every price point (even $0), and bidding is open until December 16. Opening bids have been set low, so take advantage...and then bid up your favorite items! Donations are posted on the windows in the Sanctuary at FUSW, and the current catalog is on the website and below--new items may be added so check it out. Bids can be placed in writing, on the bid sheets taped to the Sanctuary windows, by emailing Marin Shunick at, or by calling Rita at FUSW, 914-478-2710. 


The 50/50 raffle is off to a great start and it's our goal for our winner to win at least $1000.00 and FUSW to make the same...
If you can sell some to friends and family, great. I'll see you at FUSW early and after service!  or email me to reserve a block of 5 for $20.00.  

Peggy's Sabbatical

Rev. Peggy Clarke is going on Sabbatical from January 1 to May 31, 2017. A ministry sabbatical is a time of paid personal leave with the intention of encouraging growth and development in the arts of ministry through education and spiritual renewal -- a release from the routine of the call for the physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual well-being of the ministry leader.
Sabbatical Time: A Guide to Rev. Peggy Clarke's Sabbatical is linked here and printed copies will be available at FUSW this Sunday.

Social Justice Corner
  • Paul Ryan's office is conducting a phone poll, hoping to hear overwhelming opposition to OBAMACARE so he can justify repealing it. DON'T LET HIM DENY PEOPLE THEIR HEALTH CARE! Call and express your support for the Affordable Care Act, here's how (just did this right before posting!):
Call (202) 225-0600. There is up to 1 minute of silence- hang in there.
Press 2 to weigh in on the issue. You'll hear a recording about the bill to repeal it, then Press 1 to support continuing the Affordable Healthcare Act which has provided insurance to 20 million people who couldn't get it before. There is also an opportunity to leave Paul Ryan a voicemail with your opinion about the effort to repeal the ACA.
  • On November 22, members from the five Unitarian Universalist Congregations of Westchester joined together to begin organizing what steps to take in light of the current state of America. We discussed a broad range of ideas and began developing subgroups to tackle the many tasks at hand. Monthly meetings, such as these, will encourage unity and make our voice louder and stronger but the necessity to act is urgent as there are deadlines. 
    Here is the new website:


  • POSTCARD AVALANCHE (instructions to participate):
  1. Get a postcard from your state - any picture that represents your state
  2. In the message section write this simple message: NOT BANNON!
  3. Sign your name if you wish
  4. Address it as follows: Donald Trump c/o The Trump Organization, 725 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10022
  5. Affix a stamp (35 cent postcard stamp or regular stamp)
  6. Take a picture of your postcard that you can share on social media
  7. Drop in the mail this week to create an avalanche of postcards.
  8. Tweet and share your photo using the hashtags #postcardavalanche #stopbannon
 *If you want to keep up with social justice actions, you can "friend" Rev. Clarke on Facebook; she posts these things on her timeline and in the FUSW group. (She doesn't initiate contact on FB but will gladly accept it.) 

Friday Night Community Night

There is no Community Night Friday, December 2nd. We are hosting a youth racial justice conference for the Central East Region and will occupy the whole building Friday through Sunday.

SURJ (Standing Up for Racial Justice) Meeting
Monday, December 5 i n the FUSW Sanctuary at 7:00 pm

Reading Group
Tuesday December 6th, at 11:00 am

The last in our series of reading James Luther Adams Essay. This week we will read his essay on "The Indispensable Discipline of Social Responsibility: Voluntary Associations". If you need a copy of the essay, please email Emily DeTar Birt.

Treasurer's Box

Your up-to-date pledge statements will arrive via e-mail this Thursday.  Please be on the lookout.  Check your junk mail folder, if you don't see it in your in-box.

Need Your Minister? 

Rev. Peggy Clarke is easy to find. 
Phone or Text: 914-275-1627
FB Messenger is a great tool!
(Note: Peggy won't initiate friendships on FB with congregants, but will gladly accept one when offered.)

Office Hours:
Tuesday: 10:00 am to 7:00 pm 
Wednesday: 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Saturday: by appointment
It is far more useful to make an appointment than to just drop by. 

Volunteers Needed 

Cleanup Committee needed on Sunday, January 8, 2017 
to put away both trees & trimmings....

Who's on Board?

Save the Date 

The Love Thy Neighbor Dinner hosted at the
(MAS-UNY) Muslim American Society of 
Upper New York's Andalusia School
will be on Thursday, December 8th of this year. 
Rev. Peggy will be attending and you are welcome and encouraged to join!

Offerings Done Easy
Didn't bring your wallet or check book with you? Give online on your phone through our PayPal account! During our offering, take out your phone and scan the QR code to the left. You will be brought to our donations page. If you don't have a QR code scanner, simply type the following page into your phone's internet browser.

Cartridge Recycling @ FUSW
FUSW is collecting used ink/toner cartridges for recycling for cash towards future office supplies.  Please begin saving your used cartridges - a container for ink cartridge collection is located in the FUSW office.  Toner cartridges may be placed on Administrator's desk.  Thank you. 
Rita, Administrator 


Lend a Ride 

Our Ministerial Intern, Emily DeTar,  is looking for people who would be interested  in giving her rides to the church from the Hastings train station  on different Sundays and other weekly events. 

It would make such a big difference  if you would be so kind  to lend a ride.

Upcoming Service
December 11th

Our Theology of Hope

Rev. Peggy Clarke

This year's Christmas Eve Service Offering is for the Minister's Discretionary Fund

Message from the Administrator

  • Material for The Scoop is due no later than Tuesdays by 12:00 noon.  
  • All project requests go through Rev. Peggy, but during her Sabbatical, please contact the Administrator, Rita.  Please allow for at least a two week turn around for large projects.

Did you miss a sermon? Want to read it online? Visit our sermon archives here


   (for Hospitality, Ushering 
& Greeter Sign-Up)


(Deadline for each week is Tuesday morning )

Program Groups Lists


Rev. Peggy Clarke


Emily De Tar 
Ministerial Intern
Tracy Breneman
Director of Religious Education

Rita Ruotolo
Office Administrator

Office Hours 


First Unitarian Society of Westchester 

A liberal religious community, shaping the world in our image of love.
Deepening Spirituality
Nurturing Community
Advancing Justice