
November 2016

SVCC Spotlights Alumni

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t o read more about SVCC alumni.
Recent Spotlights include:

Peggy Hart-Vernon

Jason Cates

Brandon Vaughan

Free Admission
Holiday Concerts
in December

The Nights Before Christmas, featuring a string quartet, will be presented by the Southside Virginia Community College Chorus in December with performances in Clarksville and 
South Hill.

Find out about jobs in welding, precision machining, computer technology, networking, and electricity.

Apprenticeship Training Open House
Thursday, December 1

SVCC Adjunct Receives Award
Dr. Joy Hurt received one of the five inaugural George Vaughan Leadership Awards for Outstanding Adjunct Faculty from the Virginia Community College System
Dr. Hurt (left), is congratulated by Dr. Al Roberts, and Dr. Dixie Dalton

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SVCC 2015-16 Annual Report Available
This year's report highlights the many roles that the College plays throughout our ten-county service area, and pays tribute to the contributions made by SVCC faculty, staff, and students to enhance our region's quality of life. The entire SVCC 2015-16 Annual Report can be seen  here.  Printed copies are available on request. Call (434) 949-1051.
Donate Now
 Help Us Meet Our Goal
.....of doubling your money!

$50,000 donation pledged

An anonymous donor has pledged up to $50,000 in matching funds toward scholarships for Mecklenburg County residents to attend Southside Virginia Community College. Your gift could help us meet our goal of maximizing the impact of this pledge. With your support, we can assist area students in their quest for education and training, a vital part of our mission. Please donate now or mail checks to:
Southside Virginia Community College Foundation
109 Campus Drive
Alberta, VA 23821

All gifts must be received by December 31, 2016.
Job Fair Big Success
More than 30 employers set-up displays, handed out applications, and met with potential employees during the Job Fair held at the Southside Virginia Education Center in Greensville County recently. SVCC Workforce Development and Student Development Services partnered with Crater Business Services Team to sponsor the regional event. Approximately 175 job seekers attended.
Governor's School Joint Site Meeting
The Governor's School of Southside Virginia is housed on the two campuses of SVCC. Recently, these students attended a joint site meeting on the John H. Daniel Campus in Keysville.  Students participated in numerous activities including Fast Break Game Show answering questions celebrating Hispanic Heritage Awareness. Local attorney Cal Spencer, also presented information on being Safe, Smart, and Social when using Social Media. 
New Scholarships Funded
The Gene Haas Foundation recently established a scholarship fund to support the Machining Skills Certification Program for Transitioning Military Service Members and Veterans. David Brown, Haas Specialist, recently presented the funds to Dr. Al Roberts, SVCC President. Joining Mr. Brown and Dr. Roberts are (far left) Bruce Sobczak, Director of Worklforce for Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM) and (far right) Douglas Bearver, SVCC instructor.

The program is a collaboration with the Soldier for Life Program at Fort Lee. Partners include SVCC, CCAM Virginia Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission, the Southern Virginia Center for Manufacturing Excellence, the Southern Virginia Higher Education Center, 180 Skills, Inc. and the Crater Regional Workforce Investment Board.
This endowed scholarship fund was recently established to memorialize the members of the family of Betty Jean Hammack Crockett by her husband, Charles Crockett.  Betty Jean Hammack Crockett grew up in Brunswick County.  The fund will provide scholarship assistant to students from Brunswick County whose career goals are to be teachers. 
Local Partnership Creating Education and Jobs for Southside Virginians
Eric Braun ABC Detailing Supervisor- Atlantic Division speaks to SVCC class
Southside Virginia Community College and American Buildings Company (ABC), a division of Nucor, are working together to offer the training and skills necessary for many of the jobs offered by the company.  
ABC, located in LaCrosse, Virginia, recently purchased additional software for use in the Computer Aided Drafting classes offered at the Lake Country Advanced Knowledge Center (LCAKC) in South Hill.  The software, TeklaStructures, is the same technology used by the local manufacturer in their Detailing Department.  Read More
Panther Prep Advising Day Held Across Campuses

Panther Prep Advising Day was held on November 21 at Christanna Campus in Alberta, John H. Daniel Campus in Keysville, Lake Country Advanced Knowledge Center in South Hill, and the Southern Virginia Higher Education Ce nter in South Boston.