Empowerment from Source Point Training | December 1, 2016
Welcome to the second in a 5-part series on coaching trends globally and how to create a coaching culture in your organization.  If you missed Part 1 - you can access it here.

This series includes the philosophy and coaching experience of Barbara Fagan, President of Source Point Training, and a recent survey conducted by the International Coach Federation just released in October 2016.  We hope you enjoy these insights and applications on how you can include coaching as a way of contributing to people and teams within your organization.  

A recent survey published in September 2016 by Human Capital Research at the request of the International Coach Federation (ICF) showed some interesting results about the impact of coaching in the workplace. Not just for top executives, but for all managers and project leaders.  Coaching performance is no longer regulated to those who are "poor" performers, but to those who are seeking career advancement and the desire to increase their contribution.  Coaching is seen as one of the best ways to retain top talent and give them an incentive to develop new capabilities.
When interviewed on the level of importance of the top Coaching Competencies recognized by ICF, on a scale of 1 to 5, the following reflects the top priorities for those being coached:
              • Establishing trust                     4.61
              • Applying ethical standards      4.51
              • Practicing active listening        4.51
The workplace today, which consists more and more of millennials and their development needs, shows us that creating a trusting environment, where managers conduct themselves with ethical standards, is very important. 
The ability to establish trust is something that all professional coaches understand.  When coaching in the workplace, it is even more important.  Managers must be able to distinguish between coaching and managing.  It is important to establish clear agreements for the coaching to occur. This includes when coaching is being done versus managing the employee.  It requires confidentiality and clear guidelines with specific parameters for the coaching. 
All trained coaches realize that being professional and ethical is one of the top requirements.  This means that people who provide coaching within an organization must reflect in their own behaviors the performance they are coaching others to attain. They must demonstrate respect and real partnership with those they coach.
In order to coach effectively, most managers will need to be trained on reflective listening or appreciative listening.  This means that they listen from a place of neutrality and set aside their judgments or opinions about those they are coaching.  They listen deeply to what is being said and mirror back what they hear and ask questions to those they coach so they are able to reflect and think about their own behaviors and results. 
These 3 top criteria for coaching will assist managers and leaders to coach their teams in a way that increases trust, expands each employee's ability to contribute and become more self-directed.  
If you would like more information about how coaching can support your organization, contact us at 800-217-5660 ext. 101.

Our best to you,
Barbara and everyone at Source Point Training

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