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Keep Tahoe Blue Advocacy Update
Advocating for Tahoe Transportation Solutions
The League collaborated with LimeBike to bring a bike share pilot to South Tahoe. Photo by Chris McNamara.
The League to Save Lake Tahoe has a vision for Lake Tahoe where residents and visitors have a wide variety of transportation choices for getting to and around Tahoe in ways that protect Lake Tahoe's clarity and ecology while improving the quality of life in our communities. We recently helped bring a bike share pilot to South Tahoe. Find out more about our transportation advocacy.
Lake Tahoe Airport 
Photo by Jim Hildinger
In recent years, the City of South Lake Tahoe managed the development of a new master plan for Lake Tahoe Airport. Advocacy by the League helped convince the City to end commercial service at the airport and to reduce the footprint of the airport runway that is in a sensitive wetland area. These moves will reduce the airport's environmental impacts on Lake Tahoe - the League applauds the City's decisions.
Martis Valley West & Brockway
Martis Valley West map

Martis Valley West
Last fall, Placer County's board of supervisors approved the Martis Valley West Project, against the recommendation of their Planning Commission and staff. Martis is a massive proposed residential and commercial development in Placer County. The Project's environmental review uncovered major threats to Lake Tahoe, but violated California law by failing to take actions to avoid harm to the Lake. In late 2016, after exhausting all other means of improving the project to eliminate or reduce the threats to the Lake, the League and our partners with Sierra Watch and Mountain Area Preservation sought to stop the project in court. The case is continuing through the legal process, with a hearing scheduled for November.

In 2016, the League's advocacy stopped the development of the proposed Brockway camping resort, which would have concentrated thousands of visitors on a relatively remote and forested ridgeline just inside the Tahoe Basin's north rim. Brockway would have set a terrible precedent, adding significant traffic to Tahoe by developing an area far from existing urban areas. This would be in direct conflict with the Regional Plan Update for Lake Tahoe, which seeks to concentrate development in town centers. A sale of the proposal's land to the United States Forest Service is pending and expected to move forward this year.

Fanny bridge
Fanny Bridge
Construction is underway for the realignment of Highway 89 and the rehabilitation of Fanny Bridge in Tahoe City. The League was instrumental in ensuring the project and its visioning were translated effectively into policy for the Placer County Area Plan.

Tahoe Area Plans

Placer County Area Plan
A requirement of Tahoe's 2012 regional plan update is the creation of local area plans intended to allow each community to develop land use and design standards to reflect the unique needs of that community. The League has remained involved in the drafting of each area plan by advocating for environmental restoration and strengthened protections for Lake Tahoe.

Area plans that have already been adopted include: Douglas County's South Shore Area Plan (2013), City of South Lake Tahoe's Tourist Core Area Plan (2013) and Tahoe Valley Area Plan (2015), and Placer County's Tahoe Basin Area Plan for the entire portion of the county within the Tahoe Basin (2017).

Additional Area Plans that are under development, or will be soon, include Douglas County's Tahoe Douglas Area Plan, El Dorado County's Meyers Area Plan, the City of South Lake Tahoe's third area plan for the Bijoux and Al Tahoe area, and Washoe County's area plan for the portion of the county inside the Basin.