Email Only Announcements

Sturdy shirt boxes needed for the Altar Guild: If you have any spare, sturdy shirt boxes, please leave them on the bench in the hallway in the Parish House. Thank you!

Mass on the Grass: Join us each Wednesday at 6 p.m. throughout the summer for an informal outdoor worship service and potluck supper.

July 23 Bulletin Announcements
Today is SACRA (Staunton Augusta Church Relief Agency) Sunday: To donate, please use envelopes in your pew or write a check with SACRA on the memo line. SACRA is a completely volunteer-operated agency which pools the outreach and relief funding of local churches to provide help to those in need within the local community.

TODAY KYN (Know Your Neighbor) picnic! Remember all the fun we had at our Interfaith Lenten potluck dinners? Let’s keep the fun going! All congregants from A.M.E. Allen Chapel Church, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Islamic Center of the Shenandoah Valley, Temple House of Israel, and Trinity Episcopal Church are invited.  And bring a friend! TODAY  July 23, 2017; Time: 5:30-7:30 P.M.; Location: Oakdale Park, Bridgewater, VA, Shelter 3. Bring a potluck dish to share – no pork, please. Please list ingredients for the benefit of people with food sensitivities. The fun will include: Soccer balls and frisbees for kids, henna painting, informal horseshoe games, face painting, Calligraphed bookmarks in three languages (Hebrew, English, Arabic), and plenty more!
Newtown Neighborhood Association Annual Ice Cream Social: Sunday, July 23 from 2 - 4 p.m. on the garden terrace at 16 Church Street, home of Les & Carol Kipp. All Newtown residents are welcome! Please bring to share: Your favorite ice cream, toppings, or cookies.

Staff Note: Muffie Newell has rejoined the Trinity staff as Assistant for Christian Formation and Pastoral Care, the position she held two years ago. Muffie will work with both children and youth education, and classes and book study groups for adults. She will also coordinate pastoral care needs during Fr. Paul's sabbatical. Please welcome Muffie back to the staff!

One Time Open Flower Memorial Date: October 22 is open for an altar flower memorial but only for the current year. If you are interested, please contact Carol Brown or 540-414-5937.

New Forward Day by Day Devotionals have arrived! They are available for $1 each on the table at the back of the church and in the copy room of the parish house.

Sabbatical update: With Rev. Becky now on her way to Holy Innocents, there will be a few changes to Fr. Paul's sabbatical plans. Paul and Lee will still be away from Trinity from August 15 until December 15. Sunday services will be covered by supply priests from around the diocese. Pastoral care will be coordinated with Muffie Newell and the Rev. Anne Grizzle. Senior Warden Lundy Pentz and Junior Warden Erik Boody will oversee parish leadership, and Treasurer Tom Fechtel parish finances, with the help of the Vestry. Things will actually seem very normal! More details will be in the August Trinity Tribune before the sabbatical begins.

THANK YOU to those that have volunteered to help with Helping Hands Day camp. We have closed our registrations now. We have a full enrollment of over 70 children! During the first week in August the children will be enjoying visits from many neighbors in our community, such as the Staunton Fire & Rescue and the Augusta County K-9 unit who show us how they protect and keep us safe, George Laase (coach of the Staunton Braves) and some of his players will help teach us how to work together and be team players, and we will also learn how to take care of God’s earth be visiting with beekeepers and members of Project Grows. With the love and guidance from each of our area churches that help run this program, it is looking like a fun week ahead!

5K Walk/Run to support Boys Home of Virginia: Saturday, September 9, 2017 at the Roanoke River Greenway, Wasena Park. The Kids’ FREE Fun Run will begin at 8:45 a.m., followed by the Walk/Run 5K at 9:15 a.m.  Early registration will be $25 until August 8, 2017.  From August 9, 2017 until September 9, 2017, registration will be $30. If you are a member of a church and wish to participate in a group with your church, you may select one of the churches in the Roanoke, New River, Augusta, or Lynchburg Convocations when you register at If your church is not listed, contact us (Lauren Ward at or 540-965-7714) and we will add the church. Church groups will compete at two levels: 1) overall finish among the top four participants in each group, and 2) total contributions raised for Boys Home of Virginia through race registrations, sponsorships, and donations.  Winning church will receive a pizza party! Proceeds from the race will help fund the construction and renovation of two elementary school classrooms on the Boys Home of Virginia campus in Covington, VA. If you would like to be a team coordinator, please contact the Trinity office 886-9132 or

Prayer Bowl: Sallie Meffert recently donated a Prayer Bowl to Trinity Church in thanksgiving for all the prayers she received during her cancer treatment. The Prayer Bowl is a wonderfully simple way of sharing intercessions. When you need a prayer for yourself or another, write it on a card and put it in the bowl. When you put your card in, take a card out and pray for the person on it. That we we create a reservoir of prayer for each other! The Prayer Bowl, along with cards and pencils, is kept in the Nativity Chapel beside the pulpit. 

Liturgical Assistants
8:00 am Service

PRESIDER & PREACHER: The Rev. Paul Nancarrow
ALTAR CHAIR: Emily Cochran
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Sally Mueller, Lee Nancarrow
LECTOR: Grace Rice
USHER: Sue Armstrong
GREETER: Sally Mueller

10:00 am Service

PRESIDER & PREACHER: The Rev. Paul Nancarrow
ALTAR CHAIR : Emily Cochran
CRUCIFER: Mackenzie Deitz 
LECTOR: Claudette Obenschain
PRAYERS: Ellen Pentz
USHERS: Stuart Cochran, Ken Monroe
GREETER: Pat Clark
8:45 ENSEMBLE: Steve Carpenter, Cindy Hickman, Oakley Pearson, Bill Wellington

Online Bulletins