Texas Kappa Sigma
Educational Foundation

Tau Trustees Committee
Annual Meeting Announcement

Dear Greetings!

As an elected member of the Tau Trustees Committee of the Texas Kappa Sigma Educational Foundation (TKSEF), which also functions as the House Corporation, your are invited to attend the Annual Meeting of the Tau Trustees to be held:

  Friday, November 10, 2017
3 P.M.
Hart Tau Trustees Meeting Room
Kappa Sigma Residence Hall
1002 West 26th Street
Austin, Texas 
The primary responsibility of a Tau Trustee is to safeguard the legacy of Tau Chapter, as well as annually elect the new Trustees, Directors, and Officers of the Foundation. The 2017 election will be conducted during the Annual Meeting. 

Trustees are typically selected from among Tau initiates who have: 

  • served Tau Chapter or Kappa Sigma Fraternity with distinction 
  • a son or grandson who has also been initiated into Tau Chapter 
  • given generously to the TKSEF or the affiliated 501(c)3 (Tau Trustees Educational Foundation)
  • paid annual Trustee Dues of $500 

If you are not able to attend, please download and execute attached proxy and return to Jim Pritchett, Chairman, at  jimpritch1@gmail.com

Thank you for your faithful service and we hope to see you on November 10. 
Jim Pritchett

Jim Pritchett 
(713) 515-0719