ACA Repeal Vote Expected Early Next Week - 
Call Your Senators TODAY!

As the disability community battled against this effort over the last several months, we have shown our strength, our power, and The Arc thanks each and every advocate who has stepped up in this fight. But it is not over yet - we are expecting the Senate to vote on a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) next week. 

It is expected that the bill being voted on will be a new version of the Better Care Reconciliation Act. This bill would pose a dire threat to Medicaid and the millions of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who rely on it. 

Your Senators must hear from you about the importance of Medicaid in the lives of people with disabilities. Take a few minutes and call your Senator and tell them how Medicaid impacts your life. Every call counts and your calls are working! 

This is the civil rights fight of our time, and we need advocates like you to remain vigilant to protect all that has been built to ensure the inclusion and equality of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in our society. 

Proposed Medicaid cuts would have a devastating impact on people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. If your loved one:
  • lives in a group home
  • has the help of a job coach
  • attends a day program 
  • receives respite services or
  • behavioral supports

Did you know that special education is hugely reliant on Medicaid and that it helps pay for therapies (such as OT and PT), equipment and specialized transportation? If your child depends on those types of supports, then MEDICAID MATTERS to YOU. 

These are just a few examples of the many, many things Medicaid makes possible for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. That is why we need your help. Tell your representatives that MEDICAID MATTERS to YOU.    
Your Advocacy Tool Belt
We know that calling your representatives may feel overwhelming. We want to help you feel more comfortable and confident in your advocacy role. Below are some resources to help. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us