Blessing of the Animals 

In October and early November, many churches celebrate the feast of St. Francis, who reminds us that God's Creation includes more than human kind, with a blessing of our companion animals. Here are some more photos of the Blessing of the Animals from our synod congregations. 

From Living Lutheran - Many ELCA congregations celebrate the wonders of God's creation and the legacy of St. Francis by holding pet-blessing services and activities for the community. It is a time to remember how God's creatures - of all sizes, shapes and species - bless our lives and are essential to the environment that sustains all living things, including humankind. We commit ourselves to caring for their wellbeing in the world whether they be service animals, pets, domesticated animals, wild animals, pets in shelters, bugs or creatures that fly, crawl, run or swim.

Mt. Carmel, San Luis Obisbo  enjoyed an outdoor service at the Blessing of the Animals. 

Bethania, Solvang  also celebrated their pets outdoors. 

Our Redeemer, Oxnard  blessed cats as well as dogs.