Come early on Sunday to hear Joei Perry sing the Introit, a few minutes before Morning Prayer begins at 11: "Go Down, Moses." Joei - a member of our choir and of our Vestry - sang this haunting, powerful spiritual recently at our Wednesday evening service. "Go down Moses, way down in Hebrew land, tell old Pharaoh to set my people go!"
God always yearns for us to be free from Pharaoh. Powerless people crying out against some uncaring Power. The cries are everywhere. On the front page of Wednesday's paper: A man in Puerto Rico who needs oxygen to breathe, but there is no electricity to run his machine. A girl gifted with acting talents required to submit to Harvey Weinstein before she'll get the role. A boy in NYC imprisoned for a crime, and the decorated detective who accused him is indicted for making up facts. We ride in a car or plane with children, unaware that the steel maker faked safety standards. God yearns that the powerless are set free from their Pharaoh, and asks Moses to take it on.
Asks us. We are Moses, and sometimes Pharaoh, and sometimes those crying out for help, feeling utterly powerless. On Sunday we watch for God, still at work, and listen for Joei's voice, singing the haunting words. |
Spotlight On: Royall House Visit
Slavery in Boston and at King's Chapel: What We're Discovering | Sermon Sunday, October 15
Special Tours of the Royall House and Slave Quarters |Sunday October 15 at 1:15 | Saturday, October 21 at 10 AM
In July, our Freedom Trail visitor program began to share new information about the role of slavery in the development of Boston and King's Chapel. Our historian staff have learned this information from church records, personal letters of former members, newspapers of early Boston, and academic publications. On Sunday October 15, I'll share highlights with the congregation. As an historical site on the Freedom Trail, that annually greets 300,000 people who want to learn Boston's history, King's Chapel is morally obligated to tell the whole truth, including the ugly paradox of a country that proclaimed its love of "freedom" while brutally denying that freedom to those it enslaved. As a Christian Unitarian Church, that covenants together "in the love of truth," we are dedicated to exploring truth, both the inspiring stories from our past and those that we now abhor. It's always hard, spiritual work. As individuals, and as a church, we know that honesty about our past is the prerequisite for growing more fully into who God calls us to be. During my sermon on October 15, I'll share new information with the congregation about the stories of our ministers, members and enslaved peoples - from a brave black activist for freedom; a courageous white abolitionist to those staunchly opposed to "robbing" any man of his enslaved "property", and an elderly enslaved woman left behind when the British fled, who had to fight for her pension; our Anglican ministers who owned slaves and the well-to-do white slave traders who helped fund the construction of our building Immediately following the service, we will travel 5 miles north to Medford, location of the Royall House and Slave Quarters, for a special tour for our members, at 1:15 PM. Isaac Royall was a member of King's Chapel, and the largest slave owner in New England. A second special tour will take place on Saturday, October 21, at 10 AM. Reservations are needed: Transportation may be available on Sunday October 15 from the church, if you let us know in advance that it is needed. Our research has begun but is not done; we'll continue to explore this history, which stands alongside our pride in being the first Unitarian Church in the US, our legacy of religious tolerance, our prayer book, and our music programs. Grounded in prayer, and knowledgeable about our history, we'll be better positioned to choose the major social justice programs we will work on together. Come to learn!
Prayer Group: Praying with the Mystics
Curious about who mystics are, or how they develop their special closeness with the Divine, a sense of the Holy within them and surrounding them? Join this informal discussion of several "Love Poems from God" attributed to mystics from both the eastern and western traditions, Christian and Muslim. Second Sunday of each month, 10-10:45 AM.
- Sunday, November 11: Rumi
- Sunday, December 10: Meister Eckhart
God's love for us is infinitely greater
than anything we can conjure up
for Him.
Join Rev. Joy Fallon in her office on the 3rd floor of the Parish House, 64 Beacon Street.
Our Text: Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West, translated by Daniel Ladinsky.
Weekly Prayer Groups
On Tuesdays at noon Joy offers a meditation and prayer group designed for those able to commit to coming regularly. It runs for 7 weeks, October 3 - November 14
, meeting at 64 Beacon Street in Joy's office. Please
feel free to email Joy with any questions
On Thursdays at noon Amelia holds a guided meditation developed from spiritual practices of
early Christianity. This group is geared to those who cannot commit to coming regularly, and those who would prefer a more structured and guided meditation practice. This group meets at the Little Chapel on 64 Beacon Street. RSVPs are not required but feel free to email
Raising Kind Kids | Sunday, October 15 | 10-10:45 AM | Parish House
The Rev. Joy Fallon will lead an informal discussion for parents about "Raising Kind Kids" - what research and our own experience tells us. A second conversation will take place on Sunday, November 19, 10-10:45 AM. Come for one or both.
Meet in Joy's office, on the 3rd floor of the Parish House at 64 Beacon Street, for coffee and conversation.
Theology on Tap | Wednesday, October 18 |
Kinsale Pub in Boston | 7:15 PM
Evolution versus Creation- What is a Christian to think?
(And what does the Bible say??)
A National Call for Moral Revival | Thursday, October 19 at 7 PM
In partnership with the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministries we invite all King's
Chapel members and friends to attend the Massachusetts Moral Revival Meeting
on October 19th, led by Reverend Dr. William Barber. This meeting will provide
information about the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival,
which aims to build a broad and deep national moral fusion movement - rooted in the
leadership of the poor, marginalized and moral agents and reflecting the great moral
teachings - to unite our country from the bottom up. It is inspired by the history, vision,
and unfinished work of the 1967/68 Poor People's Campaign spearheaded by the
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King.
"Bistro 64" Parish House Dinners | October 19 & November 18
Because the Parish House kitchen is such a festive gathering place for King's Chapel members and friends, the Hospitality Committee is launching "Bistro 64" a series of participatory dinners at the Parish House. KC members and friends will bring or cook menu items in the kitchen and also provide beverages. This community building initiative is led by Gregg Sorensen and Anne Sexton. The first two dinners take place on Thursday, October 19 and Saturday, November 18.
Please sign up for "A Celebration of Fall", October 19 and "Viva Italia!" November 18 online, by clicking on the date above you wish to join. You also may contact both Anne at annewsexton@gmail and Gregg at gds1960@yahoo directly. We offer recommended items, and if requested, are happy to send recipes that we feel would complement the evening's theme.
The first Sunday Concert of the 60th Season | Sunday, October 29 | 5 PM
We open our 60th anniversary concert season on October 29 at 5 PM with a celebratory program, featuring J.S. Bach's beloved
. This exuberant song of praise with moving words of the Virgin Mary does indeed magnify the Lord with trumpets, timpani, and all manners of festivity.
In addition to the masterpiece of the family patriarch, Johann Sebastian Bach, you will hear the
festival cantata
Musik am Dankfeste wegen des fertigen Michaelisturms
by Bach's second son,
Carl Philipp Emanuel. W
ritten for the dedication of the completed tower of St. Michael's Church in Hamburg on Reformation Sunday, October 31, 1786, the work
was only recovered in 1999 from the former Soviet Union, after being presumed lost in the Second World War as part of the library of the Berlin Sing-Akademie. O
ur performance marks the US premiere of this historic gem.
Halloween at King's Chapel | October 31
King's Chapel is partnering with the Beacon Hill Civic Association to open up our Parish House to the community this Halloween. Stay tuned for more details!
All Saints and All Souls Service | November 5 | 11 AM
As is our tradition at King's Chapel, during our All Saints and All Souls Holy Communion Service on November 5, at 11 AM, worshippers will be invited to come forward to light a candle in memory of those who have died. Special large candles will be lit for those who were members and died in the last year; please contact the church office to make us aware of any such members who have passed away. Additional candles will be available for all who wish to offer prayers for the saints and souls we hold dear in our hearts.
The choir will offer selections from Maurice Duruflé's Requiem.
Please join us for this special annual service, and for the luncheon following, to be held at the Parish House.
King's Chapel Habitat for Humanity Boston build | November 11, 2017
Registration is open, but almost full, for the King's Chapel Habitat for Humanity Boston build in November. The build runs from 9 AM to 3:30 PM with a one hour lunch break.
To enroll or for more information contact Peter Sexton at 781-383- 9028 or
Memorial Service for Charles Perry | Saturday, November 25 | 2 PM | King's Chapel
Our beloved friend and member Charles Perry died unexpectedly on September 26; we keep Charles' family in our prayers.
A memorial service for Charles will be held at King's Chapel in Boston (corner of Tremont and School Sts) at 2 PM on Saturday, November 25th. The family requests that in lieu of flowers those who wish may make donations to King's Chapel in Boston or the Forest Society of Maine.
This Sunday, our Morning Light music leader, Skip Lewan, will lead the children in playing a musical number during our 9 AM service. If you've never experienced this early service or have never heard the low, melodic rumblings of an orff being played, this Sunday is the perfect time to do so.
After worship children in Godly Play will be learning about the Eden story, while the middle school Seekers will continue their exploration of prayer.
- Ryan
Searching for an exciting way to kick off the Halloween season? The King's Chapel Freedom Trail Program invites you to Tales from the Crypt: Halloween Crypt Tours, beginning next Friday October 13. Descend beneath King's Chapel with our history educators on a candle-lit tour of the 18th-century crypt! Tours will be offered at 5:30 PM and 6:15 PM on October 13-14, 20-24, 26-28, 30-31. Advance tickets required, available at Please contact our Freedom Trail Program Director, Faye Charpentier, at to learn more.
Our 2017 Stewardship Appeal
You may have received a letter this week, outlining the status of the 2017 Stewardship Campaign. As you can see, we have only reached 55% of our goal
of $225,000
, with only three more months left. Our financial appeal is still there, and our need is great. Thank you to those who have recently sent in their pledges and their contribution for this year. We are still short of our goal by $90,000 - and only have ten weeks to reach this goal! This means we need an average of $9,000 weekly to make our goal! Can you help?
Updating King's Chapel By-Laws
Background: There have been requests for many years now to update two important provisions of our by-laws. One is to change the last word of the covenant ("we unite for the worship of God and for service to man") to more inclusive language. The second is to delete the requirement that prospective members give written notice of their intention to join three months in advance.
In response to such requests, Dan Taylor, Cliff Allen, and I undertook a careful review of the current by-laws, and presented a summary of our proposals to the Parish Council and the Vestry. We suggest also reconsidering the percentage of members who must vote in favor of
calling a Senior Minister. Our present by-laws require a higher percentage of members voting (90%) than most other UUA churches.
Proposals: These are most significant proposals, listed by the number of the by-laws article in which they appear.
I. change language of covenant from "man" to "all" (or some other phrase)
IV. membership: delete requirement of written notice three months in advance
VII. in list of Standing Committees, delete Annual Appeal, replace with Stewardship.
Delete Social Action Committee (now Community Action, already listed).
VIII. clarify that Chair of Nominating Committee is not a two-year term
XII: vote of 75% of members present (not 90%) to call a Minister (Senior Minister).
Additionally, at the recommendation of the Parish Council, the Vestry voted in September
to move the Annual Meeting and the election of officers and committee chairs to the spring. Edits
to Articles V and X give the Wardens greater discretion to choose the dates for elections and
committee reports.
The review group recommends various minor clarifications and edits as well. A copy of the by-laws redlining all suggested changes is available on request to the Parish Administrator.
Opportunities for Discussion: We are scheduling two opportunities to consider these proposals
Sunday October 22 at, 10-10:45 at the Parish House
Sunday, November 12, 12:30 at King's Chapel
The Vote: Sunday January 28, 2018 at 12:30 PM, along with the vote to approve the FY 2018 budget.
Visioning for Social Justice | First Session: Wednesday November 15 | 7:30 PM
At King's Chapel service is at the heart of our identity. Each new member who joins the church covenants to worship God and to serve humanity, supporting those in need "as brothers and sisters of God's family" (
ing's Chapel Prayer Book p. 120
This year King's Chapel will focus on our social justice outreach, undertaking a visioning process for what our work should be over the next five years. This is the continuation of work already undertaken by the Community Action Committee, who have worked diligently over the past two years to narrow down our partnerships from twelve to six. This year the congregation will look at the work in which the church is already engaged, and the organizations with which we are already in relationship. The congregation will decide which of these partners we would like to deepen our relationship with and focus on over the next five-year period. The congregation is invited to come together and share their values, vision, hopes and dreams for our social justice work: we will make this decision together. Choosing strategic partners for our social justice outreach will allow us to engage deeply with the work: It is our hope that these partnerships will engage the entire congregation, from the church school to the pulpit and beyond. By our spring annual meeting we hope to have three strategic partnerships, chosen by the congregation, that reflect the values and identity we hold. We will present and vote on these priorities during the Annual Meeting.
You are invited to come, share your values, and vision for the future of the church. The first session will be held after Evening Worship on November 15
at 7:15 PM (this will serve as the November Theology on Tap; later we'll host listening sessions after our other worship services, too). We will learn about the partnerships in which the church is already engaged, and share our values and hopes for this important work.
Many Meetings at King's Chapel
Lots of people at our Many Meetings!
Sandwich Making at King's Chapel
Last Sunday the church school partnered with the Community Action Committee to make sandwiches for our unhoused neighbors. Working together children and adults made close to 100 sandwiches for those in need!
Please enjoy a casual King's Chapel Fashion Show...
Heinrich Christensen, music director. |
Meaghan Michel and Megan Linger
"They were the footprints of....."
Members Joan Hunt and Dorothy Waldron
"We Rejoice with Those Who Rejoice, and Weep with Those Who Weep"
~ Romans 12:15
We hold in our prayers this week Jessica Schmidt, who broke bones in her foot and ankle last Sunday in Chicago, requiring surgery. May the surgery go well and the healing be speedy.
We also hold in prayer several of our members recently hospitalized but now home, including Herman Woerner. May the recovery continue, and our love of you be known. |
Sunday Services
October 15
Morning Light | 9 AM
At the Little Chapel
Morning Prayer | 11 AM
The Rev. Joy Fallon will Preach
Heinrich Christensen,
Music Director
Joei Marshall Perry
, Soloist
Paul Luca, Head Usher
Sylvia Soderberg, Usher in Charge
Todd Lee, KC Dalton, & Amanda Pickett, Usher
The Readings:
The flowers on the communion table are given by the Chancel Committee.
After the service, Todd Lee will meet those interested in learning more about
King's Chapel at the Communion Rail.
After the service, all are invited to Coffee Hour,
hosted by Judy Luca and friends of the Hospitality Committee.
We open this Sunday with an 18th century British organ concerto fit for our 18th century sanctuary: William Felton's buoyant Concerto in D Major. It will segue right into our Introit by another Brit of the same era, William Boyce, in a setting of verses from Psalm 119 with an extended alto solo sung by much more contemporary Brit David Hughes (see elsewhere for more about David whom we welcome as a new choir member this fall).
The motet is strictly colonial Boston, William Billings' interpretation of Psalm 19, entitled Sublimity.
The Offertory is from the third part of Handel's Messiah: Since By Man Came Death.
The organ voluntaries this week are taken from John Lord's Fantasia on My Old Kentucky Home, written prior to the First World War.
My Old Kentucky Home is an anti-slavery ballad originally written by Stephen Foster, probably composed in 1852. Foster likely composed the song after having been inspired by the narrative of popular anti-slavery novelist Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin.
In Foster's sketchbook, the song was originally entitled Poor Uncle Tom, Good-Night!, but was altered by Foster as My Old Kentucky Home, Good-Night! Frederick Douglass wrote in his 1855 autobiography that the song "awakens sympathies for the slave, in which antislavery principles take root, grow, and flourish".
John Edwin Windsor Lord (1862-1929) was born on November 5, 1862, in Rossendale, Lancashire, England. After organ study with James Kendrick Pyne (1852-1938), organist of Manchester Cathedral, he received a diploma in organ from Victoria College in London. After serving as organist-director in several churches in England and as the organist at the British Embassy in Oporto, Portugal, Lord emigrated to the United States. He taught organ at Meridian College in Mississippi, where he received an honorary doctorate. While there, Lord served as organist-director at First Baptist Church and organist at the Strand Theatre. Later, he taught organ at the Whitman Conservatory of Music in Walla-Walla, Washington (scroll down to read the article announcing this appointment), and the Women's College of Alabama in Montgomery. He served as organist-choirmaster in Montgomery at First Presbyterian Church and Temple Beth Or. Lord died on January 31, 1929, after having a stroke the previous Friday while playing the organ at the Strand Theatre in Tupelo, Mississippi, about a week after accepting the position. The Fantasia is dedicated to J Frank Frysinger (1878-1954), composer and head of the organ department at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln.
Joei Marshall Perry will serve as our soloist in three spirituals selected by Joy to illustrate a path from oppression to redemption. We open with Go Down, Moses for the Introit, continue with I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray for our motet, and finally hear There Is a Balm in Gilead as the offertory. Arrangements are by Harry T. Burleigh and William L. Dawson. |
Tuesday, October 17 |
12:15 PM
Karen Beaumont plays
the C.B. Fisk Organ
17th/18th Century Dance Music
* Vestry | Tuesday, October 24
6 PM
Prayer Groups at
Little Chapel
Tuesday | October 3 - November 14 | 12 PM | Led by Joy
Thursdays | October 5 - November 9 | Led by Amelia
Sundays| October 8 and November 12| Led by Joy
Want to know
what's going on at
King's Chapel?
to view the King's
Chapel Schedule at our website:
Volunteer: Sign up
for Hospitality
Anyone can help!
Enter your email and select a spot to fill. New volunteers may choose to co-host with a buddy. Questions? Email
Interested in Membership?
Contributing to Between Sundays
Our enewsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon. Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Brad at with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at noon!
Accessibility Assists
Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion. One of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to that pew.
A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.