December 2016 
from your ARGI team! 

We hope you and your
family enjoy a joyous, peaceful holiday season!

Check out our holiday video to learn about our favorite traditions and to watch us get lots of holiday trivia wrong!
Investment News
from the desk of Clay Keeley

Major US stock markets outperformed, driven by the unexpected presidential election of Donald Trump.

Bonds and international stocks exhibited negative returns. The S&P 500 increased by 3.7% on the month and is now up almost....

ARTICLE: Could Unclaimed Money Be Yours?
More than $40 billion in unclaimed cash & property waits to be returned. At first glance, that figure seems staggering, unbelievable - and, yet, it is true. To be more exact, the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administration (NAUPA), a coalition of state unclaimed property programs, puts the total at $41.7 billion...

Lauren Powell
HR Manager

We're currently hiring for positions Louisville.
Learn more at

Describe your role at ARGI in less than two sentences: As ARGI's Human Resources Manager, my role is to promote the best possible professional environment and experience for our employees. I develop and implement HR policies and programs focused on attracting, selecting, engaging, developing, rewarding, and retaining ARGI's workforce.
Do you have a nickname? I wish that I did! I've always been jealous of people with cool nicknames.
Hometown: Goshen, Kentucky
Motto/mantra/favorite quote? "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground." - Theodore Roosevelt
What is the greatest challenge you have had to overcome in your life thus far?   Completing my Master's degree in Human Resources Management while working full-time was definitely my biggest challenge.
Where is your favorite place to vacation? Anywhere with a beach! I've loved visiting different parts of the Carolinas.
What is your favorite hobby? Reading and learning about/using essential oils.
What is the best book you have ever read? I love to read, so it's really hard to narrow it down to just one. I love the Harry Potter series, the Outlander series, and Pride & Prejudice.
Are you involved with any charities or non-profits? I've recently become involved with the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. One of my dear friends was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 2009, so it is a cause that's near and dear to my heart.
Number one thing on your bucket list? Traveling to Europe. I visited Italy, France, and Monaco, but I have several other countries on my list of places to visit!
What would you do (for a career) if you weren't doing this? I love books and organizing, so I would love to be a librarian if I weren't a Human Resources Manager.
If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be? Maybe FBI Director, so I could learn about all the secrets in U.S. history. It sounds like an exciting job, but only for one day - it would be too much stress to do it for longer than that!
What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13? Be proud of your uniqueness, and don't try to change for anyone else.
How do you define success? I define success as achieving my goals and leaving a lasting positive impression on the people I interact with.

"The holidays are about giving and receiving.  And returning.  Once you've made the moral decision to ditch the sweater from Aunt Suzie (which looks just like the sweater she gave you the year before), make sure you do it right.  Here are four rules for smart gift-returns..."

Congratulations to Dr. Gerardo Gomez, who is retiring from Eskenazi Health in Indiana this month!

"Dr. Gomez presided over care for patients in the Indiana State Fair stage collapse and cared for our officers when shot.  When he came to Wishard Hospital 26 years ago, there were no trauma centers. Gomez started the first, knowing it was key to saving lives."

Thank you for your service to our community, Dr. Gomez!


Do you have a milestone or announcement you'd like to share with our readers? Email info and photo to us!

We love to volunteer and be out & about in our communities when possible.
Below you will find photos from our most recent volunteer excursions:

Employees from Louisville volunteered at Salvation Army Angel Tree booths collecting gifts and helping patrons choose an Angel.