July 2017
This month we highlight the newly published MOVE ON study, anecdotes and evidence for medical marijuana, the launch of an evidence-based malnutrition toolkit, the upcoming launch of the Senior Friendly Care Framework, and the benefits of "Ask a Coach".
Hot off the press! MOVE ON outcomes published

The many risks of immobility for hospitalized older adults are well documented, yet many still remain grossly under-mobilized. The  Mobilization of Vulnerable Elders in Ontario (MOVE ON) project sought to overcome this issue, and successfully implemented and evaluated an early mobilization strategy in 14 hospitals,including over 10,000 patients, making it the largest study of its kind. 

The results were positive; there was an increase in patient mobility and a decrease in length of stay.   This successful initiative continues to spread, with well over 65 hospitals world-wide having now implemented MOVE ON.
As part of the SFH strategy in Ontario, many hospitals have implemented mobilization strategies based on MOVE ON. 

What do we know about prescribing marijuana to older adults?
Like any other drug, marijuana has it's pros and cons, but understanding how they relate  to older adults is still in the discovery phase. In the absence of high quality data, physicians who prescribe are sharing what they know. 

The article "Is marijuana and seniors a bad combination?" explores anecdotes and evidence, and includes insights by Ontario Geriatricians, Dr. Jennifer Watt and Dr. Mona Sidhu .
NEW! Toolkit for improving nutrition in hospitals
According to the Canadian Malnutrition Task Force (CMTF), malnourished patients stay in hospital 2-3 days longer than nourished patients. The CMFT's newly launched Integrated Nutrition Pathway for Acute Care (INPAC) Implementation Toolkit provides guidance on the 'what' and 'how' of improving hospital nutrition care.
The Senior Friendly Hospital (SFH) Framework has proven to be very valuable in stimulating change in hospitals to improve care for older adults. Building on this success, the time is right for re-imagining this framework as one that will be applicable wherever healthcare is delivered, not just in hospitals. 

What does this mean for SFH?   
Senior Friendly Hospitals will still be known as SFH. Evolving the SFH framework into the Senior Friendly Care (sfCare) framework is part of the SFH strategy.  The new framework will recognize the complexity of the healthcare continuum for older adults and  will provide the foundation for new models of care, standards, indicators, training, and toolkits that will focus on the collaborative delivery of senior friendly care, across the healthcare continuum.  
Senior-friendly QI coaches
THE SFH ACTION coaches continue to be available to the 87-hospital SFH collaborative as well as any hospital working on a senior friendly QI project. 

Need a tool for auditing or a patient education pamphlet? Have a question about data collection or about how another hospital implemented something? Don't spin your wheels or reinvent the wheel; ask a coach! 

A coach can help you solve challenges, point you to applicable resources in the Senior Friendly Toolkit, or  reach out to the collaborative to make a connection with someone who will share their tools and insights with you.

 If you don't have a coach or don't know who your coach is, simply  CLICK HERE TO ASK A COACH