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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                         November, 2016
In This Issue
IFNA Standing Committee Collaboration
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
IFNA Conference News
IFNA Family Nursing Community News
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IFNA Standing Committees Collaboration: 
Making Family Nursing More Visible 

" Creating impact, building something of substance, changing the culture... this is the work of a lifetime, not merely a fun project. It's not easy, but I have a feeling you're up for it. Because it matters."
Seth Godin blog post Hang In There 

IFNA has 10 Standing Committees made up of IFNA member volunteers from around the world. On Friday, November 18, 2016, IFNA President, Dr. Carole Robinson (Canada) convened the first-ever joint meeting of all IFNA Standing Committee co-chairs to discuss the IFNA Strategic Plan priorities and the possibility of more collaborative work across committees. The result was a beginning useful conversation about how to jointly nurture family nursing globally and make family nursing more visible.
Dr. Maureen Leahey (Canada) has been appointed to the newly created Patient, Family, and Public Advisory Council for the Nova Scotia Health Authority in Canada. This provincial council advises senior leaders, healthcare providers, staff, and physicians on policies, practices, planning and delivery of patient and family centered care. [Read more]

For more IFNA Practice News [Read more].  
The IFNA Education Committee  [co-chairs: Lorraine Holtslander (Canada) and Kristin Lutz (USA)] has developed a growing list of useful Family Nursing Education Resources which are posted on the IFNA website. Please use these resources in your family nursing education, practice, and research.  

For more IFNA Education News [Read more].  
Dr. Christen Erlingsson (Sweden)
is currently involved in a  collaborative study about how people understand "family". She has also examined health of family caregivers; closing therapeutic letters written to families following family nursing intervention; and has been involved in the psychometric development and translation of family nursing instruments. [Read more]

For more IFNA Research News [Read more]

The IFNA Conference Committee  is pleased to announce that 7 Pre-Conference Workshops have been selected for presentation on June 14, 2017.

Dr. Janice Bell and members of the IFNA Communications Committee  will present an English pre-conference workshop, A Social Media Primer for Family Nursing Scholars.

Dr. Ana Canga-Armayor and Dr. Nuria Esandi will present a Spanish pre-conference workshop, Promoción de una 'Familia Cuidadora Sostenible' (FCS): Herramientas para la Valoración e Intervención Familiar
(Promoting 'Sustainable Caring Family': Strategies for Family Nursing Assessment and Intervention)

Dr. Sharon Denham will present an English pre-conference workshop, Family Care Needs and Chronic Disease Self-Management.

Dr. Suzanne Feetham and colleagues will present an English pre-conference workshop, Family Functioning and Family Outcomes: State of the Science, Measurement, Design, Translation to Practice and Policy.

Dr. Kathleen Knafl and colleagues will present an English pre-conference workshop, Novel Practices for Developing and Testing Family-Focused Interventions.

Dr. Norma Krumweide and colleagues will present an English pre-conference workshop, Applying IFNA Competencies through Nursing Education and Practice.

Dr. Kate Kynoch and Dr. Sonia Hines will present an English pre-conference workshop, Implementing Evidence to Meet the Needs of Families
Honor a  family nursing colleague who is leading, serving, and changing the culture of healthcare for families. Nominate an IFNA member today. In addition, the Distinguished Partner in Family Health Care Award recognizes non-IFNA members and individuals outside of the discipline of Nursing, including associations, corporations, or non-profit organizations who demonstrate sustained investment and excellence in advancing family focused health care.  Nomination deadline: January 30, 2017. [Read more]

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Warning: There appears to be a rise in predatory family nursing conference marketing.  Please read the IFNA document, " What is Predatory Conference?" to increase your knowledge and discernment about this troubling issue.

Please use the following hashtags in your social media conversations:
#familynursing, #familyhealth, #familyhealing,
#IFNAorg, #IFNC13, IFNC12

This monthly IFNA Newsletter is edited by the IFNA Communications Committee