Here's What's Happening at PCCS
Spirit Week
In conjunction with Attendance Week, PCCS will be having Spirit Days next week. Here is the schedule:
Monday--Patriot Day (wear your USA garb)
Tuesday--Crazy Hat Day
Wednesday--Class Color Day (your child's teacher will let you know the class color)
Thursday--Dress Up Day (more info coming from your child's teacher)
Friday--PCCS Spirit Day
(Wear PCCS gear or green)

Curriculum Night
Our 5th-8th Grade Curriculum Night will take place next Tuesday, September 12th from 6-7pm. All parents/guardians are invited to come and learn more about what your children will be learning at PCCS this year. Mrs. Flaig will also be present to give general overviews of the upcoming trips that your children will take this year. Thanks to all who attended the K-4th grade Curriculum Night last week. We enjoyed seeing you!
Textile Drive
Donations are now being accepted for the PSO Textile Drive. Please send in any gently used clothing, coats, or shoes. Has your child grown out of their summer clothes? Donate them here! How about old Halloween costumes or holiday outfits? Donate here! They are accepting clothing for infant through adult sizes from now through September 20th. Drop offs are accepted at the East Gym doors from 7:45-9am each weekday!
8th Grade Farmstand
Our 8th graders are offering a Farm Stand the week of September 18th through 22nd (or until we sell out) during AM, PM, and Kindergarten carpool. Students will be selling various produce boxes for $5 each and herb bundles for $3 each. All proceeds will go towards  the 8th grade Virginia Trip in April. Questions? Please email   Ms. Hamerlind
Parent Elect Board Opening
The Board is looking for applicants to fill the parent-elect seat on the Board. Applications are being accepted until Monday, October 2nd at 3:30pm. Interested candidates should click HERE to learn more about the process. Questions? Please contact Board President  Ed Jamison
Carpool Reminders
Please be patient with your fellow carpool drivers; don't use cell phones; use two lines in the morning & afternoon carpool until you reach the turn by the Kennicott Building; never pass cars on the left; you need not wait for a morning door opener if your child is able to open their door; please do not park on the residential streets to pick up or drop off your child. Let's be good neighbors! 
Upcoming Events & After School Opportunities
Alumni Spotlight. PCCS Class of 2014 Alum Collin Patrick demonstrated his commitment to his community and to service in July, when part of his high school campus at Warren Township High School was in danger of flooding. Click HERE for a video documenting his efforts.
PBIS--Being Safe at Recess
Being Safe at Recess.  Recess is a time to play and have fun, but in our community, we need to be safe so everyone can have fun. We must respect personal space and be in control of our own body so we aren't harming others or making them feel uncomfortable. We need to be aware of what's around us and stay in the recess boundaries because there is a neighborhood and busy roads around us.
Personal Responsibility
Each year, the Regional Office of Education schedules a week where they look at student attendance trends across the county. This year, Attendance Week runs from September 11th-15th. We are proud to say that the Personal Responsibility that exists within our school community has always been reflected with high attendance numbers. We recognize, though, that cold and flu season and seasonal changes can impact our students' ability to come to school every day when they begin to get sick. As a place where there are many people interacting in one location, viruses spread quickly throughout classes, buildings and especially in our bathrooms.

In order to keep germs under control, we want to make sure that all of our students help in keeping our bathrooms clean and washing their hands after using the facilities. Our Cool Tools serve as a wonderful resource to help you help us! Please take a moment to review these tools with your child so that we can minimize health risks and and increase regular attendance and personal responsibility.

We are excited for our students to participate in Spirit Week beginning Monday, in conjunction with Attendance Week. Please click HERE to learn more from Mr. Zamiar about Attendance.

PSO Corner

Textile Drive. Donations are currently being accepted for this year's Textile Drive/Clothing Sale. See the flyer for information about what items are being accepted.
Donation Dates: September 7th-20th (weekdays only)
Donation Times: 7:45-9:00am
Donation Location: East Door of Gymnasium
*Note: At this time, we are not accepting unwearable clothing and textile goods (stained, torn, or damaged). A separate Spring Cleaning Event will take place in the spring for unwearable textile items you may want to donate. Stay tuned for more information.

Bulb Fundraiser. Do you love flowers in your garden? PCCS is holding a flower bulb fundraiser! Order Deadline: Friday, September 15, 2017.
For more information, click HERE.
Important note: Paper orders come with free shipping and the PSO will deliver the bulbs to you at school. However, online orders have a $8 shipping fee and the bulbs are shipped directly to your home. 

Splashtastic Pool Fun-Raiser. On behalf of the PSO, we would like to thank all the families who joined us  on Sunday at The Hunt Club Aquatic Center for our first fundraiser of the year! It was a huge success! Thank you for the support; we appreciate all of you!


Upcoming Events at PCCS:
Monday, September 11th--Friday, September 15th--Attendance Week
Monday, September 11th-- Soccer vs. Johnsburg at Home 4pm
Tuesday, September 12th--Soccer vs. Big Hollow at Home 4pm
       --Cross Country Meet at Gavin South 4pm
       --Curriculum Night 5th-8th Grades 6-7pm
Wednesday, September 13th--Farm to Table
Thursday, September 14th--Cross Country Meet at Park 4pm

Save the Date: 
September 15th-October 15th--Hispanic Heritage Month Activities
October 10th--Picture Retakes


PCCS Administration
Around PCCS
Kindergarten Salsa Making
September's Green Challenge--Recycle
Algebra Class PCCS-Style (in September and beyond, we Recycle in a number of ways!)

Prairie Crossing Charter School