As missionaries, we continually look for 
ways to mend broken hearts 
through love and the word.
Join us at 
"Inland Empire Clergy Breakfast" 
and live taping as we discuss missions in our back yard.

As a church community, we are called to minister to those who are disenfranchised. It is obviously near and dear to the heart of God because Jesus commands us to care for the poor and orphans.  It is our duty to not only preach the Gospel but to care for those who are in need.  When the Lord gave me the vision to start HBN, I wanted to hear from Him specific direction on how I should proceed.  Therefore, I shut-in for five days. During those five days, the Lord started pouring into me exactly what He wanted me to do.  One of the instructions He gave me was James 2:14-16, "What is the benefit, my fellow believers if someone claims to have faith but has no [good] works [as evidence]? Can that faith save him? [No, a mere claim of faith is not sufficient-genuine faith produces good works.] If a brother or sister is without [adequate] clothing and lacks [enough] food for each day, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace [with my blessing], [keep] warm and feed yourselves," but he does not give them the necessities for the body, what good does that do?" (Amplified).  I asked the Lord then what does this have to do with starting a media company? The Lord then answered and said, "What good is it if you go to those who are hurting and say to them, "Jesus is Lord" and didn't take care of their needs.  This prompted me to start "Hosanna House," an orphanage for homeless girls. I believe it is imperative for the church to shine the light of Jesus through a compassionate heart that cares for those in need.  The church has to be equipped and ready to care for those who are in our community whether the need may be physical, emotional or spiritual. The church needs to be an advocate for the poor.  Not only to give them a handout but to be involved with government and social organizations to assist in eliminating homelessness, poverty, unemployment and the like so that God's children can be set free from the bondage of lack and limitation that is holding them back from fulfilling their God-given purpose on this earth.  When our community heals, progress and grows, our church will also flourish and have a strong voice and economic stand.  

We invite you to join us to get fresh information from missionaries who are already in the fields.  We will have information for you to take back to your churches to build and enhance your missions department.   

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