Our Pursuit of Justice
by Mike Castle, Alliance president

One of the values we hold dear as the Alliance of Baptists is our shared mission to "pursue justice with and for those who are oppressed." We are a people who take the prophetic Word to heart: to "seek justice, rescue the oppressed" (Isaiah 1:17); "to do justice" (Micah 6:8); and to "hate evil and love good, and establish justice..." (Amos 5:15) 
As followers of Jesus and as local congregations who bear his name, we trust deep down that God's love for us and our love for God is inextricably tied to our commitment to, and passion for justice.

Bringing about the Kin-dom of God
by Eric Cain

For almost thirty years, the Alliance of Baptists has been a voice for the faithful pursuit of justice in our congregations, communities, the country, and the world. Although times may change and the specific issues we are called to address may change too, there is always a need for standing up and standing with those who are too often ignored, disenfranchised, or subjected to hate and violence. The Alliance takes seriously its commitment to helping shape and center our spiritual lives, so that we can all work to pursue justice and help bring about the kin-dom of God for all people.

Leadership Team & Staff:
Paula Dempsey, director for partnership relations
Carole Collins, director of operations and finance
Leah Grundset Davis, communications specialist
Cathy McGaughey , operations specialist
Kenneth Meyers , faith formation specialist
Kristy Pullen , AllianceConnect technical specialist
Jason Smith,  congregational engagement specialist