Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains, NY
Spirituality   ·   Compassion   ·   Service
Practice of the Week

Idea Journal. True genius is not something reserved for a chosen few, but rather is something we all experience on occasion. Keeping an idea journal, you'll be able to make greater use of the genius within you, and compassionately offer to the world a more creative you. READ MORE
From the Minister

A couple years ago, I signed up with Disaster Chaplaincy Services of New York: I submitted a letter from UUA attesting to my good standing, went to an all-day training, had an hour-long phone interview, emailed them a picture of me, and got back an ID badge and a green vest with a "Disaster Chaplaincy READ MORE
Minister Coffee Chat. On Tuesdays, 3-5pm, I'm available at an area coffee shop. In October, I'll be at the Starbucks in Rye: 51 Purchase St. In November, I'll be at the Barnes & Noble Cafe, City Center, 230 Main St, White Plains. Drop by if you can! - Meredith
Lifespan Religious Education

Halloween is here. That means the ghosts, goblins, ghouls, giants, and gnomes are coming out of the woodwork (or courtyards in the case of the gnomes) at CUUC. We look forward to seeing the children and youth's alter egos on Sun as they get to give us a preview of their Tues costumes. In recent years, there has been significant... READ MORE and RE NEWS
Sunday morning's musical selections complement the monthly theme of Death and anticipate Halloween festivities later this week... The Interlude features a performance by CUUC's own Kim and Christian Force. Lukas Graham's "Funeral" is not... READ MORE
Upcoming Worship Services

Sun Oct 29
All Hallow's Eve
Rev. Meredith Garmon
The mid-point of autumn is marked in various ways in various cultures -- many of them having to do with remembering the dead. We'll have our annual ribbons of remembrance observance.

Sun Nov 5
Mindfulness Is a Fad
Rev. Meredith Garmon
Mindfulness seems to have become all the rage these days. Along with popularity have come critics. Some of those critics have a point.

Science & Spirituality    
Today Thu Oct 26, 11:30am, Fireside Area
A bi-monthly meeting to explore the relationship between science and spirituality. We will be discussing Evening Thoughts by Thomas Berry. Grab a copy and join us! Contact: Yvonne Lynn ( 
Social Justice Team Presentation    
"Current Housing Issues in Westchester," This Sun Oct 29, 11:45am, Fellowship Hall
Alexander H. Roberts, Executive Director of Community Housing Innovations and member of the Westchester Workforce Housing Coalition will speak on the state of affordable housing in Westchester. Co-sponsored by the CUUC Racial Justice and Hunger & Homelessness social justice teams.
Days In Place     
Sat Nov 4, CUUC Building & Grounds
Do you love the woods at CUUC? Would you like more trails and meditation areas? Come explore our wildlife treasure! Find out about and be a part of the community that appreciates, improves, and maintains the grounds at CUUC, which is our physical and spiritual home. Join us fireside, potluck lunch, or on in joyful stewardship. Contact: Bice Wilson (, Pamela Cucinell (
Stone Soup Brunch 
Sun Nov 5, after Worship
Our traditional RE fundraiser to support social justice projects. Delicious community soup and other
goodies prepared with the help of our religious education students. $5 adults, $3 children, $15 maximum for families.  
Young Adult Gatherings 
Young Adult Gathering, Sun Nov 5, 11:40am, Room 43
All members, friends and visitors in young adulthood interested in meeting one another and engaging on issues and interests in a mutually supportive environment are invited to participate. Contact: Cindy Davidson ( , 781-710-1640) or Perry Montrose (
Music at CUUC presents 
Adam Kent plays All Mozart, Sun Nov 5, 12:30pm, Sanctuary
Come hear CUUC Music Director Adam Kent in an all-Mozart program. Concert opens with a Music for All Ages that imagines Mozart "on the couch" with Freud! Suggested Donation $20, Students/Seniors $10, Children 13 & Under $5, Max Family Donation $45. Order HERE or buy d iscounted tickets at coffee hour.
Nurture Nature Community     
Nurture Nature Community and Wild Walk, Sat Nov 11, 10:00am, Parsonage
Led by Rev. LoraKim Joyner. We meet to be nourished by nature, including human nature, so that we can nourish the world. To find out more, register, and be sent the monthly information and practice packets, sign up at
CUUC Auction: A Night in Havana      
2017 Goods & Services Auction, Sat Nov 18, 5:30p, Tickets $40
What do I wear to the auction? Everyone is welcome to get as fancy as they like (or not). This year we celebrate "A Night in Havana," post-1920s through pre-1958. There is much culture and style to be inspired by -- from Caribbean colors to the great Cuban music that took the world stage, including the rumba, mambo, cha-cha, and salsa. Contact: Amy Swiss ( Remember, we are still seeking donations, selling tickets, and collecting your loose change. For a donation form, click HERE.    
Hurricane Relief Donations    
In our celebration of Cuban culture, we cannot forget the suffering of Carribean islands devastated by recent hurricanes. We invite you to support the UUA Disaster Relief Fund, which assists congregations impacted by natural disasters. The website includes links to relief organizations in Puerto Rico. 
From the Hunger & Homelessness team    
Last Sunday, Rev. Deb Morra shared a moving letter from her friend describing life in Puerto Rico now. One opportunity to help those affected is to donate or volunteer for the Child Care Council of Westchester's collection for natural disaster relief in Puerto Rico. For a list of accepted items, drop off locations, and to volunteer, click HERE. Volunteers needed through Tue Oct 31. Contact: Katie Pfeifer at CCCW (914-761-3456).   
From the Refugee Resettlement team    
Pelham to Syria Winter Donation Drive, Sat Oct 28, 10:00am - 4:00pm, St. Catharine's Rectory, 25 Second Ave, Pelham. Hearts and Homes for Refugees, in partnership with NuDay Syria , will collect, pack, and deliver material aid to displaced Syrians. Due to limited space, only specific items will be collected. Learn more HERE.
From the "Get Out the Vote" team    
This election day features 120 races, 233 candidates, and 3 statewide ballot proposals (flip to the back side of your ballot!). At coffee hour we will have free Voter's Guides available, courtesy of the League of Women Voters (learn more
HERE). And if you are unable to get to the polls, it's not too late to get an absentee ballot (learn more HERE).
Share the Plate for Oct: International Fund for Animal Welfare
This month half our non-pledge collection goes to the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), a non-profit that provides hands-on assistance to animals in need. Our collection will be matched up to $1,000 by an anonymous donor from the congregation.  
In the Community
Vigil & Rally Against Gun Shows at Westchester County Center, Mon Oct 30, 5:30pm, County Board of Legislators, 148 Martine Ave, White Plains
Co-sponsored by Prevent Gun Violence-Westchester, WESPAC, and others. Learn more HERE. 914-830-0639.
Breakfast Run, Sun Nov 12, 7:00am, FUSW Hastings
We need volunteers to help prepare food, pack clothes, and distribute and interact with the homeless in NYC. Contact: Annie Patton (914-588-4782), Art Lowenstein (, 914-844-4189, or 845-424-3638). Next Midnight Run will be Fri Dec 8.
"Made in Palestine" event, Sun Nov 19, 5:00pm, Tarrytown Music Hall
Presented by WESPAC. A night of comedy, dance & music featuring comedian Amer Zahr. Authentic Palestinian food and fair trade goods available to purchase. Tickets at 
Outside Events Held at CUUC
Irving Berlin: An American Institution, Sat Nov 11, 2:30pm, Fellowship Hall  
Historian Marty Schneit illustrates how an immigrant from Russia became the classic ragtime to riches story. Presented by the Westchester Community for Humanistic Judaism. Tickets $10 non-members. Contact: Dmitry 914-713-8828 (after 6pm).    
Caring & Sharing Circle

If anyone knows of another among us who is in need of a caregiver, please contact Janet Giewat (914 617-2137 or or her backup Adine Usher (914 328-2307 or In November, you may contact Adine Usher or her backup Barbara Mair (914-769-7186,
This Week at CUUC

The full calendar can be found HERE. Room numbers subject to change; please check the board on Sunday morning. To reserve a room, please contact Pam at the CUUC office (914-946-1660 x2,

Thu Oct 26 - 9:30am District LREDA meeting; 10:00am Journey Group-Kung; 11:30am Science & Spirituality
Sat Oct 28 - 10:00am Zen; 2:00pm Rental: Memorial Service
Sun Oct 29 - 9:30am Nursery; 10:00am Worship; 11:15am Coffee Hour; 11:20am UU Roots: Conversations for Visitors & Newcomers; 11:30am Meal Preparation for HOPE; 11:30am RE Halloween Event; 11:45 SJT Presentation: Housing Issues in Westchester
Tue Oct 31 - 7:00pm Rental: WCSPP; 7:30pm Choir rehearsal
Wed Nov 1 - 7:30pm Program Council
Thu Nov 2 - 9:30am Rental: League of Women Voters; 7:30pm Journey Group Facilitators 
Fri Nov 3 - 7:00pm Rental: WCSPP
Sat Nov 4 - 10:00am Zen; 12:30pm Journey Group Facilitators; 1:00pm Caring & Sharing
Sun Nov 5 - 9:30am Nursery Care; 10:00am Worship; 11:15am Coffee Hour; 11:30am Stone Soup Brunch; 11:30am Auction Committee; 11:45am Young Adult Gathering; 12:30pm Concert: Adam Kent plays Mozart
Minister: Rev. Meredith Garmon,, 914-946-1660 x3 
Director of Lifespan Religious Ed. & Faith Development: Perry Montrose,, 914-946-1660 x4 
Community Minister: Rev. Deb Morra,, 914-830-1509
Community Minister: Rev. LoraKim Joyner,
Ministerial Intern: Cindy Davidson,, 781-710-1640
Youth Program Coordinator: Chandeerah Davis,
Music Director: Adam Kent,, 212-595-7280
Choir Director: Lisa Meyer,
Congregational & Communications Administrator: Pamela Parker,, 914-946-1660 x2
Bookkeeper: Diane Pearson,, 914-946-1660 x5
Board of Trustees
Board Chair: Dean Silverberg,, 212-351-4642   
Vice Chair: Karen Dreher,, 914-235-7845
Treasurer: Chris Kortlandt,, 914-834-7112
Secretary: Steve Miller,, 914-723-0982
Social Justice Coordinators
Jeff Tomlinson,
Mary Cavallero,
Pamela Cucinell,
Rev. Meredith Garmon,
Quick Links

Your Moment of Zen

Mallard attended meetings for a while before asking her first question: "Aren't we wasting time just sitting here while the Blue Planet goes to hell?" Raven asked, "Do you waste your time eating?" "Is that all it is," Mallard asked, "Just personal maintenance?"  READ MORE

Saturday Zen Practice at CUUC: HERE.
The e -Communitarian newsletter is e-mailed each Thursday. 
Please send submissions to by noon on Tuesday.
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