For choosing and learning to live differently after grief...         

In This Issue
Note From Chris
Living Differently Tip
Feature Article
Chris Recommends
What About Gratitude
Did You Know
Link to Blog
Short Takes
Join Our List
July  2017   Vol. 58

Living Differently is a newsletter of tips, ideas and information about grief, life and living after grief.


Grieving, like living, involves all areas of life; emotional, cognitive, physical, spiritual, social, relational, nature and universal. We delve into all these areas plus offer messages from the other side to help you in your journey.


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With much gratitude,


Note From Chris

      Summer Growth: Outdoors and Indoors
Summer is definitely here. (In the US anyway!) Newspapers advertise outdoor activities: picnics, vacations, concerts, wine tasting tours. (At least in my neighborhood as our valley is becoming famous for the growing number of wineries)

July seems to be (especially in the Northern Hemisphere) the time of year when we notice the fruits of our gardening labors. Flowers bloom, grass, gardens and plant materials green up; plant life seems to come alive and thrive with the sun,  water and the care that they receive within their landscaping plan. 

The growth of our yard and garden is such an accurate metaphor for the grieving life. We can see similarities, descriptors, schedules and requirements that produce equivalent outcomes.

Since we are noticing all of this, it was no surprise that Maxx focused on the similarities to help teach us this month. They know that the lessons are not easy but they want us to use our life to understand them easier.

Let's look at summer growing a little differently this month...

Living Differently Tip

 Living Differently Tip:

The following is from my ongoing messages/lessons/guidance shared by and received from the non-physical perspective Guides, aka. Maxx

This message holds a mini-lesson for all of us...
(usually I hear a phrase, a subject or they make a comment and then they explain their lesson...)

        Growing You Through Becoming You

How can you grow if you are not aware of your growth? It is in knowing about you and your growth that you grow. It is by seeing differences in what you were, what you are and what you are becoming. It is within you that you grow. It is not as a result of your environment. You are influenced by that but it is your internal growth that displays and demonstrates to you the new you that is becoming and that new you that is becoming is what you have created from your journeying through new ideas, methods, techniques and accepted and acceptances of what surrounds you in your life. There are many things that will help you grow including personal attributes and your will to become different than you currently experience. But it is what you have done with and for the YOU that exists not in your physical body but in your soul of you and your being. We encourage you to allow that being to become the fullness and richness of what you not only desire but are entitled to be.  Growing you through becoming you.

Zac Comment:

You have grown, others have grown. It is through noticing changes and accepting those changes and wanting those changes. That's how you put the physical with your spiritual that you have been thinking of recently. It is the creative contribution of connection of that all of you that grows who you are becoming. So just be aware of that process and experience it while creating and live it after recognizing it. There is more to you that can be when you are living that growing creation...


Your spirit helpers are with you all the time they want to help you and they have a way of letting you know in a way you will understand...
Your job is to learn to trust them! You can have the comfort of your spirit guides and loved ones to ease the burdens of your physical life. I encourage you to embrace your connections. 

         Do you have questions? Please let me know..
Feature Article

Your Growing Creation

The Great Outdoor Change

In the summertime our attention is drawn to the outdoors because of summer activities, warmer weather, increased personal activity level and children are out of school. Our focus is also turned toward the beauty of the changing of the season due to the growth that has occurred. We become aware of and notice the changing of the seasons. We notice the beauty of nature all around us that has been gifted to us through the seasonal growth process. We notice how our view/our outlook may have changed because of the natural beauty of this change.

The Great Indoor Change

But do you ever look at your own internal change and if you do, do you look at it with eyes of awe and wonder and appreciation?

Looking inside of yourself and being aware of and noticing your changes are not what we normally do on an everyday basis. Some people may never recognize their internal changes due to focusing on everyday activity, life situations, experiences and the daily stress of life.

What would you see if you looked inside of yourself and what would you notice? How would you feel about that?

First of all, would you see the journey, the experience, the trials, and the will that it has taken to make this journey and to make your choices? Could you identify those choices that you have made in order to see where you have arrived? Would you appreciate what changes have taken place and the process that was necessary that you had to follow to be able to create those changes?

Would you look upon yourself with wonder and admiration and appreciation for what you had changed? Would you see the beauty that has been created as the result of your own processing and your own choices and your own abilities to have made those changes?

What would it take for you to be able to see your own journey? And, what would it take for you to be able to see your life differently because of that journey?

Growing You

Your inner journey is very similar to the seasonal changes and like nature; you could enjoy the beauty of YOUR physical environment and appreciate what it has taken to create your changes.

As they begin their journey upon planting, the seeds, the seedlings and the tree saplings have a process to experience to become the awe inspiring pictures of nature that we enjoy and accept as the splendor of our beautiful planet.

Perhaps... you could look at the seeds you have planted and the journey that those seeds have taken by using the route of your decisions, your choices, by your inner abilities and capabilities and the tools and techniques you have acquired and learned in your process.

Perhaps... by viewing the seedling's journey through its seasonal changes, you may become aware of and notice your inner journey changes and the creation you are becoming.  
Perhaps... it might be a good time to recognize that you are like that sapling. You have your periods of moving through your stages of healing which create the changes in your process.

Conceivably, if you step back, become aware of and notice, you can recognize you and see the beauty of the creation that you have become, wherever you are in your journey.

Chris Recommends

              Life Hack: More Water Please!

Like your outdoor plants, drinking water is important for your body, especially in the summer when your body perspires more probably due to increased activity and being outside more than the winter time.   

You may have heard the recommendation to drink 8 - 12 glasses of water per day. Bottom line: water is essential for your health and well-being. Drinking water (or the lack thereof) affects every system in your body. It is a detox that naturally supports your liver, kidneys and digestive system and could possibly assist in your weight management program by helping you identify the difference between your hunger and your thirst and by eating fewer calories of saturated fats, sodium and sugar.

But, besides giving your cells balance, supporting our physical body's systems, encouraging your organs to function properly, there is one more important reason to drink water -specifically for the grieving person: drinking water is probably one of the top two ways to encourage your communication with your loved one. (We'll talk about the other one next month)

How? Water is an amplifier for energy. You are energy. Your physical body is made up of 60-70% water (depending upon the source quoted, sex, stage of life, etc.) When you drink water, it amplifies your energy to increase/heighten your vibration to be able to communicate with your loved one.   
Besides being physically healthy...isn't that an encouraging reason to increase your water intake?
What About Gratitude

Practicing daily gratitude will make you feel more positive in every area of your life. Feelings like anger, bitterness, and resentment are incompatible with gratitude. By cultivating more gratitude you will experience less negativity and grow more presence, positivity and productivity. You will be a magnet for miracles!
Did You Know

The Benefits of Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm has long been shown to produce benefits in clinical trials for mood, cognition and memory. The plant has been used for anxiety and mental support as long as people have been using herbs. And now it has been shown by medical research to have positive chemical effects on the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease.

Lemon balm tastes and smells like lemon and can be used in teas. Back in the 1500s, a physician, Paraclesus, promoted lemon balm as "the elixir of life." The ancient Greeks used it as essential in dealing with nervous system disorders.

Now, all that research and history aside, I know that lemon balm, a perennial cousin to the mint family, may be considered a weed or invasive by some gardeners but I love lemon balm and have always had some in the fragrant room of my garden. Just by walking by it, (every day because I so love it) stroking an entire stem from bottom to top, leaves the lemony scent on my hand to uplift my spirit, calms my energy and creates grounding for me to enhance my spiritual awareness.   

I hope you can try it... 

I'm really excited about this! This Sunday (July 23, 2017) I'll be sharing with a really compassionate, caring group of bereaved parents on the Living With Hope Facebook group. It will be hosted on the (free) Zoom program by the online (closed) group for bereaved parents, Living with Hope admins, Diane LaFlamme Romagnoli, Rachel Slagle Pearson and Bobby Morton. This is a wonderful group that provides comfort for grievers, empowerment to heal and inspiration to grow but not only through the social component but through embracing spirituality and the continuing connections with their children as important elements of the healing journey. I'd love to meet some of you there!



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(We post blog posts, Wednesday Wisdom (from Maxx, Zac and others on the other side) Friday Funnies and a whole lot more on the Facebook page)

Request: I'd love to hear from you... do you have questions or comments about this newsletter?

Are there subjects you'd like to hear about? Please let me know....                


and this month's a final thought...

            Here's to your gardening - free range or not...

If you have questions, comments or subjects you'd like addressed in this newsletter, please let us know...

Link to Blog

Please visit my blog here.   I'd love to hear your comments or questions or have you share your experiences of your continued relationship with your loved one.  

For a whole lot of years now we have been sharing information about signs, celebrating your child's birthday, dreams, pet loss, parental loss, ADCs, continuing relationships, conversations with the other side, holiday grief, bereaved parents' grief and a whole lot more!  

Short Takes


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Chris Mulligan is an intuitive grief guide, teacher and author of Afterlife Agreements: A Gift From Beyond who is passionate about inspiring and guiding others to choose to live differently after grief, to change their pain to hope and their suffering to living on.  Her passion is fueled by her own transformation when her youngest son, Zac died in 2000 and she found herself enduring a shattered world she did not expect to inhabit. Receiving guidance through signs and communication from her son and other spirits, her life path shifted from living in grief to living on. She discovered her truth when she chose to open her heart and live life differently. From that place, she fearlessly created an abundant life full of gifts, gratitude and grace. A MS in Clinical Child, Youth, and Family Work, 25 years of Adoption Social Work, hospice volunteering, facilitating grief support groups and being her parents' end of life and transitional caregiver have taught her about pain and peace. She frequently speaks on panels and workshops for the bereaved and those working with the bereaved. She loves spending time with her husband and family of two dogs, Nina and Sam, four children and four grandchildren. She has been receiving images and messages from those on the other side for over 16 years and is currently writing a book incorporating their teachings.  Go to to learn more. 


With much gratitude,
