Post-partum anxiety (PPA) and infant-feeding outcomes
A systematic review of 33 dyads examined the relationship between PPA and infant-feeding outcomes.
Women with symptoms of PPA appear less likely to initiate breast feeding, breast feed exclusively and are more likely to terminate breast feeding early. PPA reduces self-efficacy, increases breast feeding difficulties and may affect breast milk composition.
Neurodevelopmental outcomes in adolescents (10-15 years) born extremely preterm (EPT)
Active perinatal care (APC) increases the survival of EPT infants. At 10-15 years of age (compared to term-born control babies) rates of cognitive impairment, cerebral palsy, visual impairment and moderate/severe deafness affect significant numbers of adolescents.
Overall, 34% of EPT adolescents have moderate/severe impairments (babies born <23-24 weeks: 43%; >25weeks: 28.4%). 66% of adolescents born EPT who receive APC have mild or no disabilities.
Consuming energy drinks - effect on subsequent substance abuse
A longitudinal study of 621 youths, aged 14 years who did (or not) consume energy drinks, followed for 2 years indicates that at age 16 years regular energy drinkers are more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol and use marijuana.
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Outcomes of extremity vascular trauma in children
While uncommon in children, most vascular tree injuries in the extremities result from penetrating injuries.
A retrospective chart review from a single pediatric trauma center examined a variety of domains in 23 children with extremity vascular injury. Results indicate:
- Median age at injury: 8 years; mostly males (61%) with 65% upper extremity involvement.
- 74% result from penetrating injury.
- Majority (65%) undergo primary repair.
- 60%-75% have short- and long-term impaired extremity function.
- 13% undergo amputation for failed revascularization.
Long-term outcomes of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity (ADHD) and Conduct Disorder (CD)
AHDH and CD are common externalizing disorders (symptoms include delinquent and aggressive behavior, problems of self-control of emotions and behavior). An electronic database study reviewed available evidence linking ADHD and CD with a range of health and psychosocial outcomes.
Review of ADHD and CD long-term outcomes indicates increased risk for failing academic achievement, depression, criminality (drug abuse) and unemployment. Both conditions need to be addressed early in life to avoid long-term adverse outcomes.
Achieving therapy goals in children/adolescents with Dyslipidemia - effectiveness of statin therapy
Statin treatment is an efficient lipid lowering therapy for children with familial hypercholesterolemia (1:25). Untreated heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia results in cardiovascular death in approximately 25% of women and 50% of affected men. Routine early screening and treatment have been proposed though long term complications are unknown.
A one year prospective follow-up study of 1,521 children (median age: 14 years) with elevated base-line levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) treated on statin therapy indicates the cumulative probability of achieving appropriate LDL-C levels following one year of treatment is 60%, with boys in higher base-line levels most likely to require increased support.
Albuterol via metered-dose inhaler for asthma
A randomized, controlled double-blind, multicenter trial in 2-17 years olds (119 patients) with moderate to severe acute asthma compared outcomes of 2 different high dosage regimens of albuterol inhalation (6-18 puffs in the first hour depending on child's weight).
Higher albuterol dosage regimens appear safe in children with moderate to severe acute asthma.
Letter to the Editor
Having used the ImPACT test on children > 14 yrs of age pre and following concussion, I think it's important for your readers to know that baseline studies are frequently inconsistent & post injury test results often do not correlate with severe symptoms/cognitive slowing.
Its appears to be a very good marketing tool but its value in managing children with concussion is questionable at best".
John Kuluz., MD, Pediatric Critical Care
Director of Traumatic Brain Injury/Concussion Program
Miami Children's Health System
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