August 2014


ATS welcomes seven new member schools and one new affiliate organization
The ATS membership approved seven new member schools and one new affiliate organization at its Biennial Meeting in June. The new members and affiliate represent the diversity of the Association and bring the Association membership to 23 Associate member schools, nine candidate member schools, and 242 fully accredited member schools. Currently, 31 organizations hold Affiliate status. Read more.

Justo Gonz�lez receives 2014 Distinguished Service Medal 
Justo Gonz�lez was named the fourteenth recipient of the Distinguished Service Award, presented at the Biennial Meeting in June. The award recognized his five decades of service to theological education, the church, and the broader public as a scholar, a teacher, and a leading voice on behalf of the Hispanic community. Read more.
Jo Ann Deasy joins ATS
as Director, Institutional Initiatives and Student Research
Jo Ann Deasy joined the ATS staff in June 2014 to fill a new position in the area of Programs and Services. Read more.
ATS membership approves governance, dues, and procedural changes
At its June Biennial Meeting in Pittsburgh, the ATS membership reviewed proposals for changes to the Bylaws, Dues, and Procedures that govern the work of the Association and the Commission. The proposed changes were approved, with the exception of a modification to the Procedures that would require a midterm report (Section VII.D.3). Watch for revised online documents later this summer.







ATS is here to serve you, and we welcome your feedback.

Please send your comments or updated contact information to

Eliza Smith Brown, Director, Communications and External Relations.