Beth El - The Beaches Synagogue
Shabbat Information
Beth El - The Beaches Synagogue October 20th and 21st
Friday Evening Worship Service 

7:00 PM  Shabbat  Service

Please join us after the service for a Shabbat Oneg.

Saturday Worship Service

8:45 AM  Torah Study
10:00 AM Shabbat Service

Please join us after the service for a light Kiddush Luncheon.

Dr. Karen Toker would like to invite everyone to join her on Saturday, October 28th at the Kiddush Luncheon to celebrate her 75th Birthday.

Yahrzeits This Week

Rachel Davis

Sidney Mack

Florence Perlman

Ruth Rosenthal

Kenneth Schare

Regina Algus Schare

Jeanette Scheinzeit

John Staggs

Scott Steele

Arnold Yergin