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In this month's K2 Tech Update, our feature articles discuss Is Your Email Secure and On-Premise, Hosting, or SaaS?  

Our News section reports on new ShareFile Enhancements,'s QuickBooks Online Integration, and K2 Enterprises' Webinar Schedule.
This month's Tech Tip focuses on Adding Slicer Filters to Tables in Excel. You have the option of reading the article or watching the step by step instructions on our YouTube channel.

Finally, this month's Course Spotlight focuses on K2's Technology Conferences.
We hope you find the newsletter timely, relevant, and useful. If you have topics you would like for us to cover here in coming months, please let us know.


Tommy Stephens
K2 Enterprises
Is Your Email Secure
How safe is your email? How do you know the contents are being delivered securely and without modification? Worse, how do you know your email is not being used as a gateway to attack your clients? While reflecting on the statistic that 91% of attacks start with email, it is clear that many of you think your email systems are safe. Remember that email by definition is sent in clear text, like a postcard, and even with the server enabled secure hand-off, called TLS, not all email is delivered using these secure techniques. One layer of security was probably enough before most businesses and bad actors were connected to the Internet to protect secure information. Today, more is needed. 
On-Premise, Hosting or SaaS?
We all know the difference between owning, leasing or renting when it comes to our office space, a warehouse, or a retail store. We know the difference between owning, leasing, and renting a car. But do we know the difference between owning, leasing and renting our technology? Today, every time a discussion includes something about technology we hear the word "cloud".
So how do we address this own, lease or rent dilemma? First, it helps to understand the differences not only from a technology perspective but also from investment and financial perspectives. In this article, I liken Own-Lease-Rent to on-Premise-Hosted-SaaS in hopes of making this simple to understand and to give you an approach to selling, either internally or externally, when this confusion comes into play.   

ShareFile Announces Enhancements
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 K2 Enterprises Webinar Schedule for November and December
Read more here