Distinguished Service Awards Announcement
It is my great pleasure to announce a new PICMG program honoring key contributors to PICMG’s growth and success. PICMG members have collaborated on nine major families of specifications and amassed more than 23 years of Open Standards development for Embedded Computing. Hundreds of people have participated in subcommittees and provided key contributions, leading to billions of dollars of computing solutions.
As Embedded Computing changes and people transition to new phases of their careers, the Officers felt it was important to acknowledge the many members, both active and inactive, who have been instrumental in the development and leadership of PICMG. For our first year of the program, we selected a large and deserving group as our initial honorees, reflecting the quantity of contributions that drive PICMG’s leadership in the industry. This proficient group contains founding members, leaders of previous successful efforts, and current initiative leaders.
Through the end of 2017, we will highlight honorees in this distinguished group, with information about their valuable contributions and accomplishments by publishing monthly articles in our newsletter and on our website. We will also establish a process to nominate future honorees.
I would like to personally thank all of them for their contributions to our 23 years of success.
Jess Isquith