SWCA Synod Vacation Bible School, Summer 2017 
Every year, the dedicated volunteers and staff of our congregations who offer Vacation Bible School donate their hard work and creativity to make this ministry fun and memorable for the kids participating. Some use purchased curriculum, some modify it, and some make up their own program. All give enormously of their time and talent. How did your congregation experience VBS and make this summer standby new? Send  your stories to [email protected], and be sure to include photos! 

Faith, Canoga Park
A small budget, a small group, and a church under construction didn't get in the way of a wonderful "Passport to Peru" Vacation Bible School at Faith, Canoga Park. Travelers learned all about God's gifts and how to share them, and had a blast learning about the lifestyle in Peru and its dependence on rainfall. We played in the water everyday, and made a big deal about the fact that it "rains in Peru!" 
St. Paul's, Monterey Park 
St. Paul's, Monterey Park's Vacation Bible School  theme was "Fruits of the Spirit." They got the whole congregation involved on Sunday with a VBS  BBQ Kick-off event, followed by five days of active learning with a 9:00 a.m. - noon schedule, engaging Pre-School, Lower Elementary, and Upper Elementary-age children. Thanks to everyone in the St. Paul's congregation who helped out and joined in for a  great, spirit filled week!
Prince of Peace, Covina 
Prince of Peace, Covina modified a VBS Norway Adventure theme, making their own decorations, including a Viking village and ship, to discuss and learn about when and how Vikings became Christian, and how they contributed their Christmas traditions. Participants - adults as well as children - rotated from  from games to crafts to snacks/baking to music to Bible lesson. A  themed meal was shared beforehand, with an emphasis on an intergenerational approach, as groups become clan of all ages. Donations from the B oys vs. Girls coin competition went toward Nurses for Christ - a local homeless program focusing on those who are out on the street suffering health issues. Bishop Guy even came for a ride on the Viking Ship!