Dear OHJA Members,

     As the new year approaches, it is time to elect your 2017 OHJA Board Members.  Please take a moment to click the link below to read the attached bios and cast your vote! 

It's also time for our general meeting.  The meeting will be held on Jan 8th, 2017.  Please take time to click the link below to read the proposed rule and bylaw changes.  We have some very important rule change proposals that, if passed, would affect the non-USEF rated shows.  I strongly encourage everyone review these changes and to attend the general meeting.

The general meetings are an opportunity for all OHJA members to voice their opinions and ideas, to meet your new board members and to hear from your board about the upcoming season!  We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.

Happy Holidays!

Beka Swan
OHJA President 2016