I've noticed some patterns with bullies. They are quick to play the victim, and they thrive on creating confusion. That atmosphere of confusion, filled with rumors and threats, is just not safe. And it gives power to those who can control the story about what is happening. In such times, I look for the respectful truth-tellers to clear the air. 

What helps you recognize bullies in the fog they create?

Join us this Sunday at 10:30 am! 
October 22, 2017
                                      The Rules of Terror                                        Rev. Virginia Jarocha-Ernst

Franklin D. Roosevelt once wisely remarked that 'the only thing we have to fear is fear itself'. While this makes sense in the abstract, it is difficult to think clearly about it when fear is already present. This is why terror is so successful at manipulating us and getting its way. Today, we will try to slow down the fear enough to think without it for a moment.
Music by Louise Chernosky and dance by Carol Penn.
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