A Reconciling in Christ synod
Bishop Gonia:  Why Being a GLOCAL Church Matters
I just returned from Geneva, Switzerland, where I had the profound opportunity to gather with over 75 representatives of member churches of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) to explore how the various parts of our global Lutheran Communion understand and live out the call to participate in God’s mission in the world today. It couldn’t have come at a better time as we in the Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America step into our own vision to together proclaim and embody the unconditional love of God for the sake of the world.

I am convinced that one of the distinct gifts we possess as this part of the Body of Christ we call the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is our commitment to understand church as always being GLOCAL – that it to say, globally related and locally relevant.

RMS-ELCA News and Events
Global Church Sunday Speakers Needed
Sunday, February 12 is Global Church Sunday in the Rocky Mountain Synod.  

In addition to a common liturgy and sermon and adult education resources, the Global Mission Committee is looking for people with global church stories and experience to share their stories in congregations that Sunday.  

Sign-up to share your story on the Global Mission website.
Office of the Bishop Holiday Closure
The Office of the Bishop will be closed the week between Christmas and New Years, December 26-January 2. Regular office hours will resume Tuesday, January 3.
Rocky Mountain Synod receives $500,000 grant from Lilly

We are overflowing with thanksgiving, having received word that the Rocky Mountain Synod has received a $500,000 grant from the Lilly Foundation to address the economic challenges faced by rostered ministers who serve the church as pastors and deacons. Our project is titled, “Educate, Equip, Enact,” or “3E".

Pastor Ron Roschke, now retired, served as the grant project chair. He was most recently an Assistant to the Bishop in the Rocky Mountain Synod. He expertly compiled survey data and crafted a proposal that will provide for ways to increase our financial capacity as the church to support new ministers attending seminary, educate ministers so they are financially astute, and provide grants for ministers with heavy debt loads. 

We are in the process of receiving applications for the 3E Project Director. Applications are due November 30 for this 1/2 time position. More information is here:

ELCA Worship Event

St. Paul Lutheran Church, Santa Monica, CA
Feb. 19-21, 2017

$40.00 per person
$100.00 per congregation

How can the beauty and diversity of those cultures be seen as gifts in our assembly’s worship life? How can culture help to shape our liturgies and even our understanding of worship in much deeper ways? How can these intentional conversations lead us into becoming a much more richly diverse church? All of these questions and more are ones that are crucial to nurturing the worship life of each of our worshiping communities.

Registration opens December 2016

For Your Bulletin
Bulletin Blurb

Offer hope this holiday season by joining LIRS in writing Christmas cards and purchasing gifts for children impacted by immigration detention.

As Lutherans, we are challenged to meet those displaced by violence with God’s love. Never has the call been more urgent or clear.

This Advent season, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) is offering several ways that individuals and Lutheran congregations across the country can stand in solidarity with migrants and refugees in our communities. Give the gift of hope through participating in the following activities:

  1. Offer prayers for migrants and refugees
  2. Organize a Thanksgiving dinner “Breaking Bread and Building Bridges” event
  3. Participate in our holiday card writing campaign and online gift drive to bring joy to the children isolated in family detention facilities in Texas and Pennsylvania
  4. Sign the petition to end family detention

Visit us at to learn more.  


Pastor Bruce Kolasch
Saturday, December 3 at 4:00 p.m. 
Elim Lutheran
575 23rd St
Ogden, UT 84401
Color of the day: Blue

Rev. Kaila Jo (Hochhalter) Armbruster
Sunday, December 10 at 4:00 p.m. 
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
3313 F Road
Grand Junction, CO 81504
Color of the day: Blue
RMS Prayer Cycle

November 2016

ELCA Churchwide ministries and Staff 
Presiding Bishop Eaton

December 2016
Utah Conference

Ascensio n
Ogden, UT
Ascension St. Matthew’s
Price, UT
James Locke

Prayer of the Day
O God of all the prophets, 
you herald the coming of the Son of Man by wondrous signs in the heavens and on the earth. 
Guard our hearts from despair so that we, in the company of the faithful 
and by the power of your Holy Spirit, 
may be found ready to raise our heads at the coming near of our redemption,the day of Jesus Christ. Amen.

For other prayer resources, download ELCA Prayer Ventures, for daily prayer petitions.

Around the Synod
Glory of God Lutheran Church
Glory of God Lutheran Church presents a night in Bethlehem
Saturday, Dec. 10 at 5 p.m.
12200 West 38th Avenue
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
The streets of Bethlehem, City of David, are crowded. The marketplace is teeming with people, enticing smells and tastes, and sounds of merchants hawking their wares of baked goods, arts, and crafts. Caesar Augustus decreed the world should be enrolled. Come be counted. Each person entering will be taxed one can of food for The JEFFCO Action Center. Please leave your donkey at the door.
For more information call 303-421-2721
500th Year of The Reformation! The Footsteps of Martin Luther
Information Meeting
Sunday, December 11
9:15 a.m. or 12:00 p.m. 
Augustana Lutheran Church
5000 East Alameda Avenue, Denver, CO 80246

Augustana Lutheran Church invites one-and-all on this post-Easter pilgrimage through Germany and Luther's world, inspiring the traveler to live courageously by faith. On Saturday evening, the group will attend English worship service at City Church where Martin Luther preached, was married, and baptized his six children.

Meeting to learn more and ask questions of a Faith Journeys representative is scheduled.
Registration is due by December 23. Check out the trip itinerary, cost, and registration online: Trip number 17043 at Faith Journeys.
Email Julie at the church office for more information or call 303-388-4678.   
HFASS to hold Holden Evening Prayer 
House for All Sinners and Saints will sing Holden Evening Prayer
at the 16th Street Mall on Wednesdays  at 6:30 during Advent, Nov 30 and Dec 7, 14, 21 

They will gather at 6:30 p.m. in front of the Hard Rock Cafe at the corner of 16th Street and Glenarm Place. They will then walk to the public piano on the mall between Glenarm and Tremont. All are welcome. Bundle up!
For additional information email Reagan 
HFASS to host Beer and Carols 
House for All Sinners and Saints is holding Beer and Carols.
Saturday, December 10 at 7 p.m.
Blake Street Tavern

We sing carols, drink beer (root beer included) and wear ugly sweaters. Folks who want to eat should plan to come a little early around 6:30. All are welcome. It's family friendly.
For more information email Reagan
Deutscher Weihnachtsgottesdienst at Community of Joy Lutheran Church
German language Christmas Worship Service
Sunday, December 18, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. 

The Rev. Michael Bastian, German born Pastor at Community of Joy, will deliver the sermon and lead through the service in the German language. Traditional Christmas hymns and music will be provided. 

We welcome all visitors to our church for this special event and fellowship after the service. Invite your parents, bring your children. Spread the word to any of your friends who have connections to Germany and the German language and join us for this wonderful Christmas celebration.
Our Life Together
Celebration Sunday at Immanuel,Greeley, CO 

On Sunday, November 13, 2016 Immanuel had the opportunity to celebrate. We celebrated the 30th anniversary of Pastor Abe’s ordination. Prayers and blessings were offered during worship and the congregation presented Pastor Abe with a “travel fund” for his next adventure. 

Immanuel was also able to burn their mortgage, a loan taken out for the addition of an elevator to our building.  The mortgage was paid off in 6 years early!

Immanuel celebrated with prayers of thanks for our blessings, worship, burning the mortgage papers, a congregational lunch and, of course, cake!

Refugees Need Your Help in Colorado and New Mexico
Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains

Did you know that there are local refugee resettlement agencies that need your help? Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains (LFS) is a proud refugee resettlement agency, working with refugees and asylees in Colorado and New Mexico. LFS resettled 1,418 refugees last fiscal year across four offices in Colorado and New Mexico. LFS provides services, support, and encouragement to refugees and asylees as they learn about life in the U.S. and work towards self-sufficiency. In many cases, LFS needs help from churches, organizations, and individuals to provide the services and supplies necessary for refugees to become self-sufficient and integrate into their new communities.

There are many ways to get involved:
1) make a charitable donation to the refugee program  
2) become a foster parent to an unaccompanied refugee minor;
3) volunteer as a refugee mentor and work with refugees one-on-one; and/or
4) donate common household items like lamps, dishes, towels, sheets, etc.
For more information, please visit LFSRM or email for more information.   
Gift giving could also provide a small donation to RMS
We aren’t encouraging “shopping” as the reason for the season. But giving gifts is meaningful, and if you’re placing an order ANYWAY through Amazon, you might as well support the Rocky Mountain Synod at the same time.  Use this link, and your Amazon purchases will provide a small percentage donation to the RMS:

Choir Robes Available
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church-Salt Lake City.

We have 43 emerald green choir robes, 41 gold & white stoles that are no longer being used.  

We’d like to find a good home for them! If someone  wants them,
call Connie Degn, at 801-278-1412.  

Pre-schedule Your Gift to Support Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp Through Colorado Gives Day

Colorado Gives Day 
December 6, 2016

Support the ministries of RAINBOW TRAIL LUTHERAN CAMP through the Community First Foundation on Colorado Gives Day, December 6, 2016. You can make a huge difference in this ministry by providing funds for camperships, summer staff salaries, site improvements, and much, much more.

Mark your Calendars: December 6, 2016. 24 hours to Give Where You Live! You can pre-schedule your gift now at Colorado Gives-Rainbow Trail. 
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Congregational planning and goal setting resource
7-step guide for setting congregational goals

This resource, offered by the Gulf Coast Synod LEAD program, offers a step-by-step road map for leading your congregation in annual planning and goal setting set up in an 8 hour retreat format.

New Augsburg Fortress Resources
Books of Faith
Explore individual books of the Bible through historical, literary, Lutheran, and devotional lenses. Each Books of Faith study includes a Leader Guide and Learner Guide

Lenten Journey
Open scripture and join in conversations about the Bible with friends, family, or a small group during Lent. Free downloadable worship helps are available for each Lenten Journey.

Free Indeed: Devotions for Lent 2017 and 40-Day Journey with Martin Luther offer two distinct pathways for your congregation’s catechism journey this coming Lent.

Employment Opportunities
Non-rostered positions available

Faith Community Nurse- Parish Nurse Position 
Augustana Lutheran Church, Denver, CO 

Office Assistant 
Trinity Lutheran, Boulder, CO 

Secretary/Editorial Assistant
St. Philip Lutheran Church, Littleton, CO

Children Youth and Family Ministry Director 
All Saints, Albuquerque, NM

Seeking a Director of Faith Formation
Christ the Servant Lutheran, Louisville, CO

Music Director and Choir Director
St. Luke, Albuquerque, NM

Part-time Director
The New Mexico Conference of Churches 

Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Gonia
  • All Staff Meeting
  • LFS RM Board Meeting
  • Wyoming Ecumenical Gathering
  • Installation-Bruce Kolasch-Elim, Ogden UT
  • Ascension, Ogden, UT
  • Mobility Conference CA
Pastor Kent Mueller
  • Lutheran Center Administration

Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM

  • All Staff Meeting
  • Peace Lutheran Church Las Cruces, NM
  • LAM-NM Policy Committee Meeting

Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-CO

  • All Staff Meeting
  • LFS Board Meeting
  • CSLC Lobbyist Luncheon
Pastor Judith VanOsdol        

  • Mustard Seed, Fort Collins, CO
  • All Staff Meeting
  • Christ the King, Colorado Springs, CO
  • Mobility Conference, CA 

Erin Power, Diaconal Minister

  • All Staff Meeting
  • Installation- Bruce Kolasch- Ogden, UT
  • Zion, Salt Lake City, UT
  • Hunger Network

     Pastor Sarah Moening

    • All Staff Meeting
    • Mobility Conference, CA

    Andy Sprain

    • All Staff Meeting
    • First Third of Life Team
    • Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry-UNC
    Quick Links
    Share the News
    Erin Power   Assistant to the Bishop
    Maria Sutton , Communication Assistant 
    Rocky Mountain Synod
    800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744

    Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following Wednesday. Event announcements are included for about two weeks and should be submitted via the eConnection Submision link above.