October 26, 2017
  • Daytime program changes coming
  • Polling project: discrimination
  • WESun explores US/Canada topics
  • Ticket giveaways


To The Point Ends Broadcast Run
man with glasses
Warren Olney
As of Nov. 13, To the Point will shift from daily broadcast to a weekly podcast, as announced by the show's originating station, KCRW in Santa Monica, Calif. Host Warren Olney has had a long and storied career in radio and television news in the Los Angeles area, and says he's looking forward to being free of the restraints of a daily one-hour broadcast and will continue exploring news events and topics on the podcasting platform. You can subscribe here.

At KGOU, we're contemplating how we'll fill that 2 p.m. hole in our weekday broadcast schedule. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome; stay tuned for more information to come.

Fall Fundraising Update: T-shirts In High Demand
young man and woman in t-shirts
Storme Jones, Claire Donnelly
Our fall fund drive has received $201,736 in donations or pledges to donate. Thank you all! Once again, our "T-shirt Tuesday" campaign was very popular -- so popular, we're having to re-order more shirts. We hope to have all the thank-you gifts mailed to those who requested them in a few weeks' time. Thanks for your patience -- and your support. If you didn't have a chance to make your contribution, it's never too late to give!
Sunday Radio Matinee: OK Watch-Out "Treatment of Women"
Oklahoma Watch
In recent years, the visibility of women in leadership roles in Oklahoma has increased, with a female governor and other state leaders, successful entrepreneurs and corporate executives. At the same time, sexual harassment cases involving legislators have seized headlines, the state ranks high in violence by men against women, and has one of the nation's largest gender gaps in compensation. Oklahoma Watch recently held a public forum to explore the topic "The Treatment of Women." KGOU will broadcast the forum as our Sunday Radio Matinee on Nov. 5 at 12 p.m.

You, Me and Them: Experiencing Discrimination in America
three bar graphs
NPR News is examining the state of discrimination in America. In a series that launched this week, the coverage is rooted in a large national poll by NPR in collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. This unique survey of more than 3,400 respondents asked people about their personal experiences with discrimination across many areas of life.

Listen to NPR's newsmagazines for more results over the coming weeks, broken down for specific groups: African American, Latino American, LGBTQ, Native American, Asian American, and white respondents, as well as overall findings by gender.

NPR's Border Series Reports From Canada
small boat and fisherman
From NAFTA to oil pipelines to immigration, some global issues bind the U.S. to our northern neighbor while others set us on opposing sides. This week NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro is reporting in British Columbia, exploring the relationship between the U.S. and Canada. Lulu's stories are coming up on Weekend Edition Sunday Oct. 29. Photos are posted on NPR's On the Road Tumblr:

Ticket Giveaway ~ Oklahoma Festival Ballet at OU
woman in tutu
OU's School of Dance presents an evening of contemporary and classical ballet, performing the second act of Swan Lake, a world premier of guest choreographer Trey McIntyre's new contemporary ballet Opaque, Unfazed, and other works. We'll give away pairs of tickets to the Nov. 4 performance at the Rupel J. Jones Fine Arts Center in a random drawing next week.

Ticket Giveaway ~ Two to Tango at Armstrong Auditorium
Pablo Ziegler and Christopher O'Riley
Pianist and host of public radio's young talent showcase From the Top, Christopher O'Riley appears with Pablo Ziegler, Latin Grammy-winning pianist and composer who helped shape the modern tango. The two keyboard virtuosos will team up on two Hamburg Steinway grands at Armstrong Auditorium on Thursday, Nov. 9. Enter our drawing for a chance to win a pair of tickets:

Congratulations to our winners!
In our last issue we gave away tickets to OU Theatre's production of Noises Off to our winners Christopher and Sharman; we also gave tickets to Canterbury Voices' Bluegrass and Blue Jeans to Bobbie, Marlene, and Henry. Congratulations to all the winners!
KGOU Public Radio
[email protected]
(405) 325-3388 

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