Rethinking Engineering Design Execution
Mark your calendars! On January 24th - 31st 2015 The Tata Center for Technology+Design along with MIT will be hosting a camp that will bring together students from across India to work closely with clinicians over seven days to develop fully functional prototypes for medical diagnostics. Students will engage in a complete pipeline of device design: from ideation, to project definition, to prototyping, to user testing, and finally to presentation and demonstration of their achievements in an exhibition open to the public and press.
Last month PostDoc Barmak Heshmat presented his talk titled The Future of Imaging to a full crowd in Boston. Hear Barmak's predictions for the mobile market, time of flight and the popularity of cameras.
Imaging Cafe - December 17th

Are you involved in imaging ventures - Cameras, Displays, Visual Computing, Smartphone Apps, Health-tech, Fabrication?
Imaging Cafe brings together researchers, engineers, and students to foster deeper conversation with entrepreneurs, mentors and investors. This gathering is for people excited about mobile camera phones, cameras in developing countries, image-search, medical imaging, online photo sharing, home automation, computational photography, 3D printing and more. We are planning biweekly social gatherings
at imaging hot-spots in town for the imaging and computer

vision community. This Imaging Cafe will focus on Nashik and the Kumbh Mela Opportunity.
4:00 to 6:00 - MIT Media Lab - E14-240
RSVP to John Werner
The Kumbh Mela Opportunity
Your mind can do a world of good in a world in need. We're looking for innovators, problem solvers, and tech and business experts for a weeklong buildathon in Nashik, India to solve, create, and implement new technologies that inspire real change in a rapidly growing community. Want to make a difference? Email John Werner or visit
StreetScore Algorithm Created by Nikhil Naik

StreetScore is an algorithm that assigns a score to a street view based on how safe it looks to a human - but using a computer. This website , a collaboration between the Macro Connections Group and the Camera Culture Group, is a collection of map visualization of perceived safety. Learn more about StreetScore and see the maps.
New Group Members

We have had several new group members start recently. We will share info on them in each Camera Culture Snapshot. Today we would like to introduce you to Albert Redo Sanchez and In Kyu Park. Albert's research interests include terahertz, photonics, advanced data analysis, inverse problems, robotics, advanced manufacturing, and system modeling and simulation. Albert's background is in terahertz systems and applications in non-destructive testing and spectroscopy. He recently presented his research to our visiting committee. In Kyu Park is a visiting professor in our group. Since March 2004, he has been with the Department of Information

and Communication Engineering, Inha University, where he is an associate professor. Dr. Park's research interests include the joint area of computer vision and graphics, including 3D shape reconstruction from multiple views, image-based rendering, computational photography, and GPGPU for image processing and computer vision. He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACM. Learn more about our team here.