This Week at Midreshet Moriah
Parshat Noach, 21 October, 1 Cheshvan
Shana Alef Lech Lecha Opening Day
Dvar Torah:
Parshat Noach
Malka Hubscher
From Bracha Krohn
Dear Parents,
At 6:00 am Tuesday, we “hit the road” for our much-anticipated annual 5-day Lech Lecha Seminar, which we hope will help the girls further develop the most important skills for succeeding this year academically, spiritually, and socially. This year, we have planned the educational portion of Lech Lecha in a far more specific and detailed manner than ever, to facilitate the girls' making connections with one another and to plant the "seeds" of many values and midot that we will be "tending" throughout the year. We will be playing games that build community and improve communication, enjoying water sports in Eilat, camping in the Negev, volunteering near Be’er Sheva and many more activities that will facilitate sharing, learning, and bonding. In addition to the fun and educational side of touring Israel, it's often a crucial turning point for many girls, both in terms of making friends and also in achieving a stronger sense of focus and direction for the year ahead. We're very excited.
If you are trying to reach your daughter and she is not responding, please do not be concerned. If it is an emergency, please call me (Bracha) or Rav Eitan or Ariella Ukelson, our office administrator, who is not with us on this trip.
Bracha:  216-539-7488
Rav Eitan:  646-248-7509
Those are our cell phone American numbers that ring here on our phones in Israel.
In case, we too are in the middle of a session with girls and have our phones silenced, reach out to Ariella at
054-984-3416 by whatsapp or with a phone call.
We are so looking forward to the time away with the students and have Dena our Eim Bayit and all four madrichot with us all well. May Hashem give us the passion, wisdom, sensitivity, and creativity to help our students and us make the most of this year. 
Shana Alef Lech Lecha Pics
Shana Bet Tiyul to the North
Hoshana Rabba Faculty Succah hop
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