June 2015

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A prayer for Emanuel
AME Church  
ATS and the African American presidents and deans of member schools offer reflections on the tragic events in Charleston, South Carolina. Read more.

T enure and faculty facts at ATS member schools
The most recent data provided by member schools reveal significant statistics regarding tenure and part-time faculty positions. The implications of these data will vary from school to school, but leaders can engage in discussion around the issues using a few simple questions. Read more.

Naming vocation:
5 steps of student discernment

When thinking about theological students, vocation means much more than simply the job one performs in order to pay the bills. Lillian Hallstrand of Vanderbilt University Divinity School offers five steps that will help students and those who advise them to navigate vocational discernment on their journeys toward employment, beginning with their first contacts with the school and continuing through graduation. Read more.

Barbara Mutch to join
ATS staff
Veteran theological educator Barbara Mutch will join the accrediting team in time for the fall semester. Read more.







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Please send your comments or updated contact information to

Eliza Smith Brown, Director, Communications and External Relations.