Our early history as Congregationalists is full of stories of churches seeking the wisdom of sister churches when facing difficult decisions or conflict.
Vicinage Councils Rediscovered
Peter Wood, Director of Conference Care

"Where there is no guidance, a people falls,
but in an abundance of counselors there is safety."
Proverbs 11:14 ESV

We pride ourselves in our Congregational heritage. We believe that the Holy Spirit best speaks through the whole Body of Christ. It is this belief that undergirds the autonomy of the local church. However, this is only half of our heritage. 
When we are alone- independent, we ignore the rest of the Body of Christ. We have never believed that! That is why for Ordination we call a Vicinage Council to seek the wisdom of our sister churches in evaluating the Call of a candidate. When, though, did we start doing holding Vicinage Councils just for Ordination? Our early history as Congregationalists is full of stories of churches seeking the wisdom of sister churches  when facing difficult decisions or conflict. In these instances it was  not to dictate but to ask questions and prayerfully advise. Praise God this tradition is now being rediscovered. 

I witnessed a Vicinage Council like this first hand. I saw God's Grace work through His Body as the right questions were asked and as invited representatives prayerfully came together to offer advice and to hold their brothers and sisters up in prayer.

If your church is experiencing an issue that is dividing the Body, please consider calling a Vicinage Council of fellow Christians before irreparable damage is done to Christ's church and His named blackened in your community. There is a better way! If you have questions, give us a call.

Monthly Financial Update

We need about $210,000 in giving in the last quarter of the year to meet our annual budget. Our income is historically very good in October-December as we receive annual ministerial gifts and gifts from member churches. Please prayerfully consider your part in supporting the work of the CCCC in 2017.

Click here for financial update
Community Pastor Group is a monthly highlight

[In my monthly schedule] a Community Pastors group of six pastors is a highlight. We experience life together and share a call to ministry. We know each other deeply enough so there is no joy or struggle that we are reluctant to share with one another. We are free to ask hard questions and are open to correction. All Pastors should have group like this.  
- Terry Shanahan