Provincial Update - October 2017
"Most high, most powerful, all good Lord! 
All praise is yours, all glory, all honor, and all blessing !"

Dear Brothers,

     "Greetings in the Lord, and Peace!"
    The month of October began with those special commemorations and celebrations associated with our Holy Father Saint Francis.  Throughout the Province, a number of churches gathered to give praise to our Creator with the traditional 'Blessing of the Animals,' so affectionately associated with St. Francis.  In the evening of October 3rd we gathered to commemorate the 'Transitus' of our Holy Father and of course on October 4th, 'Feast Day' celebrations were also conducted throughout the Province.  As significant as these days are in the history of our Order, what is also significant about these celebrations are the opportunities they provide us to celebrate who we are and the fraternity to which we belong.  We shouldn't have to wait for such opportune occasions to get together to celebrate our life with one another; but in the reality of our present age and the hectic schedule so many of us try to juggle, we really are thankful for these special occasions that give us reason to pause and focus on who we are. 
     Sadly, during this week of Franciscan celebrations, our "Sister Death" also participated in the life of our Province with the "embrace" of Friar Francis de Sales Paolo on Monday, October 2nd and then at week's end on Saturday, October 7th, with the "embrace" of Friar Mark Brown.  Both brothers were part of the fraternity of St. Paul Friary in Clearwater Beach, Florida. Although not joyous occasions, still the wake, funeral and burial of our brothers gave us reason to come together in support and fraternity.
      I pray that the graces garnered from these special gatherings will refresh, renew and rekindle our life in fraternity.

Fr. Robert Campagna, OFM
       - Provincial Minister -

"Be praised, my Lord, through our sister Bodily Death, from whose embrace no living person can escape."

In the evening of October 3rd, Friars from the New York Downstate Region gathered at Our Lady of Peace Church, Brooklyn, New York, to commemorate the 'Transitus' of St. Francis.

"O Holy Francis, Father sweet, devoutly we your aid entreat,
may we and all your children meet, crowned victors in the strife."

On the Feast Day of St. Francis, friars from the New York Downstate Region gathered at Padua Friary, Manhattan, New York, for 'Evening Prayer,' followed by a festive dinner. 

"All Creatures of Our God and King!" 
Blessing of the Animals

Pictured above, the 'Blessing of the Animals' at Our Lady of Peace, Brooklyn, New York and below at Saint Anthony of Padua, Manhattan, New York.

7 0th Anniversary Celebration at St. Anthony Friary
Kennebunk, Maine
Pictured from left to right: Friar Caoimhin O Laoide, OFM, Definitor General; Friar Robert Campagna, OFM, Provincial Minister; Most Reverend Robert P. Deeley, Bishop of the Diocese of Portland; Friar Algirdas Malakauskas, OFM, Provincial Minister of the Province of St. Casimir; Friar James Gannon, OFM, Provincial Minister of Assumption BVM Province.

       On Sunday, October 1st, the friars of the Lithuanian Province of St. Casimir gathered at Saint Anthony Friary & Guest House in Kennebunk, Maine, to mark the 70th Anniversary of the Lithuanian Franciscan Friars' coming to live in Kennebunk, Maine.  After suffering great losses in the repressions of the Soviet Union, Lithuanian Franciscans were scattered throughout the world.  They eventually reassembled in the monastery at Kennebunk to continue their service to God and their people, as well as to boost the spirit of Lithuanians, both in the diaspora and those who remained in their homeland. 
      The celebration included a con-celebrated liturgy  with friends, associates and supporters of the friars' ministry filling the friary chapel to its capacity.  The Most Reverend Robert P. Deeley, Bishop of the Diocese of Portland, was the principal celebrant and homilist at the liturgy with General Definitor, Friar Coaimhin O Laoide, OFM, sharing congratulatory words in the name of our General Minister, Friar Michael Perry, OFM.  In his homily, Bishop Deeley noted that ". . . during these seven decades, St. Anthony Franciscan Monastery, together with its friars, has become an integral part of the local community."  
The day-long celebration also included a festive dinner-reception along with guest speakers and entertainment that included traditional Lithuanian folk songs and use of traditional instruments.  

Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed of our 
Province of the Immaculate Conception
      As we approach the month of November and the traditional time for remembering our faithful departed with the twin feasts of ALL SAINTS & ALL SOULS, arrangements have been made for 'Regional' gatherings to remember our departed friars and family members at our Provincial cemeteries.  

Canadian Region
Holy Cross Cemetery Chapel
Toronto, Canada
Monday, November 27th
11:00 a.m.
Upstate New York Region
Mount Alvernia Chapel & Cemetery
Wappingers Falls, New York
Friday, November 3rd
11:00 a.m.
Downstate New York Region
Calvary Cemetery Chapel
Woodside, Queens
Monday, November 6th
11:00 a.m.
New England Region
St. Christopher Friary Chapel
Boston, Massachusetts
Tuesday, November 14th
(At the conclusion of the afternoon Regional Meeting)

+ Being remembered fondly in prayer + 
Friar Fidelis De Berardinis, OFM
December 20, 2016
Friar Roch Ciandella, OFM
May 11, 2017
Friar Luke Storino, OFM
February 28, 2017
Friar Norbert De Amato, OFM
July 29, 2017
Friar Edmund Ansaloni, OFM
March 28, 2017
Friar Louis Pintye, OFM
August 20, 2017
Friar Donaldo Salazar, OFM
April 23, 2017
Friar Francis de Sales Paolo, OFM
October 2, 2017
Friar Mark Brown, OFM
October 7, 2017

Mary Bridget Grech
May 31, 2017
Mother of
Fr. Charles Grech, OFM
Blaise Fernandes
June 6, 2017
Father of
Fr. Conrad Fernandes, OFM
Winifred Ledoux
August 31, 2017
Mother of
Fr. Michael Ledoux, OFM
From around the Province . . .
Annual 'Slice Out Hunger' campaign
at St. Anthony of Padua Church
     On October 4th, the annual fund-raising event entitled "Slice Out Hunger" was conducted at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Manhattan, New York.  The annual event, which had lines stretching around the block, started in 2009 during the pastorate of Fr. Joseph Lorenzo, OFM. and has continued under the present pastor, Fr. Mario Julian.  Since its beginnings the organization has raised over $175,000.00 dollars.  The original idea was simple: use food donated by independent pizzerias to raise money for local food banks and pantries with proven track records.  The group's first 'pizza party' featured about fifty pizzas from half a dozen pizzerias in NYC and raised about $500.00 dollars. This latest effort (October 4th) raised $50,000.00 dollars in just three hours, featuring 1,500 pizzas from over 50 of the best pizzerias in New York City.  Patrons buy "a pizza box" and then they can pick and choose slices from the various participating pizzerias. 
     This annual event has become an institution in New York City and has inspired cities around the country to host similar fundraisers.  The size of the 'party' continues to grow; but the focus has always been to highlight independent pizzerias while supporting those in our community who have trouble affording food for themselves and their families.   



Pilgrims from Milan, Italy, visit
St. Anthony of Padua Church
     Recently, Fr. Mario Julian and Bro. Chuck Trebino, Pastor and Parochial Assistant at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Manhattan, welcomed to their church a group of one hundred 'pilgrims' from Milan, Italy.  While here, along with the priest that accompanied the pilgrimage group, they celebrated liturgy in the 'Ambrosian Rite.'  Also called the 'Milanese Rite,' the Ambrosian Rite is a Catholic liturgical Western Rite that is named after Saint Ambrose, a bishop of Milan in the fourth century.  The Ambrosian Rite, which differs from the Roman Rite, is used by some five million Catholics in the greater part of the Archdiocese of Milan, Italy. 
     Although at various points in its history the distinctive Ambrosian Rite has risked suppression, it survived and was reformed after the Second Vatican Council partly because Pope Paul VI belonged to the Ambrosian Rite, having previously been Archbishop of Milan.  In the 20th century, it also gained prominence and prestige from the attentions of two other scholarly Archbishops of Milan: Achille Ratti, later Pope Pius XI, and Blessed Ildefonso Schuster, both of whom had been involved in studies and publications on the rite before their respective appointments. 
Oscar Andres Cardinal Rodriquez
Visits Friars at St. Christopher Friary
     On Wednesday, October 11th, Friar Robert Artman, guardian of St. Christopher Friary, Boston, Massachusetts, welcomed Oscar Andres Cardinal Rodriguez to dinner at the friary. The Cardinal (a 'First Order Affiliate' of our Province) was in Boston as a guest lecturer at Boston College, speaking on "International Solidarity in the time of Pope Francis." 
     Also invited to the community's popular "Wednesday Pasta Meal," was Fr. David, Superior of the St. James Mission Society, along with a visiting missioner.  All enjoyed the interchange with the Cardinal as he shared with the community some interesting comments on the upcoming Bishops' Synod on Youth, the next World Youth Day in Costa Rica as well as the now completed work of the C ommission of Cardinals on Vatican Curia Reform.  (The Commission's final report will be presented to the Holy Father in December.)
     The friars of the St. Christopher Friary community, especially our retired 'senior' friars, were very touched by the Cardinal's presence and attention to them as they continued for several hours following the meal to enjoy his company in the community room.
Request from Cardinal Dolan, 
      The Adult Faith Formation Office for the Archdiocese of New York would like to collaborate with the Religious Orders schedule missions throughout the Archdiocese.  The missions are called 'Revive: Faith Every Day!' and would consist of three consecutive weeknights, usually a Monday-Wednesday evening for an hour, starting at 7:00 p.m., and would include music and a lay witness talk along with the preacher who would need to speak for about 20 - 30 minutes.  They would like to hold the missions throughout the weeks of Lent and during Eastertime. If any of the friars of our Province are interested in participating, please contact: 
Elizabeth Guevar
Archdiocese of New York / Adult Faith Formation
Phone: (646) 794-2579 
Personnel Changes 
Friar Francis Walter, OFM
- assigned as a member of the retreat staff at:
Mount Alvernia Friary and Retreat Center,
158 Delavergne Avenue
P.O. Box 858
Wappingers Falls, New York, 12590
Friar Richard Donovan, OFM
- newly appointed pastor:
Saint Anthony Church
28 State Street
Troy, New York, 12180-3916

Prayers Requested

Infirm Friars: 
  • Friar Romano Almagno
  • Friar Robert Artman
  • Friar Flavian Mucci
  • Friar Clement Procopio
For our Friars in 'Skilled Nursing Facilities':
  • Friar Philip Adamo
  • Friar Lucius Annese
  • Friar Giles Barreda
  • Friar Louis De Tommaso
  • Friar Francis Hanudel
  • Friar Lawrence Stumpo
Infirm Family and Friends: 
  • Joseph Almagno (brother of Friar Romano Almagno)
  • Richard A. Caprio (brother of Friar Robert Caprio)
  • Astra Fernandes (mother of Friar Conrad Fernandes)
  • Guillermo Ruiz (father of Friar Orlando Ruiz)
  • Gloria Salinas (mother of Friar Octavio Salinas)
  • Marie Caprio Sicuso (sister of Friar Robert Caprio)
  • Sheila Washburn (mother of Friar Thomas Washburn)
  • Matilde & Joseph Zammit (parents of Friar Jimmy Zammit)
Recently Deceased Friars:

F riar Francis de Sales Paolo, OFM 
May 11, 1932 - October 2, 2017
     Friar Francis de Sales Paolo, OFM, age 85, passed into eternal life during the evening of Monday, October 2nd, while under hospice care at Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, Florida. At the time of his passing, he was affiliated with the community of St. Paul Friary, Clearwater Beach, Florida. 
     Friar Francis was received into the Order on July 14, 1949; made his Solemn Profession of Vows on July 15, 1953, and was ordained to the priesthood on June 21, 1958. 
     A wake and mass of Christian Burial were conducted at Sacred Heart Church in the North End of Boston on October 5th and 6th, with interment at St. Francis Cemetery in Andover, Massachusetts.  Minister Provincial, Fr. Robert Campagna, was the celebrant and Fr. John Bucchino, pastor of Blessed Sacrament Church, Manchester, New Hampshire, was the homilist at the funeral. 
Friar Mark Brown, OFM
June 29, 1938 - October 7, 2017
Friar Mark (William) Brown, OFM, age 79, passed into eternal life in the afternoon hours of October 7th while under the care of the staff at Morton Plant Hospital, Clearwater, Florida.  At the time of his passing, he was affiliated with the community of St. Paul Friar, Clearwater Beach, Florida
     Brother Mark was originally received into the Order on March 25, 1958 and made his Solemn Profession of Vows on March 29, 1962.  Following an Indult of Secularization and a Dispensation from Solemn Profession in 1978, Brother Mark was received back into the Order on October 21, 1994, and made his Solemn Profession of Vows on August 15, 1998. 
     A wake and mass of Christian Burial were conducted on Friday, October 13th, in the chapel at Mount Alvernia Friary, Wappingers Falls, New York.  Entombment in the mausoleum at Mount Alvernia Cemetery took place immediately following the liturgy.  Vicar Provincial, Friar Patrick Boyle, was the celebrant and homilist for the funeral. 
Recent Deceased Family Members:

Nicholas Tomsic, 29 years of age, great nephew of Friar Patrick Boyle, passed into eternal    life on Thursday, October 19, 2017
Winifred Ledoux, 81 years of age, mother of Friar Michael Ledoux, passed into eternal            life on Thursday, August 31, 2017. 
Please pray for all friars, families, friends and benefactors,
living and deceased. 

  Upcoming Dates:
  • November 3rd - Commemoration of our Departed Friars: Mount Alvernia Chapel, Wappingers Falls, New York. 11:00 a.m.
  • November 6th - Commemoration of our Departed Friars: Calvary Cemetery Chapel, Queens, New York.  11:00 a.m. 
  • November 11th - 100th Anniversary of the Dedication of St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Derry, New Hampshire.  4:30 p.m.
  • November 13th, 14th & 15th - Provincial Board Meeting at St. Christopher Friary, Boston, Massachusetts. Agenda will include a gathering with the friars of the New England Region; an evening liturgy commemorating the deceased members of the Province; blessing of the graves, St. Francis Cemetery, Andover, Massachusetts.
  • November 27th - Commemoration of our Departed Friars: Holy Cross Cemetery Chapel, Toronto, Canada.  11:00 a.m.