How can you play a part in PAIR's mission?
There are many ways that you can help Houston's refugee youth!  Here's  how to get started:

Volunteer in a program or through other opportunities. Learn more, fill out a program volunteer application, or c ontact our Volunteer Coordinator, Michelle Jarest,  for more information. 

Make a monetary or in-kind donation that will support young refugees' efforts to succeed. Donate to our  Annual Fund  t o financially support our programs.  Or check out our in-kind needs. 

Advocate for refugees by familiarizing yourself with these welcoming points. Contact your  elected officials  to urge them to stay true to our great American history of providing a refuge to  those escaping persecution wherever they are from and whatever their religion. Be sure to stay up to date on refugee issues by subscribing to our newsletter or liking our Facebook page.

Help advance the future of young refugees by lending your brainpower to various organizational projects. Contact Volunteer Coordinator, Michelle Jarest, to share your talents. 

Join the PAIR newsletter and receive invites to PAIR events. Then, invite your friends to join too! 

Follow us on social media for even more updates!