Here is this month's Bible-a-month Extra. Read on to find out about Slovakia's first giant print New Testament...

November 2017: Slovakia
Helping someone to read the Bible can be as simple as making the text a bit bigger. This month your support will give giant print Scripture to older people in Slovakia who are struggling to read the Bible.

Lying in the heart of Europe, Slovakia has become a success story after its independence in 1993. The country has retained its own language and distinct culture, and has been involved in peacekeeping duties in other countries.

The main religion is Christianity, with 93% of the population proclaiming to be Christian. However, the Slovak Bible Society recognises that while many profess to be Christian, only some are used to reading the Bible in a regular way. They are promoting the Bible as much as they can; bringing hope to the hearts of Slovakians whose lives are often busy and self-oriented. Their vision is to 'unite people with the love of God and His Word; to bring the Bible to all in their nation and to encourage change'.

15% of the population is over 65 years old and sadly, as in many countries, these older members of the community are often forgotten. People are lonely and lacking the care that they need.

There is no organisation in Slovakia that provides Scripture for people with visual disabilities such as those who are elderly and have failing eyesight. The Slovak Bible Society wants to reach everyone with God's Word and so they are making the Bible available in formats that people will be able to read.

In May 2012 the Slovak Bible Society printed 500 copies of the Gospels according to Matthew and Mark in giant print. These were given free of charge to organisations and offices working with elderly people and people with visual disabilities. These were received so well that the Bible Society wants to keep giving Scripture to these people. In 2014 the Psalms were printed. In 2015 people received the Gospels according to Luke and John; and in 2016 Acts and Romans were printed. This year they're currently working on putting a giant print book together that will contain 1&2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and 1&2 Thessalonians. Hopefully by the end of next year they'll have the entire New Testament available in giant print.

These books are received so well by people who struggle to read standard text. The size of the font is 21 points - that's almost three times larger than standard text. The clear lettering is allowing people to engage with Scripture for the first time. It's also helping those who desire to read the Bible but have long been unable to do so.

Lots of hospitals, care homes and hospices have received giant print Scripture. They're so thankful for these gifts from the Slovak Bible Society:

"I was going through several investigations with the lady for who I'm taking care. After hours of conversation, she gave her life to Jesus. She received the gift, the gospel in large print, and we are currently praying that God will protect her leg so that she doesn't need amputation." (Doctor in a hospital)

"We got the books yesterday and we gave them to our clients. The books made our clients really joyful. The books will be used in our chapel where our clients will use them during church services and prayer times. Thank you very much once again." (Staff member in a retirement home)

"I would love to sincerely thank you for the wonderful Book of Psalms. It's a beautiful book, not only for its content but also for its nice-designed cover. Thank you! Forgive me for being daring, nevertheless I would like to ask for more copies for some people with worsened sight...May God bless your work!" (Carer for the elderly)

"On behalf of our clients and employees of our social agency I would like to thank you for the beautiful New Testament publications. Giant letters will enable our clients with visual disabilities to read the literature they are deeply interested in. Thanks again, we wish you all the best in your work." (Social worker)

"Let me thank you sincerely one more time for your beautiful gift. It is good to know that there are still people in the world who help others in need gladly and generously. We appreciate it a lot." (Staff member at a senior's centre)
Pray Pray

Please pray for this work...

  • For those who have difficulty seeing; that they would find hope in Jesus Christ as they engage with the words of the giant print Scriptures.
  • For elderly people in Slovakia; that they would remain in God's presence and find comfort in His care.
  • For the Slovak Bible Society. Ask that God would enable them to answer the needs of the people, equipping them to bring the Bible to all people and share the love of Christ.
What will your £5 do? Give

This month your gift of £5 will give a giant print Scripture book of Acts and Romans to a hospital, care home or hospice in Slovakia.   

Thank you for your contribution as a Bible-a-month partner. If you would like to make an additional donation to this project then please get in touch with Bible Society NI using the contact details below.

Text your donation now. Text BAMC17£5 to 70070
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