"Every Cat, Every Day Benefits From Winn-Funded Research"
October 25, 2017
Winn's Weekly Feline Research Byte
FIP At Centerstage

Lights...Camera...(Take) Action!

This is what filmmakers Aly Miller and Paul Castro, Jr. did after the heartbreaking loss of their young cat, Aeris. They made a movie about their life-changing experience to share the message about feline infectious peritonitis (FIP).

Aeris, the movie, will be screened on November 3rd at the Lincoln Center's David Rubenstein Auditorium. Winn Feline Foundation board members, 
Steve Dale and Susan Gingrich, will be present to answer questions and also talk about Winn. There have been some amazing recent advances toward a potential treatment of one form of FIP.

Everyone who attends the premiere will receive a copy of Winn's new 50th Anniversary book which includes an article about the history of the Bria Fund for FIP Research.

We promise you that no hearts will be left untouched.
#EndFIP #Cures4CatsDay 

There's no place like Winn for the future of cat health!
Winn Feline Foundation 
Phone: 201-275-0624 
Fax: 877-933-0939