The E-Newsletter from Saint Nicholas Episcopal  Church  
69 Mobley Road, Hamilton, GA 31811
October 18th - 24th, 2017
Sunday Services: 8:30 am and 11:00 am
Christian Formation Classes: 9:45 am

St. Nicholas' mission is to be an example of Christ's love 
for all people.
Our vision is to be the center of nourishment in mind, body, and spirit
for all people in our community.  
Office Hours 

Monday - Friday 8:30am - 1:30pm

From Fr. Jeff,

Jesus told a story about a wedding banquet where none of the invited guests showed up. Can you imagine? So the host of the party instead goes out and invites anyone his servants can find, both good folk and not-so-good folk. In other words, ALL are welcome to the banquet, not just the ones you would expect. This means that the Kingdom of God is not just for those who attend church every week. It's not just for those who are perfect at prayer or goodie-two-shoes who think they are morally superior. This means ALL are included. But Jesus also mentions that one guy showed up unprepared for the party. Once we're in the party of the Kingdom, we have to act like it. We can't be mean, ugly, hateful, or judgmental anymore. Because we were included, we have to then be inclusive ourselves. Be inclusive today. Invite someone to the banquet. 

*If you would like to receive messages like this in text form from Fr. Jeff every week, text "Add me" to 706-761-0115

Peace, Jeff+



We are pleased to honor Martha Dimon as October Steward of the Month

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church has been blessed to have Martha Dimon willingly chair our biggest fundraiser, the annual Lobsterfest, for the past two years. Martha is an intelligent and extremely organized person who makes the chairperson job look easy. 

Martha was responsible for ensuring volunteers set up, served food, prepared desserts, ran the 50/50 raffle, handled the reservations, handled Silent Auction donations and sales, took care of publicity and photography for the event, and, of course, did clean up/take away. She also ordered the lobsters, tenderloin, and side dishes. And finally, she handled the recap and accounting for the event. The job was well done by Martha who did it magnificently and with grace, poise, and good cheer.

Outreach Ministry Opportunties

Mondays at 2:00pm 
Holy Eucharist at Harris County Jail, 
contact Fr. Jeff at 706-761-0115.

We are in NEED of 2-3 more volunteers to go with us to the jail, especially on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Mondays of the month. If you would like to help, please contact Fr. Jeff.

please contact Marci Horne for changes


Aside from regular services, St. Nicholas is out and about visiting parish members and community. Father  Jeff and LEV's visit hospital or home-bound parish members, family members, Bright Way Personal Care Home, and Harris County Jail. Other places would love to have visits from us. There is a big need to bring God's love to the community through Eucharist and pastoral care. LEV's are trained to give Eucharist and provide pastoral care.  

LEV Training

Another wonderful opportunity to show our love and compassion in the community has presented itself and as usual many hands are needed.

Roosevelt Place in Warm Springs currently has seventeen residents and has asked us to bring communion to there staff and residents the third Sunday of each month. 

In addition Oak View Nursing Home in Waverly Hall has also invited us to give communion to their residents.  They have around 100 residents and we will give communion to them every fourth Tuesday of the month. 

Martha Dimon and Bert Tomlin will be taking the lead on visiting these homes and will welcome anyone to join them each month. 

The scope is great so please pray about whether you should be a part of this ministry.  If you would like to join us please contact Father Jeff and he will schedule the necessary training. 

You will be much more blessed than the residents of these homes.


T - Shirts are IN!!!

If you have purchased a t-shirt or would like to, they are now available in the Narthex. 
Please let Tai Jackson know how many you may need.
Stitchers Meeting

Next meeting is October 21 10am-12pm!!

Let's get together now and see how the remaining canvases are coming along!!!



St. Nicholas has Christian Formation classes for all ages. Now is a great time to get into the practice of deepening your faith through study, prayer, and good conversation with your fellow church family members. 

All classes meet from  9:45-10:45am .

+Adult Formation: A Journey with Mark - Join David Johnson and Father Jeff as they explore the Gospel according to Mark, the first Gospel to be written. This is a class for all levels - if you're a seasoned Bible scholar or if this is your first time reading it. Older teens, young adults, "feisty seniors" (as the Bishop calls them), and everyone in between are welcome! Meet in the room on the left in our double classrooms. Books are in the office

+Rite 13: Youth in grades 7 through 10 are invited to join this group as they continue their journey to adulthood. Join Sheri Cody, Bob Hamilton, John Brent, and Jennifer Milton as they lead the group in activities and discussions aimed at this important part of life. Meet in the room on the right in our double classrooms.

+Spark! Sunday School: Our newest  Sunday  School group is for 5th and 6th graders. They will meet to explore popular Bible stories and how they can connect with them during these transitional years. Join Rebecca Crowley, Maya Thomason, Jessica & Jo McComb, Katherine Johnson, and Jennifer Milton for activities, conversation, and games.

+Lego Sunday  School: Pre-K to 4th grade children are welcome to come and learn about the Bible in a really unique using LEGOS! Join Rebecca Crowley, Bert Tomlin, Sheila Dixon, and Ashley Taylor for lots of fun and snacks as we learn more about God's story.
+Nursery:  Our nursery is open for infants to 3-year-olds starting at 9:45am and going through the  11:00am  service. Abbey Crowley eagerly awaits to play with the children with the numerous toys and play sets, and even our playground outside.

Help us spread the word that we have all these wonderful offerings for the whole family!
Bright Way Services

"We took church today to Brightway Personal Care Home.  My wonderful friend, Bert Tomlin, gave a beautiful homily on letting go and letting God do what he does.  I love Sundays with these seniors.  Some of them don't know why we are there but they seem to know we love them."  ~Linda Sawyer

Contact  Bert if you would like to participate.
October 31, 5:30-7:30 pm.   
(Hours including set up...5pm - 8ish)

Join us for a fun and safe Halloween celebration. Decorate your trunk, dress up the kids, or just come for the fellowship.
This event is important and requires lots of participation from several different people. It is REALLY fun!  If you have ideas and are willing to participate please call or text Rebecca Crowley at 706-570-6429 so we can plan accordingly.

Worship at Zion

Our next service at Zion will be on November 12 at 4:00pm. All are welcome!

Our choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm.

Choir warm up will be at 10:20am on Sundays.

Lectionary Readings 

If you would like to see the readings for Sunday, 

Another Chance to Help Our Community

Donate food to fill backpacks. We need nourishing foods such as cheese sticks, applesauce, tuna, granola bars and ravioli. The snacks help ensure that the students - whose families struggle to afford  food - eat well over the weekend.

If you'd like to help out with BackSnacks
Contact Grant Flynn at 706-457-9531 to volunteer. 

FOCUS Thanksgiving Food Drive

We are getting ready for our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive and can use your help in many different areas. Last year we helped 300 families and expect to help at least that many this year.  Monetary donations are always welcome since we can purchase food at Feeding the Valley for $0.19 a pound.  Items that we have not been able to purchase, but need, are canned tuna, jam, and soups.

We also need plastic bags (Kroger, Wal-Mart) doubled, and we need volunteers. On Friday, Nov. 17 we will be preparing the bags so we'll need volunteers to man tables and fill bags.  

On Saturday, Nov. 18 our clients will be picking up their food and we can use volunteers to help carry the groceries out to cars. If you can help please contact Judy Westbrook at, be sure to include Focus on the subject line or call her at 706-663-4505.

Thank you. Your support makes it possible for us to help the needy of Harris County.

-Julie Nordin
Food Bank, Chairman


1 Kim Stokes
4 Bobo Morgan
   Nick Baker
   Rachel Brent
5 Charles Norris
8 Rufina Knoblauch
9 Dalton Avery Hinnant
11 Laura Burris
12 Bronwyn Jackson
     Pat Demonet
16 John Brent
     Libby Horne
17 Abbey Avery
19 William Morgan
20 Liz Dixon
23 Suzy Eidson
25 Liza Price 
30 Matt Hinnant
     Sheila Dixon

16 Kay & Mallon Faircloth
20 Robert & Hollie Queener
21 Linda & Mike Sawyer
22 Lange & Lynne Taylor

Please take a moment, and say a prayer for...

Maya, Ansley & Shelley

St. Nicholas Calendar
Add Someone to Our
Newsletter Mailing List
In This Issue

Office Hours

Fr. Jeff

Steward of the Month

Lay Ministry

Outreach Opportunities

LEV Training

Adult Formation Schedule




Stitchers Meeting

Trunk or Treat

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Birthdays & Anniversaries


Links (in alphabetical order)

Deadline for submitting news items is noon Monday.

 Send news and photos to: 
The Spirit of St. Nicholas 
is published weekly by 
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church.


And when you do, be sure to subscribe to 
Website Updates .

  You will find the block on the bottom of the home page.

St. Nicholas Vestry 2017

Sue Halmrast, 
Senior Warden and Outreach 

Bob Hamilton, 
Junior Warden and Hospitality 

Bill Caudill, Building & Grounds
Drucye Cox, Communications
Martha Dimon, Stewardship & Finance
Phebe Robertson, Parish Life
Steve Morse, Co-Chair Parish Life
Rebecca Crowley, Children and Youth Formation
Jennifer Milton, Pastoral Care

Please help us keep the church directory as up-to-date as possible.

If you have not yet filled out a form, please pick one up in the cloister room and return to the church office. Or you can send your info via email to the Parish Administrator at
  1. Please include:your names and the names of your minor children,
  2. address,
  3. email addresses,
  4. phone numbers (cell and home),
  5. birthdays and anniversaries.
If you need a new picture or a new name tag, indi cate that as well.  Feel free to use a favorite picture. Just send it in jpeg form to


Instant Church Directory
Mobile App Installation Instructions

This is a free app that allows members to sync your church's directory to their iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini, Android device or Kindle Fire. 

Members will be able to view the church and staff information, as well as search and view family members. Members will also be able to call, email or text if a phone number or email address is available on the church, staff or family details. Any changes that are generated on Instant Church Directory Online will automatically download to each member's devices, ensuring they always have the latest information.

To download the app to your Apple device, click here:

To download the app to your Android device, click here:

Please look for these cards in the narthex or in the pews and place them in the alms basin if you give electronically.

Father Jeff will bless them at each service along with the other offerings.

Electronic Common Prayer

Electronic Common Prayer, Version 2.0   (eCP)  is a brand new update to the first, fully authorized, interactive version of the Book of Common Prayer 1979 of the Episcopal Church USA.
Click here for details 
GoFundMe Campaign for Zion Church

For our next phase of fundraising for historic 
Zion Episcopal Church   in Talbotton, Georgia , we have set up a 
GoFundMe  campaign. 

There is much to be done to help this amazing bit of Georgia history. 

Please share this and encourage people to be generous. 

For over 160 years, Zion Episcopal Church has watched over the village of Talbotton, GA. There are not many 160-year-old structures still standing in our country.

If you or your family members will be in a play, concert, sports or school activity please send the information to the church  to be printed in the newsletter. 
St Nicholas members can then know what is happening with their church family and perhaps attend some of the functions. Include the event with dates, times and location. This is for children, teens and adults.


Gospel Sing on Friday October 27th at 7 p.m. 

 Singers will be the world famous CHUCK WAGON GANG 
and the Exhorter's Quartet. 

Tickets are $10 advance, $12 at the door, $8 for groups of 12 or more.

Date  October 27th
Time 7:00 pm
Location  Old Mountain Hill Schoolhouse Auditorium 
47 Mountain Hill Road, Fortson.

   For more information or tickets you may call Ginny 770-696-7548.

Thanks so much. Richard & Ginny Nash of Harvest Time