Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. People around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.

As a non-profit organization, GenOn Ministries depends on the generosity of individual donors and Partner Churches with whom we share the high vision of Christian community through intergenerational relationships. Many of you donate to express your attitude of gratitude for LOGOS in your church or your experiences at our youth summits!

Will you make a donation on November 29 to partner with us 
to keep our high vision going strong? 
Will you encourage family and friends to also donate if they have been blessed by our ministry?

Good news! We have a donor who has pledged up to $5,000 to match your donations on Giving Tuesday. Set your alarm now so that you remember to click on the link below to give to GenOn on November 29! 

Yes! We will send you a reminder!

On behalf of all of the children, youth and adults who have and will benefit from your financial support of GenOn Ministries, here's a heartfelt thanks to you! 


 GenOn Ministries