Weekly Postings
Weekly Postings November 25 - December 4, 2016
In This Issue

Advent begins Sunday

Parish-wide Advent Formation- Being Disciples
Sundays at 9:30 AM
Wednesdays at 12:00 noon

This Season of Advent, as we expectantly prepare to receive Christ into the world and into our hearts, we invite the parish to join in reading Being Disciples: Essentials of the Christian Life by Rowan Williams. The clergy will lead conversation each Sunday during the 9:30 AM formation hour and Wednesday from noon to one o'clock in the Berlin Room (bring your own lunch). A limited number of Williams's books are offered in the parish office for $6.50; or order at or

At the first meeting, we will discuss Chapter 1, which is attached in pdf format here.

In Peace and Expectation,
Fr. Jenkins
Make an Advent Wreath for your Family 
Sunday, November 27, 9:00 - 10:50 AM

Advent begins Sunday, November 27. Join us in Tyler Hall from 9 - 10:50 AM to make an Advent Wreath for your home. All supplies will be provided, including wreathes, live greens, and candles. $10 donation. 

Building Faith, a ministry of the Center for the Ministry of Teaching at Virginia Theological Seminar offers this resource to families using an Advent Wreath.  Click here for  Advent Prayers at Home.

 OR use this Advent Calendar with Suggested Daily Readings when lighting your wreath.

YES, we will have Christian Formation Classes on the 27th as well. We've designed this drop-in time to allow time for both activities.  
Advent Prayer Tree in Tyler Hall
The Daughters of the King, an Episcopal Prayer Ministry, invites prayers for yourself and others. Attach your prayer request to the Advent Prayer Tree located in Tyler Hall.  Questions contact Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau .
This Sunday November 27
  Our Schedule This Sunday      
8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite I
8:45  AM - 9:30 AM
Continental Breakfast -
Tyler Hall
Drop -In
9:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Advents Wreathes in Tyler Hall
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Christian Formation for All Ages
See schedule below
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Coffee and Conversation with the Vestry
Tyler Hall
11:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite II with 
the Saint Paul's  & Canterbury Choir
Following the 11:00
AM Service 
Lemonade on the Lawn
5:30 PM
Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion
with Prayers for Healing  
Christian Formation for All Ages  
Sundays 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM 
Being Disciples
 The Berlin Room
Grades 3- 5 -  Spark Activate Faith 
Spark Room, (Room 1), Children's Ministries Center 
Grades PK - 2  (ages 4-7) -  Godly Play  
Godly Play Room, (Room 2), Children's Ministries Center  

The lessons for Sunday  are Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalm 122; Romans 13:11-14; and Matthew 24:36-44.
New Beginnings at Honey Creek (For Youth grades 7-9)
Registration Deadline Sunday, November 27
New Beginnings takes place December 2-4 and it's for youth in grades 7-9. It's led by youth with adult support and the total cost is $115. The sign up deadline is Sunday November 27 because we have to get numbers to Honey Creek by Monday! You can use the link below to sign up as an adult and you can forward the link to your youth so they can sign up. It's going to be a great weekend!
Angel Tree 2
Angel Tree Christmas Program 
Angel Tree is in full swing. Angels will be available on the portico before and after the 11 am service Sunday. Please stop by and pick up an Angel, make a donation, or find out how you can volunteer! We have a team of volunteers who will gather for the "Angel Tree Shopping Adventure" on Thursday, December 8th at 10 AM. Also, mark your calendar and plan to join us for the annual Angel Tree Christmas Breakfast and Party on Saturday, December 10th at 9:30 AM.   For more information on how you can get involved, please  contact Kim Butler  at or (706) 833-8541.
Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion
with Prayers for Healing
Every Sunday, 5:30 PM
This Sunday's Guest Musician is Laura Tomlin.

Next Week November 28 - December 4
Christmas Pageant
Children and Youth Christmas Play Information

The Saint Paul's Christmas Play will take place during the 11:00 service on Sunday, December 18th.  We invite all children and youth to be part of the cast. No previous acting experience required - just a desire to share the Christmas story with our congregation. Speaking parts will be assigned to children ages 8 and up- no memorization required.  Email Rebecca Massie for more information.
EYC Ski Trip (For Grades 9-12)
Jan 13-15, Winterplace, Beckley WV 
Registration Deadline Thursday, December 1

Full Details included in EYC email hereContact Ranie Neislar for more information.
Click Here to Register
Wreaths, Poinsettias, and Christmas Brass
Deadline Wednesday, December 14
Wreaths and red poinsettias in the church are enjoyed throughout the Christmas season and additional professional musicians enhance our Christmas Eve services. If you would like to contribute toward the cost of Christmas Eve music, or give a poinsettia or wreath, please return the form found in Sunday's bulletin to the Parish Office. Requests may also be made by e-mail to and on the website no later than Wednesday, December 14.

Welcome to Saint Paul's For Newcomers

Sunday, December 4, Drop-In 9:30 - 10:50 AM
New to the Saint Paul's community? We'd like to get to know you better. Get your questions answered and meet some of our staff and parish leaders in an informal drop-in in the parlor from 9:30 until 10:50 AM on Sunday, December 4. RSVP to Elisabeth Price in the Parish Office. 
SAVE THE DATE For Christmas Caroling
Sunday, December 4, 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Put December 4th on your calendar, 6:30-8:30 PM for caroling. We will board the Augusta Trolley to be taken to various places to bring some Christmas cheer (singing!) to folks around town.  Details to follow. 

Craig-Houghton Tutors Needed

Craig-Houghton has asked us to participate in an Innovative Initiative to improve test scores on the Georgia Milestone tests with our students. We  NEED one or two more 4th grade tutors and one 3rd grade tutor. (for a
very sweet 3rd grade girl) Please consider joining our tutoring team on Wednesdays at 1:00 pm. Call or email Kathy Enicks at or 484-433-4007. Thank you.

1000 Books  by Kindergarten

Join the Craig-Houghton Pre-K Readers 
Do you love to read children's books? The pre-Kindergarten classes need to read 1000 books. Come help our kids at Craig-Houghton meet that goal!! We are going to read every day at 10 AM. Please contact Kathy Enicks  o r 484-433-4007 to find out more or to get on the schedule. 
Looking Ahead 
Tuesday's Music Live 
Tuesday, December 6, 11:00 & 12:00 noon, 
The Nave and River Room

Tuesday's Music Live, America's largest luncheon concert series, continues its 29th season at 12:00 Noon on Tuesday, December 6, with two free concerts by  The University of GA Accidentals. The full schedule and lunch menus are available at Advance lunch reservations, $12 per person, required. Private tables are available for parties of 4 or more, and large groups can be accommodated. More than 150,000 music-lovers have attended the series since it began. The concerts are often standing-room-only with 200 staying for the elegant catered lunch in the River and Berlin Rooms.

Augusta Choral Society Concert at Saint Paul's
Saturday, December 10, 7:30 PM, Nave and Tyler Hall
The Augusta Choral Society along with brass, percussion and organ will present "A Very Airy Yule" at Saint Paul's Church on Saturday, December 10 at 7:30 PM. Music will include John Rutter's "Gloria", many favorite Christmas carols and the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's "Messiah". There will be opportunities for the audience to join in with the chorus on some of the carols. All are invited to a reception in Tyler Hall following the concert. Tickets are $30/adults, $25/seniors, $10/students & military. Tickets are available at or by calling 706-826-4713.
Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner
Wednesday, December 14, 6-7 PM, Tyler Hall
Come join us for our monthly Fellowship Dinner. Enjoy a delicious Christmas Feast, featuring:  Ham,  Baked Sweet, Potatoes, New Potatoes, Butter Beans, Rolls, Dessert, Tea
Lemonade, Red and White Wine. Hosted by the Children, Youth, and Family Committee & Catered by Sleeping Bear Kitchen. Families will be able to decorate various ornaments to take home and hang on their family Christmas trees. Also, wear your TACKIEST, WACKIEST Christmas sweater. Prizes will be awarded. $5.00 per person donation; $15.00 per family.  RSVP to Todd Shafer .

The Vestry Nominating Committee is seeking candidates whom you believe would make outstanding Vestry members for Saint Paul's. If you'd like to suggest someone, including yourself, please
contact Dea Baldwin, Jr. Warden 
The basic responsibilities of the Vestry are:
· to help define and articulate the mission of this congregation
· to support the church's mission by word and deed
· to support the clergy
· to ensure effective organization and planning
· to manage resources and finances
· to attend monthly vestry meetings and annual vestry retreat
· to serve as liaison to assigned parish committees
This is a 3 year term.

To be eligible for the Vestry, a nominee must answer "yes" to all of the following questions.
· Have you been baptized?
· Do you regularly attend worship services at Saint Paul's?
· Are you a pledging member of Saint Paul's?

Each nominee slated to run for election to the Vestry will be invited to share a profile with the parish via our regular parish communications including the weekly newsletter.


Fall Quarter (October - December)

  The new Quarterly Outreach Opportunities is available here.  Mark your calendar with these October - December 2016 service opportunities.  We invite you to join us as often as you are able. 

Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field  
News from our Neighboring Parishes  
An Advent Day of Preparation for the Augusta Episcopal Convocation
Church of Our Savior, 4227 Columbia Road, Martinez, GA 30907
Saturday, December 3, 2016, 12:30 PM - 5:00 PM

The Christmas Story in Art presented by Dr. Andrew Laurie Stangel, Art Historian. The Gospel story illustrated by the world's greatest artists: Leonardo Da Vinci, Rembrandt, Michelangelo and many more photographed by Dr. Stangel. Tickets are free, but space is limited. Pre-register: 706 863-1718.  Agenda for the day available here.
Festival of Lessons and Carols
Tuesday, December 6, 7:30 PM Sacred Heart Cultural Center
The annual Festival of Lessons and Carols will be held at the Sacred Heart Cultural Center at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, December 6, and is under the direction of Keith Shafer. This year's program will be sung by the choir of St. John United Methodist Church, and Creative Impressions. There will also be a brass quintet and percussion. Saint Paul's parishioners Natalie Heckathorn and Erick Montgomery are two of this year's readers. Tickets are available online at or by calling 706-826-4700.
November 2016
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our Second Sunday Birthday Celebration 
will be November 13.  Please Join us. 


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