Highlights This Week

Music This Sunday

#500 Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart
#418 We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder
#133 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms


Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich, BWV 609
("Let All Together Praise Our God")
J.S. Bach

Trio on Jacob's Ladder
Ralph Simpson

Toccatta in Seven
John Rutter

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July 23, 2017

Preaching - Rev. Adam B. Snell
Genesis 28:10-19a

10 Jacob left Beer-sheba and went toward Haran.  11 He came to a certain place and stayed there for the night, because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place, he put it under his head and lay down in that place.  12 And he dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, the top of it reaching to heaven; and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.  13 And the Lord stood beside him and said, "I am the Lord , the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and to your offspring; 14 and your offspring shall be like the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; and all the families of the earth shall be blessed in you and in your offspring.  15 Know that I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."  16 Then Jacob woke from his sleep and said, "Surely the Lord is in this place - and I did not know it!"  17 And he was afraid, and said, "How awesome is this place!  This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven."
18 So Jacob rose early in the morning, and he took the stone that he had put under his head and set it up for a pillar and poured oil on the top of it.  19 He called that place Bethel.
Questions to Ponder
Jacob is on the run. Because of his own trickery, his life is threatened by his brother, Esau. His parents, Isaac and Rebekah, send him toward the relative safety and security of Haran.

Ponder these questions: 

Threats to our happiness and security take many forms. What threats confront you this week?

Like Jacob, sometimes our troubles are caused by our own actions. Name a time when you wanted to run away and hide because of something you did.

Most Canaanite gods were understood to be local gods, meaning that their influence was ineffective the farther away one went from their respective localities. Out in the middle of nowhere, who stands beside Jacob in his dream?

Jacob names that place Bethel, which means "house of God." Where is that holy place for you, that place where God has stood beside you in an unexpected way?


Dear friends:
If you called the church around noon today, I'm sorry we weren't here to take your call. The St. Paul's staff took the opportunity to walk over to the Dish & Dram restaurant here in Kensington to have lunch together. Despite the oppressive heat and humidity, Rick Buckingham walked in style, sporting his Akubra hat from Australia.

Throughout the year we often share meals. We eat together during our annual staff retreat, we gather for food shortly after Christmas every year, and every other staff meeting or so features cake as we celebrate someone's birthday. One day for Boss's Day the whole staff got together and ordered lunch. The funny thing was that they charged the lunch to me. The really funny thing was that I wasn't even there that day. So, they videoed themselves enjoying food at my expense and sent it to me. The St. Paul's staff is special.

And this special group of servants is now facing a poignant season of change. After 32 years of service to Christ's church, Rev. Rick Buckingham is now less than 2 weeks from retirement. Monday, July 31 will be his last day as Minister of Christian Education, Youth and Young Adults at St. Paul's. Today was our final opportunity to gather as a staff and break bread together.

As we ate and laughed and shared our favorite Rick memories, Rick and Micah Smartt, the new Youth Pastor, were grateful for the break from the monumental task of cleaning out Rick's office and going through the books in the parsonage. Three decades worth of files and theological resources is a pretty high hill to climb.

Much of this mountain will be recycled (Micah just came in looking for another recycling container). But, not everything will be discarded. Rick has set aside some of his personal treasures for a combination yard sale/silent auction to be held in Heavener Hall after the second worship service this Sunday, July 23. There will be books, framed pictures, even some of his famous collection of hats from around the world. He also told us at lunch that he has plastic models of monsters that he made and painted when he was a child. All these years and I never knew he collected monsters. You think you know a guy ...

Walking back from lunch Rick stopped at the bank to sign over the youth checking account to Micah. Between cleaning out his office and home and transferring authority over the youth program to Micah, it hit me that Rick really is going to leave, and soon. Our time together is short, and before long will be gone.

We will celebrate Rick's ministry in grand style on Sunday, July 30. That will be his last day of worship with us, and I hope you will make plans to be part of the farewell that day. The church picnic will follow in Reinhardt Park, weather permitting, Heavener Hall if not. But, even if you plan to be present on that day I encourage you to worship this Sunday, too. Other than the yard sale/silent auction it's just a normal Sunday. But, it's also one of only two Sundays remaining in Rick Buckingham's long and fruitful vocational career at St. Paul's. When there are only two left, you don't want to miss even one.

Besides, you may find a nice hat. Or a monster.

A.B. Snell

P.S.: Attention parents - all Summer Sunday School children will report directly to their classrooms for the remainder of the summer. There will be no Young People's Message in worship until September. Thank you. 
Upcoming Events


Nursery - 202
9:00 am

Worship & Communion - Sanctuary
9:30 am

Adult Sunday School - Parlor 
9:55 am
Covenant Discipleship Group - Library
10:30 am

Worship - Sanctuary
10:30 am
Nursery - 202
10:30 am
Summer Sunday School - 200, 201, 203
11:45 am

Rick's Silent Auction - Heavener Hall
11:45 am
Wilderness Trail Orientation - MPR

1:00 pm
Staff Meeting - Parlor
7:00 pm
Yarn Ministry - Library


No church activities scheduled


No church activities scheduled


No church activities scheduled

7:00 pm
2x4s Shelter Meal Prep - Stalcup Home


No church activities scheduled

7/30/17 - Picnic & Rick's Retirement
8:00 am
Wilderness Trail Hikers Depart - parking lot
9:00 am

Nursery - 202
9:00 am
Worship with Communion - Sanctuary
9:30 am
Adult Sunday School - Parlor 
9:55 am
Covenant Discipleship Group - Library
10:30 am
Worship - Sanctuary
10:30 am
Summer Sunday School - 200, 201, 203
11:45 am
Church Picnic & Rev. Rick Buckingham Retirement Celebration - Reinhardt Park
4:00 pm
2x4s Men's Shelter Meal Serving - Carroll House Shelter

Last Call for Nicaragua VIM Donations!

During our trip to Nicaragua in August, the Volunteers In Mission team will be rehabilitating daycare centers for children up to the age of six. Can you help donate items to create a warm, inviting environment? I tems can be placed in bins in the Narthex and will be collected after worship this Sunday,  July 23 We are in need of the following new or like-new items: suitcases or duffel bags (medium-to-large size), Spanish children's books or CDs, simple coloring books, crayons, tape, glue, construction paper, colored pencils, soccer balls (various sizes for all ages), and Spanish Bibles. Financial contributions are also welcome! We will use them to purchase other items that we will buy in Nicaragua, like tables and chairs. Please contact Athena Gaalswyk with any questions (301-592-8798, [email protected]). Thank you for prayers and support!
Summer Sunday School

Summer Sunday School meets starting at 10:30am this week. We offer one class for children ages 2-5 and another for children ages 6-10 during the 10:30am worship time. We still need some adult volunteers, plus teen helpers, to sign up to guide classes until September 3. Each Sunday has a theme, coloring pages, and snacks provided. Teachers are asked to plan a craft or activity.  S ign up in the church office or contact coordinator Amy Frontz at [email protected] to get started and help make Summer Sunday School a success! 
Rick's Silent Auction

Rev. Rick Buckingham is downsizing his home and moving into a one-bedroom apartment, and needs to divest himself of some personal treasures. He will hold a "Silent Auction" for this purpose in Heavener Hall this Sunday,
July 23, between 11:45am  and 12:30pm. At 12:30pm, the highest bidder for each item will be announced and payment collected. Each item will be purchased "as is."  Proceeds will be used to help cover moving costs.
Praying Our Way Forward

In response to discussions at the 2016 United Methodist General Conference, the Council of Bishops created the Commission on a Way Forward. This body of clergy and laity from across the denomination and across the world is charged with a complete examination and possible revision of every paragraph of the United Methodist Book of Discipline concerning human sexuality. The commission aims to explore options that could help to maintain and strengthen the unity of the church, especially exploring the denomination's stance on homosexuality.  (To view the current language, visit: http://www.umc.org/what-we-believe/what-is-the-denominations-position-on-homosexuality .) Since January 2017, United Methodist conferences worldwide have been engaged in Praying our Way Forward, a vigil of prayer for the commission's important work. For more information on the Commission, you may view two short videos: an introductory video on "Praying Our Way Forward" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t1cwBJxS2c ) and the video shared at the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference in May 2017 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw_Yhy6aa4U ).  Churches of the Baltimore-Washington Conference are called to participate in the prayer vigil during the week of July 23-29 . For prayer resources from our conference and others, please visit:  http://umcprays.org/meditations/ .
2x4s Men's Shelter Meal

Men from the 2x4s Ministry (for folks in the 20s-40s age range) will gather at the home of Travis & Rachel Stalcup at 7:00pm to prepare a meal on Friday, July 28. We'll serve dinner at the Carroll House Men's Shelter at 4:00pm on Sunday, July 30. Look for an email with more information, or contact Travis Stalcup at [email protected] to get involved.
Helpers for Church Picnic July 30

The annual St. Paul's UMC church picnic will be on Sunday,  July 30 immediately following the 10:30am worship service. All are invited to join us across the street in Reinhardt Park after worship for food, fellowship, fun (including a moon bounce and face painting), and special moments recognizing Rev. Rick Buckingham's years of service as he transitions into retirement. We need helpers to make this day a success! Look for a sign-up sheet in the Sunday bulletin for July 23 or contact the church office. We're seeking a site coordinator, folks to help set-up tables and chairs at 9:30am, food runners to shuttle dishes and drinks from the kitchen, and monitors to keep an eye on our youngsters on the ever-popular moon bounce. 
We Love Rick

You can contribute to recognizing Rev. Rick Buckingham's years of service as he transitions into retirement. There is a box in the Narthex under a sign that says, " We Love Rick! We are collecting your messages of gratitude and well-wishes to send with him after 32 years of dedicated service and countless lives touched here at St. Paul's.  Please place your notes to Rev. Buckingham in this box from now until July 28, or visit our website to customize a thank you note. If you would like to contribute to a monetary gift to Rick make your check payable to St. Paul's UMC, write "Rick's Love Offering" on the memo line, and place it in the basket. Please join us as we honor Rick in worship and at the church-wide picnic on Sunday, July 30.
Special Choir on July 30

A special pick-up choir will sing on Sunday, July 30 when we celebrate Rick Buckingham's final Sunday as a St. Paul's pastor. If you would like to raise your voice, please meet in the Choir Room (Room 211) at 9:30 am to rehearse "The First Song of Isaiah" prior to singing at the 10:30 am worship service.
Backpack Supplies Needed

Backpack Build
Once again Justice & Compassion is partnering with Interfaith Works to get backpacks and supplies to needy children in time for the start of school. Collection will begin Sunday, July 30 and ends Wednesday, August 16. We will build the backpacks after the 10:30am service on Sunday, August 20. The top items needed are: 3-ring binder (2 inch size), two-pocket folders, dividers, pencil boxes or pouches, rulers, scissors, markers, highlighters, colored pencils, and the backpacks themselves! Financial contributions are also welcome - make checks out to St. Paul's UMC and write "Backpack Build" on the memo line. If you have questions, please contact Angela Harvey ( [email protected]) or Leigha Gordillo ( [email protected]).
2x4s Book Club

The 2x4s Third Thursday Book Club (for readers in the 20s-40s age range) will skip discussion in July and will next meet 7:30-9:00pm on August 17 at Jim & Rachel King's home for our July/August selection, Why Nations Fail by Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson. Brilliant and engagingly written, Why Nations Fail answers the question that has stumped the experts for centuries: Why are some nations rich and others poor, divided by wealth and poverty, health and sickness, food and famine? Get reading now - it's a hearty book that promises to spark lively discussion.
2x4s Food Coordinators

The 2x4s Ministry will be providing a light picnic-style lunch for the volunteers packing backpacks on August 20 and we currently need one person to serve as the coordinator. We also need one volunteer coordinator for a 2x4s Second Sunday Lunch potluck on September 10 after we sort food pantry items. To volunteer as food coordinator for one of these activities, contact Travis Stalcup at [email protected].
Parking Lot

In a busy church with a full parking lot, accidental bumps and scrapes happen from time to time. If this happens to you or if you have inadvertently caused damage to another vehicle, simply let us know in the church office and we'll do our best to help find the owner. Be careful out there, and watch for children. Thank you! 
Women's Shelter Update

Thank you for your generous contributions to the Interfaith Works Women's Center in Rockville. St. Paul's has collected almost $4,000 to help these neighbors recover following extensive damage to the facility and to the personal possessions of many of the women because of broken sewer lines. If you would like to contribute, the need remains. Make checks payable to St. Paul's UMC with "IWWC" in the memo line.

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