December 2016 

Happy Holidays from the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance
How will you celebrate Local this Holiday Season?

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of our friends across the 
Golden Horseshoe and beyond! 

As we sit down to enjoy our holiday meals, let's remember to thank our farmers and producers who work tirelessly year-round to nourish us with good food. 

And remember, we can support local throughout the holidays not just with what's on our plates, but also with our trees -- and what's under the tree! Support your local businesses with unique gift ideas, and if you haven't put your tree up yet, be sure to in the province for a memorable, economically and environmentally-friendly experience!

Did you know e very acre of planted Christmas trees produces enough daily oxygen for 18 people, and our Christmas tree farms cover 14,715 acres of land across the province? Let your friends know why they should support local tree farms, too! 

A big thanks to all who contributed to our vigorous efforts throughout 2016 as we continued to work toward strengthening our vibrant food and farming sector. 
Happy New Year & See You in 2017!
Janet Horner, Executive Director,
Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance