Summer 2015
Welcome to our new Member Highlights eNewsletter!
CORE Group is proud of the many accomplishments of our
so every quarter we will highlight their achievements in this new newsletter.

Submissions for the next newsletter will open in August. Be sure you are subscribed to the " CORE Group Community" listserv to receive notifications.

Featured Member
Sonya Funna Evelyn
Director for Program Technical Support, ADRA

Sonya, a CORE Group Board Member and ADRA veteran of eight years, sat down with us to discuss what inspires her, some recent ADRA successes, challenges facing global health, and more.

"We really look at a community-centered approach, always, so we can be sure at the end of a project, the interventions that were happening while we were actively involved are still going on...We're thinking about the exit from the beginning."

New Reports, Studies, Guides, and Tools
HealthRight International
HealthRight's Child Survival Program in Kenya works to reduce disrespect and abuse during childbirth in nine partner health facilities by offering training and mentoring on Respectful Maternity Care and by facilitating the development of response mechanisms. Baseline and midterm survey results show the prevalence of the issue, which negatively impacts women's facilities use. Stay tuned for a final report in October 2016!
Global Social Service Workforce Alliance
This first annual report published on June 10, 2015, sheds light on the social service workforce, an important group of people who help to ensure that effective prevention and support services reach those who need it most. The report features data and trends, showcases innovative and effective workforce strengthening initiatives, and highlights the need for more data and focus in this area.

This Guide offers a useful resource that can help implementing organizations, local partners, donors, and other stakeholders better understand how a 'sustainability lens' can be applied practically throughout the life cycle of a project through effective management, capacity strengthening, and implementation of practical transition strategies.

Women's Refugee Commission
This provisional Facilitator's Kit provides a complete framework for a 3-day training on Community Preparedness for Reproductive Health and Gender. The goal is to build community capacity to prepare and respond to risks and inequities faced by women and girls during emergencies.  
FANTA conducted an extensive desk review to take stock of how programs are integrating family planning with food security and nutrition. Findings from 102 health and multisectoral programs, including lessons learned, promising practices for programming, and three case studies are available in our report.

This Guide offers a useful resource that can help implementing organizations, local partners, donors, and other stakeholders better understand how a 'sustainability lens' can be applied practically throughout the life cycle of a project through effective management, capacity strengthening, and implementation of practical transition strategies.

Because of their roles as decision makers and heads of household, men play an important role in improving maternal and child health care in their communities. This facilitator's guide focuses on training male volunteers to become "counselors" who encourage fathers to change practices or adopt new behaviors that will help improve the health of their wives and children.  
Hesperian Health Guides
This resource shares proven strategies and activities to help women and men facilitate community discussions and action around such topics as family planning, sexuality, HIV, and gender-based violence - even in challenging settings where education and organizing for women's and girls' health may be difficult or dangerous. 

This toolkit provides information about the UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities, 13 priority commodities, and examples of how its recommendations to improve access and availability are being applied globally and within countries. It also provides advocacy resources to raise awareness and engage stakeholders in addressing commodity-related gaps in policy.

Save the Children
The 16th annual State of the World's Mothers report delves into a comparison of the health disparities between wealthy and poor women and children living in cities around the world. In 2015 more than half of the world's population lives in cities. Unfortunately, a growing proportion of child deaths are occurring within these cities in urban slums. 
This technical brief analyzes Pathfinder's use of mHealth for integrated systems strengthening in sexual and reproductive health programs in Mozambique, Tanzania, Nigeria, and Haiti.  It includes several recommendations for using mHealth as a tool to support solutions to complex community and health system interventions.

This collaborative storytelling project documents the impact of CARE's Community Score Card (CSC)? in improving maternal health service in Malawi. The films were produced by the University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill School of Journalism and Mass Communication and University of Malawi journalism students in collaboration with CARE.

Drafts for Comment
During DBC and Barrier Analysis trainings, many participants request additional guidance regarding how to select the behaviors that could be used with the DBC framework to develop a behavior change strategy. These guidelines address that concern.  

Email feedback to

The Stop TB Partnership has launched a consultation into the first public draft of the Global Plan to Stop TB 2016-2020.  The Global Plan will provide a road map to assist us in ending TB by 2035, as set out in the WHO End TB Strategy. 

Share your thoughts and comments on the first draft of this plan here.
Recent Journal Articles
The MCHIP/India team, including JSI's Dr. Manish Jain and Immunization Center's Robert Steinglass, published "Engaging Communities With a Simple Tool to Help Increase Immunization Coverage" in the March 2015 edition of Global Health: Science and Practice. The article describes the use of a simple, publicly placed tool that helps the community and parents monitor vaccination coverage of infants to better visualize the link between individual and community protection. 

Recent Blog Posts and Articles
Dr. Fapohunda's and Dr. Orobaton's blog begins with a staggering statistic: more than one in ten Nigerian women gives birth at home without a doctor, skilled birth attendant, or even an unskilled relative, revealing that more than one million children are born annually in Nigeria with no one present. The blog reminds us of the increased maternal and newborn mortality risks associated with unattended births, and present research and validated solutions that are improving the situation in Nigeria. 

A Radio Drama in Malawi Entertains a Healthier Community, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Featured Social Media Posts
Recent Events
June 10, 2015
During this 2nd annual symposium, approximately 350 participants around the world joined in a discussion on planning, developing and supporting the social service workforce. The symposium was also a dissemination event for the 1st State of the Social Service Workforce 2015 Report.
April 28, 2015
Peace Corps is rolling out the Essential Nutrition Actions (ENA) package in five West African countries and two Latin American Countries by facilitating training of trainers (TOT); developing action plans; facilitating trainings; and drafting, testing, and finalizing training materials.

Sign up to receive updates from USAID's flagship Maternal and Child Survival Program!
Sign up to receive updates about MCSP's work to better the health of moms, children, and babies around the world: 
Upcoming Events
July 15, 2015
How often have you heard the phrase "ecological model" over the last few months? This webinar will review a conceptual model to guide programming for very young adolescents (VYA) and share examples of successful programs at the individual, family and community levels.
September 14 - 17, 2015
Nairobi, Keyna
This conference led by Catholic Relief Services will focus on integrated solutions relevant to East Africa, bringing together global leaders in the areas of nutrition, water and sanitation, agriculture, health and early childhood development.

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