By Judy Hissong, CLM
President | Nesso Strategies

Interviewing skills are often overlooked and undervalued-until a "bad hire" happens. Somehow the person hired wasn't the "right fit" or misrepresented themselves in the process. It does happen-there are instances when someone represents themselves by painting a lovely landscape that the interviewer delights in viewing. Savvy interviewing skills are the key to sorting out the paintings from the practical.

Recent statistics were released about the success of lateral hires.  We now have the hard data to support our intuition-about 50%...

By Judy Hissong, CLM

Here we go.....into the month of December, typically filled with holiday cheer -- along with performance evaluations, compensation decisions, budgets, and an assortment of other pressure-filled projects and assignments that happen only once a year.

Do You Hear What I Hear?
  is on the radio, and I'm thinking about what I hear when...