Brattleboro Area Hospice Volunteer and Friends Newsletter

Join us this Friday & Saturday
You won't believe  the beautiful bargains!
Most items under $20

We are incredibly excited and grateful to Brattleboro Subaru to be chosen as their partner for 2016's Share the Love Campaign.

All customers who purchase a Subaru at their site will be given the opportunity to choose Brattleboro Area Hospice as their charity of choice and a donation will be made to us!

Check out their website for more information:   Brattleboro Subaru Share the Love

If you or someone you know are shopping for a car between now and December 31, check out Brattleboro Subaru and choose Brattleboro Area Hospice as the Share the Love charity.

What a wonderful business to support our work so generously!

Taking Steps Brattleboro

Your questions answered by  Joanna Rueter,  our Advance Care Planning Coordinator

Dear Joanna, OK--I'm finally going to do it! Talk with my parents and sibs during the holidays about end-of-life care planning. Please remind me one more time about the resources you particularly recommend?  Thanks, Nervous

Dear Nervous - Bravo to you. Take a deep breath. More people are doing this now and coming back to us saying how surprised they are that they actually had a good time (!) and that it was a very loving interaction. There are too many resources to list here but these are still at the top of my list:
1) The Vermont Ethics Network Booklet TAKING STEPS . That's how we got our project name TAKING STEPS BRATTLEBORO. It has lots of good info, is small and easy to read (and pack) and has a form in it. You can get them here for a small donation or use a loaner copy or you can order them on line Vermont Ethics Network Booklet    
 2) The Conversation Project Starter Kit which is easy to find and download or share on line at   The Conversation Project. It has super suggestions on how to approach the conversation - even wording if you want it.
 3) The GO WISH game from Go Wish. You can order the cards or play on line. It is a light way to open a door that is often shut tight in our culture.
All best wishes! Please get back to me about how it went. You are also welcome to call here for support. 802-257-0775 x 101.

Dear Joanna,   I want to let you know that the spouse in a couple I worked with early on called me to say that she was so thankful to have had a completed directive for her husband. That it helped so much during difficult times to know what to do.  A Grateful Volunteer

Dear Grateful, Thanks so much for letting me know. This is the hope and dream, really the reason for doing this - that this work will actually make life better for everyone. I'm so glad to hear. 

Please feel free to contact Joanna with your ACP questions by phone 802-257-0775 x101  or email: [email protected]  

Tips for Coping with Grief During the Holidays from the website What's Your Grief: Click Here
Easy activity
with kids & teens 

We've shared this before--but it's worth reminding you about this wonderful remembering activity--great for adults too!

A Beautiful Read: 
In a NY Times 
essay,  Mark
considers the importance of music 
as we die :

Watch a video created with music he chose:

How we're different.... why we're important

Brattleboro Area Hospice is one of only 200 volunteer non-profit hospices left in the United States providing volunteer-staffed programs to dying and grieving community members. We were founded in 1979 on the belief that no one should die alone, and are dedicated to offering all services free of charge.


TAKING STEPS BRATTLEBORO sends Congratulations to the our newly trained  ACP Facilitators!

Volunteers :  * Bev Bowen * Cara Benedetto * Diana Abath *  Don Freeman  
* Nancy Riege

Staff from other Agencies :    *  Marianne Almeda, Alicia Moyer  and Becky Arbella from the SASH Program, and  Franz Reichsman, MD,  Associate Medical Director Bayada  
It's fantastic to have all of you join the goal of encouraging all adults in Windham County to clarify their wishes and document them in Advance Directives.  

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Brattleboro Area Hospice   |   [email protected]

191 Canal Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301