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Call for Presentations for the 2017 National RTAP Technical Assistance Conference: Transportation at the Center

The National RTAP Conference Committee announces a call for presentations for the 2017 Technical Assistance Conference in Omaha, Nebraska, October 29-November 1.

This is the third biennial conference focused on innovation, best practices, and compliance.  The target audience includes rural, tribal and human service transit providers; planners; state transportation and human service agency staff; intercity bus operators; consultants; and others with an interest in rural transportation.

The Conference Committee seeks proposals on topics and tools relevant to rural public, tribal, veterans' and intercity bus transportation. We are especially interested in those who have implemented or developed successful approaches at their agencies to issues related to Administration & Planning, Operations, Compliance, Coordination, and Technology

Read the full Call for Presentations or visit the 2017 Conference WebsitePresentation abstracts should be submitted via our Online Form no later than January 30, 2017.
FTA and US DOT Updates

FTA published a  Transportation Toolkit  for its Every Place Counts Leadership Academy. The toolkit is designed to help community members and other stakeholders better understand the transportation decision making process. 

FTA released a  Guidance Letter  and  FAQ  on Shared Mobility, and here's the  Landing Page . You can also join the ongoing  Shared Mobility Online Dialogue  which will be open until January 27, 2017.

FMCSA established a  National Drug and Alcohol Testing Clearinghouse for CDL Drivers, which will be a centralized record containing violations of the Drug and Alcohol Program.

FTA Research released an updated  Transit Asset Management Guide, to incorporate the 2016 Final Rule, which sets out asset management requirements for transit providers. The guide notes rule requirements throughout a broader discussion of best practices. 

FTA announces its Transit Oriented Development 2nd round winners. These 5 cities will be receiving technical assistance to help create more walkable, livable places.
Resources and News


Check out this great Case Study by the Small Urban and Rural Transit Center (SURTC) which explores transit's contribution to livability in rural communities.

Looking through the news and resources from LTAPs and TTAPs nationwide, we came across the  Tribal Consultation Best Practices Guide for Metropolitan and Regional Transportation Planning Organizations in Washington State. This guidebook includes direct, practical advice for tribes and MPOs on working together.

SURTC published it's  2016 Rural Transit Fact Book, a great resource for better understanding the rural transit landscape. 

The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center released an information brief on  Ways to Support Accessible, Safe Pedestrian Paths to Transportation and Service Centers.


NHTSA Proposes a 'Driver Mode' for Devices to Curb Behind-the-Wheel Distractions.

Isn't it great when transit is appreciated? Read 5 Wild Escapes You Can Access by Public Transportation in  Outdoor Magazine.  


Upcoming NTI Courses include  Advanced Mobility Device Securement Skills in SC in January and March ; Procurement for Small and Medium Transit Systems in Tampa in March; and  Implementing Rural Transit Technology in SC in  April. These courses do have a registration minimum, so interested agencies should sign up early to make sure they are held.

Easterseals Project Action (ESPA) Consulting is offering  Accessible Transportation Community Initiative (ATCI) grants to increase and improve independent mobility for people with disabilities and older adults through the development of transportation coalitions to ten communities within the following states: MN, WI, MT, ND, SD, WA, AK. Applications are due  January 15, 2017. 
December 15, 2016
Transportation Research Board
96th Annual Meeting
January 8-12
Washington, DC

2017 Winter Meeting 
January 11-13
State College, PA

Southwest Transit Association
Annual Conference
February 13-15
Baton Route, LA

National RTAP
Peer Call 
February 15
Registration TBD

Transit Maintenance Leadership Workshop
Long Beach, CA
April 10-14, 2017

12th Annual Drug and Alcohol Program National Conference
April 18-20, 2017
New Orleans, LA

Virginia Transit Association
Conference and Expo
May 23-24, 2017
Arlington, VA

National RTAP 
2017 Technical Assistance Conference
Oct 29-Nov 1,  2017
Omaha, NE

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our  Calendar . If you'd like to submit an event, please email

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
Want to learn about upcoming transportation events 24/7? Check out our  Events Calendar! While you are there, watch our previous Webinars and Peer Calls, or ask a question with  
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main:  5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.:  50 F Street NW, Suite 7020, Washington, DC 20001