A Reconciling in Christ synod
The Office of the Bishop and Synod Council offer their deepest gratitude for Maria's work as communication assistant and receptionist as she begins her new position as Volunteer Coordinator at First, Longmont, CO.
We thank Maria for her faithful presence with us as the voice and face of the Rocky Mountain Synod as visitors called or stopped by for appointments. We wish her well in her new position!
Any questions related to communications or website can be sent to
Erin Power.
Bishop Eaton: Hear the Good News
Welcome to Advent.
This is the Gospel lesson for the first Sunday in Advent this year. This warning from Jesus comes after his words about the end of the world. The apocalypse is upon us, there will be tribulation and the world will see the day of God’s vengeance on human sin. How perky. This doesn’t quite fit with Christmas decorations, lovely carols and the relentless merriness that has been in stores, in advertisements and in the media since Labor Day.
And what about our Lord’s admonition to be awake, be aware, be ever-vigilant? We won’t know the hour. We might be left behind. At the very least it’s exhausting to be on watch all day every day...
...But hear the good news. Jesus was announcing the end of the world—a world in bondage to sin and death, a world that believes in a god of “what have you done for me lately?” It’s the day of God’s vengeance. And this is what God’s vengeance looks like—a helpless baby in a stable in Bethlehem, a helpless man on a cross outside of Jerusalem.
Read full article
May 5-7, 2017
Antlers Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO
More information will be sent out in the December mailing and registration begins February 1.
For your budget planning:
Voting member: $300
Visitor with meals: $250
Visitor without meals: $125
Exhibitor with meals: $175
Exhibitor without meals: $50
Serve as a Global Mission personnel
Are you passionate about the ministry of the ELCA around the world? Do you have a desire to walk with our companions and be a part of the incredible work happening in partnership with our brothers and sisters in Christ? Do you feel called to serve as a missionary of the ELCA? If you answered yes to any of these questions, consider reviewing the
ELCA job board’s list of current global opportunities.
Composer Marty Haugen's congregation asked him to write a song about Advent hope during this season in which so many are feeling uncertain, fearful, divided and dejected. He is graciously making the song available during Advent 2016 for any other faith communities that want to sing about how God calls us to “choose hope,” even (especially) when we are feeling scattered and broken.
Download the .pdf
Listen to the song
Rev. Kaila Jo (Hochhalter) Armbruster
Sunday, December 10 at 4:00 p.m.
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
3313 F Road
Grand Junction, CO 81504
Color of the day: Blue
RMS Prayer Cycle
December 2016
Ogden, UT Bruce Kolasch
Mount Tabor Salt Lake City, UT David Nichols
Prayer of the Day: Wednesday, December 7
Where there is conflict in the world, we pray for peace and healing; for soldiers and veterans who are currently serving or have served our country in the interest of peace and freedom, we give thanks and ask for God’s protection. And reflecting on times of war and peace throughout history, we ask God to instill in us lessons of reconciliation, justice, forgiveness, diplomacy and concern for the well-being of all people.
Join us in daily prayer:
From Palestine to Standing Rock: Water is Life
Friends of Sabeel-Colorado Lecture Series
Sunday, December 11
3-5 p.m.
Augustana Lutheran Church
5000 E. Alameda, at Fairfax, Denver
Please use the Fairfax Street entrance
Two of the Water Protectors who have been at Standing Rock, Joseph Medicine Robe and Scarlet Plume, will show visuals of what is happening at this historic moment, provide historic context and make connections to what is happening in the Middle East.
Urban Servant Corps Community Shopping Benefit at Ten Thousand Villages
Ten Thousand Villages
275 Clayton Street
December 13, 5-7p.m.
When you shop at Ten Thousand Villages on December 13 from 5-7p.m. Urban Servant Corps will receive a donation from your purchase! Holiday shopping is so much fun at this non-profit, fair-trade retailer of unique gift items from around the world! Ten Thousand Villages provides vital, fair income to people around the world by marketing their handcrafted items and by sharing their stories.
Registration for Colorado Faith Advocacy Day 2017 is now open!
Join advocates and people of faith from across Colorado for this year's event,
"Luther at 500: Reclaiming Protest for Today's Public Church."
Click here for more information. Register your group today!
The Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado Policy Committee has adopted its 2017 Advocacy Agenda. Our priorities include combating hunger, reducing poverty, supporting access to healthcare and housing, and caring for our environment.
Click here to learn more about our advocacy priorities for the coming year!
Christmas Worship in the German Language
Ökumenischer Weihnachtsgottesdienst in deutscher Sprache
(Ecumenical Christmas Worship in the German language)
18. Dezember 2016 um 17 Uhr!
(Sunday, December 18 at 5 p.m.)
This annual Denver tradition now takes place at the Rocky Mountain Synod Lutheran Center! Join Pastor Wolfgang Stahlberg and guest musicians for the service of word and song in the German language. The Lutheran Center is located at 7375 Samuel Drive, Denver, CO 80221.
Longest Night: A Service of Healing and Hope
Augustana Lutheran Church
Wednesday December 21
Noon or 6:30 p.m.
You are invited to gather for a worship opportunity at Augustana Lutheran Church in Christ Chapel. During this season that is filled with celebrations and parties, many people have a longing for a quieter time of reflection. During this worship we’ll hear God’s promises in scripture, sing familiar hymns, and have the opportunity for prayers of healing. All are welcome; please invite your friends or neighbors to experience this meaningful service.
Glory of God Lutheran Church
Glory of God Lutheran Church presents a night in Bethlehem
Saturday, Dec. 10 at 5 p.m.
12200 West 38th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
The streets of Bethlehem, City of David, are crowded. The marketplace is teeming with people, enticing smells and tastes, and sounds of merchants hawking their wares of baked goods, arts, and crafts. Caesar Augustus decreed the world should be enrolled. Come be counted. Each person entering will be taxed one can of food for The JEFFCO Action Center. Please leave your donkey at the door.
For more information call 303-421-2721
500th Year of The Reformation! The Footsteps of Martin Luther
Information Meeting
Sunday, December 11, 9:15 a.m. or 12:00 p.m. Location: Augustana Lutheran Church, 5000 East Alameda Avenue, Denver, CO 80246
Augustana Lutheran Church invites one-and-all on this post-Easter pilgrimage through Germany and Luther's world, inspiring the traveler to live courageously by faith. On Saturday evening, the group will attend English worship service at City Church where Martin Luther preached, was married, and baptized his six children.
Meeting to learn more and ask questions of a Faith Journeys representative is scheduled.
Registration is due by December 23. Check out the trip itinerary, cost, and registration online: Trip number 17043 at Faith Journeys.
Email Julie at the church office for more information or call 303-388-4678.
HFASS TO hold Holden Evening Prayer
House for All Sinners and Saints will sing Holden Evening Prayer
On 16th Street Mall during Wednesdays
at 6:30 during Advent, Nov 30; Dec 7, 14, 21
They will gather at 6:30 p.m. in front of the Hard Rock Cafe at the corner of 16th Street and Glenarm Place. They will then walk to the public piano on the mall between Glenarm and Tremont. All are welcome. Bundle up!
For additional information email
HFASS to host "Beer and Carols"
House for All Sinners and Saints is holding Beer and Carols.
Saturday, December 10 at 7 p.m.
Blake Street Tavern
We sing carols, drink beer (root beer included) and wear ugly sweaters. Folks who want to eat should plan to come a little early around 6:30. All are welcome. It's family friendly.
For more information email
Deutscher Weihnachtsgottesdienst at Community of Joy Lutheran Church
German language Christmas Worship Service
Sunday, December 18, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.
The Rev. Michael Bastian, German born Pastor at Community of Joy, will deliver the sermon and lead through the service in the German language. Traditional Christmas hymns and music will be provided.
We welcome all visitors to our church for this special event and fellowship after the service. Invite your parents, bring your children. Spread the word to any of your friends who have connections to Germany and the German language and join us for this wonderful Christmas celebration.
Refugees Need Your Help in Colorado and New Mexico
Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains
Did you know that there are local refugee resettlement agencies that need your help? Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains (LFS) is a proud refugee resettlement agency, working with refugees and asylees in Colorado and New Mexico. LFS resettled 1,418 refugees last fiscal year across four offices in Colorado and New Mexico. LFS provides services, support, and encouragement to refugees and asylees as they learn about life in the U.S. and work towards self-sufficiency. In many cases, LFS needs help from churches, organizations, and individuals to provide the services and supplies necessary for refugees to become self-sufficient and integrate into their new communities.
There are many ways to get involved:
- make a charitable donation to the refugee program
- become a foster parent to an unaccompanied refugee minor;
- volunteer as a refugee mentor and work with refugees one-on-one; and/or donate common household items like lamps, dishes, towels, sheets, etc.
For more information, please visit LFSRM or email for more Information.
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Congregational planning and goal setting resource
This resource, a 7-step guide for setting congregational goals, offered by the Gulf Coast Synod LEAD program, offers a step-by-step road map for leading your congregation in annual planning and goal setting set up in an 8 hour retreat format.
Non-rostered positions available
Chancel Choir Director
King of Kings, Pueblo, CO
Church Organist/Accompanist
King of Kings, Pueblo, CO
Youth Leader Holy Trinity, Littleton, CO
Faith Community Nurse- Parish Nurse Position
Augustana, Denver, CO
Office Assistant
Trinity Lutheran, Boulder, CO
Secretary/Editorial Assistant
St. Philip Lutheran Church, Littleton, CO
Children Youth and Family Ministry Director
All Saints, Albuquerque, NM
Seeking a Director of Faith Formation
Christ the Servant Lutheran, Louisville, CO
Music Director and Choir Director
St. Luke, Albuquerque, NM
Part-time Director
The New Mexico Conference of Churches
Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Gonia
- Mobility Conference, CA
- Candidacy Committee
- Installation, Kaila Jo Armbruster, Grand Junction, CO
- Zion, Montrose, CO
Pastor Kent Mueller
- Lutheran Center Administration
- Candidacy Committee
- Candidacy Meetings
Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM
- Legislative Finance Committee
- Invest in Kids Now
- St. Paul Lutheran Church
- NM Conference of Churches
Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-CO
- AFDC Legislative Committee
- In-house appointments
Pastor Judith VanOsdol
- Mobility Conference, CA
- Our Savior's, Denver, CO
- First, Ault, CO
Erin Power, Diaconal Minister
- Global Mission Committee
- Synod Assembly Planning
- RMS Communications
Pastor Sarah Moening
- Mobility Conference CA
- Lutheran Church of the Servant, Santa Fe, NM
- Bethlehem, Los Alamos, NM
- St. Luke, Albuquerque, NM
Andy Sprain
Maria Sutton
, Communication Assistant
Rocky Mountain Synod
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744
Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following Wednesday. Event announcements are included for about two weeks and should be submitted via the eConnection Submission link above.