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November 15, 2016 
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2016 Election Results;  Potential Impact on Health and Welfare Benefits
Brought to you by Sullivan Benefits & UBA
Following the November 2016 election, Donald Trump (R) will be sworn in as the next President of the United States on January 20, 2017. The Republicans will also have the majority in the Senate (51 Republican, 47 Democrat) and in the House of Representatives (238 Republicans, 191 Democrat). 

As a result, the political atmosphere is favorable for the Trump Administration to begin implementing its healthcare policy objectives. Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) will likely remain the Speaker of the House. Known as an individual who is experienced in policy, it is expected that the Republican House will work to pass legislation that follows the health care policies in Speaker Ryan's "A Better Way" proposals. The success of any of these proposals remains to be seen.

Employers should be aware of the main tenets of President-elect Trump's proposals, as well as the policies outlined in Speaker Ryan's white paper. These proposals are likely to have an impact on employer sponsored health and welfare benefits.  Read more
Emergency Room or Urgent Care?
Brought to you by Nan Maley, RN
Director of Corporate Wellness, Sullivan Benefits
Choosing the appropriate place of care ensures prompt medical attention and lower costs.
More than 10 percent of all emergency room visits could have been better addressed in either an urgent care facility or a doctor's office.  If you're suddenly faced with symptoms of an illness or injury, how can you determine which facility is most appropriate for your condition? 

The Emergency Room (ER)

Emergency rooms are equipped to handle life-threatening injuries and illnesses and other serious medical conditions.  An emergency is a condition that may cause loss of life or permanent or severe disability if not treated immediately.  

Urgent Care

Urgent care centers are often free-standing facilities.  Occasionally, urgent care centers located in clinics or hospitals, and, like emergency rooms, offer after-hours care.  Unlike emergency rooms, they are not equipped to handle life-threatening situations.  

It is important that employees are informed of their options to help them make the best decision given their situation.   Read more
Market Alerts
HR Brief | November 2016
Benefits Buzz | November 2016
Benefits Bulletin | Q4 2016 
Higher prices and fewer options as MA Health Connector begins 2017 Open Enrollment
10/31/ 2016
How President Trump's Policies could effect Massachusetts
11/11/ 2016
How much do MA families spend on healthcare? 10/26/2016
Video Blog
Trump's Acceptance Speech

Trump's Acceptance Speech

Clinton's Concession Speech

Clinton's Concession Speech

ER or Urgent Care?

ER or Urgent Care?

Sullivan Benefits

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